Sunday, October 20, 2013

2 Lone Rangers (confirmation America the world cast away) Watch January 14/15th 2014

Watch January 14/15th 2014 mark your calendars

there has been a shock cast around the world even though the US Gov. has postponed the debt ceiling until Feb 7th yet

there has been set into motion and escape plan from the US Dollar a build up from a world view and the loss of confidence in the US Gov. including the dollar with this new paradigm shift we are now ready to see in this physical world the effects of the child's play from Washington although there has been a transition these last couple of years we are now ready to see this transition manifest itself into our world

when interest rate rise (2015) our economy (US economy) is toast prepare within these last 90 days of 2013

I see high velocity in the year of 2014 200-400 point moves +/- in stocks as well as 50-100 dollar moves in Gold 20 dollar moves in silver the 2 Lone Rangers that will be left after the world looses faith in all paper currency are gold and silver that you can hold in your hand.



Gerald Celente
"Government re-opens… only until January 15th while raising the debt ceiling until February 7th! Which means… they didn’t solve a thing! JP Morgan Chase places withdrawal limits & China invests in building the first nuclear plant in the Britain since 1995. Great!"

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