Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why the 53-1 is now 1-1 Silver vs Gold (The Turning Point)

this is a turning point in the Silver and Gold ratio's through out the United States domestic sales GAP of  Gold eagles compared to silver eagles is $ dollar per dollar HAS BEEN DISSOLVING as this report shows  (below) the significance of the relationship historically is 16 Oz Silver to  1 Oz of Gold and it should now be scrapped as the proof of physical sales of silver has well overcome the sales of physical gold  (The arms of Silver have overtaken Gold)

Silver is the GO TO ASSET!



Important Charts On Gold & Silver Eagle Sales

Filed in Precious Metals by on October 29, 2013 9 Comments
After the record buying of Gold Eagles after the precious metal smack-down in April of this year, sales of these coins declined significantly in August & September.  However, sales have seen a substantial turn around this past month.
Sales of the Gold Eagles were only 11,500 oz in August and 13,000 oz in September.  The total of these two months were only half of the total amount shown in July, which recorded 50,500 oz of Gold Eagle sales
If we look at the chart below, we can see that Gold Eagle sales have increased to 46,500 oz, over 3 times the amount they were in the previous two months:
2013 Gold Eagle Sales OCT 2
I’d imagine the increase sales in the Gold Eagles were probably due to the drama of the U.S. Government shut-down along with the ongoing debt-ceiling fiasco.  For whatever reason, sales of the Gold Eagles have picked up once again.
I don’t have an updated chart for the Silver Eagles, but their present October sales figures are 3,087,000 for a total of 39,175,000 for 2013.  If we see another 3 million sales for each of the remaining two months of the year, total sales of Silver Eagles should reach a new record of 45 million in 2013.

Important Chart On Historic Silver-Gold Eagle Sales Ratio

To get a good idea of the interesting trend taking place in the Gold & Silver Eagle market, we need to go back and look at the historic sales data from the U.S. Mint.
Gold & Silver Eagle Sales Ratios
In the 28 years that the U.S. Mint has been producing the Eagle coins, over 360 million Silver Eagles and 20 million Gold Eagles were sold.  This turns out to be a historic Gold-Silver Eagle sales ratio of 18/1.
Assuming current spot prices plus typical premiums, the total value of Gold Eagles sold to date would be approximately $28 billion and Silver Eagles $9 billion.  Thus, we have a historic 3/1 value ratio.  Basically, investors have bought $3 dollars of Gold Eagles compared to every $1 of Silver Eagles over the lifespan of the program.
Now If we break down the data further, we can see a very interesting trend.
You will notice from the start of the program in 1986, sales of Gold Eagles were much higher in percentage terms compared to Silver Eagles.  From 1986-1995 sales of Gold Eagles were 6.3 million while Silver Eagles were 62 million.  So, for the first ten years, the ratio of Gold to Silver Eagles was 10/1.
Furthermore, from 1996-2005 Gold Eagle sales were 7.2 million while Silver Eagle sales hit 76 million.  Again, we had a little more than a 10/1 ratio during this ten-year time period.
However, something very interesting has taken place in the last 8 years.  Sales of Gold Eagles are estimated to be 6.5 million from 2006-2013 whereas Silver Eagle sales will hit an astounding 222 million.
This turns out to be a staggering 34/1 ratio.  In addition, the ratio will hit nearly 53/1 in 2013.  This is based on an estimated 45 million Silver Eagles & 850,000 oz of Gold Eagles for 2013.
By extrapolating the data from 2006-2013, the value of total Gold Eagles sold is approximately $9.1 billion and Silver Eagles are $5.6 billion.  Here we can see the value ratio is now less than 2/1 (1.6/1 to be exact).
Lastly, in 2013 the value ratio of Gold-Silver Eagles will fall to nearly 1/1.  Using the same current spot price plus premiums, the total value of Gold Eagles sold in 2013 will be worth $1.19 billion and Silver Eagles $1.13 billion (based on estimated 850,000 oz Gold Eagles @ $1,400 and 45 million Silver Eagles @ $25).
What is important to understand here is that Silver Eagles are selling 53 times more than Gold Eagles, but the value ratio is now 1/1.  Not only has the historic 28 year sales ratio of 18/1 increased almost three times to 53/1, but investors are now purchasing dollar for dollar the same amount of Silver Eagles as they are Gold Eagles.
Of course both gold and silver will be excellent investments going forward, but investors are banking on higher percentage gains in silver.  The market is realizing that Silver is the GO TO ASSET of the future.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

JS Mine set Jim Sinclair (Be one of the 1st few hundred people to review this awesome interview)

A terrific interview:

Have you purchased your insurance yet?

