Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Message from Jim Sinclair ("Gold as a Barometer for Fear")

The market is made of 2 things Fear and Greed why?

I order for people to jump in the market they will ask what is in it for me, the answer is great profits :)
(everyone likes a deal.)

However let it be said that the reason you choose to get into the market and you want to know when to get out, well that all depends on the individual see this is where Fear comes in or losses :)

with this huge amount of money looking for it's new home which is said to seek real tangible products it will not be a surprise when this happens take note that the currency printed today will make the real products you need (food water shelter energy) increase in price
as these items are the basic necessities we all need and the currency will leave the stock market and go into theses markets flooding them inflating them outrageously be ready folks as a weatherman predicts the weather using technical analysis and computer model  so also we predict the economic storm that has crashed ashore and will make the world spin sideways in 2014 leading to the fall out in 2015 It is time to release the kraken.


Jim Sinclair:

QE to Infinity, followed by Gold balancing the balance sheets of the sovereign balance sheet disasters. Just as there is no tool other than QE to feign financial solvency, there is no tool to balance the balance sheet of the offending entities other than Gold. It is just that simple. --Jim Sinclair 

My Dear Extended Family,     
Gold is a unique currency.
Gold becomes money when money fails.
Gold is competition with fiat currency.
Gold is not a commodity
Gold is a barometer of fear.
Attempts to break the barometer in order to avoid fear are futile both in trying to hold the value of gold down as well as preventing fear.
Gold is a barometer of confidence in government's functionality
Gold is insurance. Trading your insurance is dangerous because when you need your insurance it will out-price itself immediately by hundreds or thousands of other currency units.
Inflation equals money squared. Hyperinflation is a currency event, not an economic event.
Gold is the financial high-ground when a Global Tsunami hits, such as sovereign default or the real threat thereof.
Gold in your hand eliminates counter-party risks.
Gold in hand removes financial agents between you and your assets.
Gold ETFs defeat the definition and purpose of gold and are therefore poor choices for the gold investor.
Claims on paper gold by ETFs far exceed anything that the true cash physical spot market could EVER provide.
Velocity of money represents attitude of all consumer types from business to household.
Velocity of money would spike when confidence in a currency is lost in terms of that currency.
There is no practical way to drain debt from the fragile economic recovery therefore QE must go to infinity.
Margin in gold is a financial death wish.
A weak currency is a symptom of Inflation in Monetary Aggregates.
The price of gold has many enemies, but the most seditionist are those who claim to be friends of gold - the majority of those authorities that write on gold.
Hold your gold and get out of the system.

File:Colossal octopus by Pierre Denys de Montfort.jpg

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