Monday, October 28, 2013


There will be more dates to watch each month lets take a look at November

We have November 14th and 17th

There has been movement between the banks and there is a moment in time when a day will come for currencies to be dissolved through out the world all at the same time sound shocking or impossible...

think again...

Just reflect back a few 100 years ago and the people of the Earth  thought the world was flat and you would drop off the face of the planet

Not the case and it never happened we discovered the Earth was round and actually it is impossible to fall off the face of the earth is our reality

The next potential reality is a mass collapse of  currency in the world  as impossible this may happen think back and put yourself in the shoes of the people that thought the earth was flat

And feel what they felt with that false thought it will be the same feeling as what I speak of and the last standing assets are the Lone Rangers Gold And Silver

Get yours before it is gone the clock is ticking very fast and it will not last forever

Because the banks are putting restrictions on wire transfers the United States will be a sitting Duck with out gold and silver just look at yesterdays blog post have you taken a real look at who is buying Gold and Silver in this world View Here:


Dr.Jones below:
click here

Lindsey Williams, October 22 interview Oct 28, 2013 Lindsey says he was told last summer that the banking collapse is being timed to occur shortly after the Obamacare bill begins to be implemented. He defines "collapse" in a way that most people do not realize. Right now, Obamacare is being postponed, due to the computer problem. He also confirms how war with Syria was averted by divine intervention in mid-September. He also shows the importance of October 17, which was one of our watch dates. Watch also November 17, because it appears that JP Morgan Chase Bank sent out a letter to their customers, telling them that they will no longer wire money internationally on November 17. Businesses that buy and import internationally could be put out of business if other banks follow suit. Lindsey suggests perhaps the bank knows the date of the start of the "collapse." It may be a good idea to have less money in the bank in mid-November in case some of this comes to pass without divine intervention stopping it or putting it off for a later time. - See more at:

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