Don't wait till the last minute the train has not left completely yet

Listen to the man who made the Monster calls in These Markets

what are  ETF's in gold?

watch here:

with Mr. Gold

Jim Sinclair



How to determine market price ?

What traditionally is the amount of people participating in the market your in? 5%

Why would more people want to join your market? Because of lack of confidence in currency (Paper Money)

What happens when your Market goes from 5% to 70 %

with combined shortage and scarcity.

The price balances the market when the price is unbalance the Market is unbalanced the price keeps supply and demand in check when you mess with the price by suppressing it with fake contracts or electronic trades with ETF'S YOU CAN DRIVE UP OR DOWN THE PRICE//  when the price is driven down below the cost of production the market dry's up and demand sky rockets because there is not enough supply company closures.

when the price is driven down for too long a period of time and it is unnatural the free market takes over meaning the real market takes over in the physical side.

When this market takes over the there is no longer suppression of the market and those that think they can continue to suppress the market loose control and the market takes over. When the free market takes over there is no way to stop it as those that try to control it know this and have already positioned them selves on the right side of the market by accumulating as much as possible and taking physical delivery of contracts. Converting electronic trades (paper) to real physical objects we can use in everyday life.

Everything has been set into motion and we have the honor to live through these exciting times

(where were you when the market crashed will make headlines in the future 2-5 years mark my words)


Monday, October 28, 2013


There will be more dates to watch each month lets take a look at November

We have November 14th and 17th

There has been movement between the banks and there is a moment in time when a day will come for currencies to be dissolved through out the world all at the same time sound shocking or impossible...

think again...

Just reflect back a few 100 years ago and the people of the Earth  thought the world was flat and you would drop off the face of the planet

Not the case and it never happened we discovered the Earth was round and actually it is impossible to fall off the face of the earth is our reality

The next potential reality is a mass collapse of  currency in the world  as impossible this may happen think back and put yourself in the shoes of the people that thought the earth was flat

And feel what they felt with that false thought it will be the same feeling as what I speak of and the last standing assets are the Lone Rangers Gold And Silver

Get yours before it is gone the clock is ticking very fast and it will not last forever

Because the banks are putting restrictions on wire transfers the United States will be a sitting Duck with out gold and silver just look at yesterdays blog post have you taken a real look at who is buying Gold and Silver in this world View Here:


Dr.Jones below:
click here

Lindsey Williams, October 22 interview Oct 28, 2013 Lindsey says he was told last summer that the banking collapse is being timed to occur shortly after the Obamacare bill begins to be implemented. He defines "collapse" in a way that most people do not realize. Right now, Obamacare is being postponed, due to the computer problem. He also confirms how war with Syria was averted by divine intervention in mid-September. He also shows the importance of October 17, which was one of our watch dates. Watch also November 17, because it appears that JP Morgan Chase Bank sent out a letter to their customers, telling them that they will no longer wire money internationally on November 17. Businesses that buy and import internationally could be put out of business if other banks follow suit. Lindsey suggests perhaps the bank knows the date of the start of the "collapse." It may be a good idea to have less money in the bank in mid-November in case some of this comes to pass without divine intervention stopping it or putting it off for a later time. - See more at:

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Central banks Buying gold / silver (2009-2013)

I do not see the united states on this scale/chart

I thing America should be worried

As the power has transferred to the East we yet have time to see this manifest in our reality

Take note that each of these central banks represent the population in the world for investment demand

consider that because they continue to purchase gold/silver the mines are reducing output

the price is low

demand is high

this is a unsustainable price with demand screaming through the market



Thursday, October 24, 2013

Top 10 ceo's make minimum 100,000,000.00

There is a reconsolidation moving through out the world atmosphere it feels like a consolidation of power wealth food water energy and industry

this is the thorn in the side of each individual person as

we all move toward a one nation world with individual functions yet even a more freer society although it could be good or become bad but what we have is the power to do and know that we will be in this together

(and we will be at each others sides)

while moving into this oneness we also will have growing pains along the way

those pains some will welcome some will hate others will fear the sooner we can welcome this transition the better off and less painful this will become it is natural to disagree with change but it takes courage and bravery to over come your internal fear and natural reactions to the new circumstances

always  know that the feeling is universal we may simply experience it in different ways (situations) no one person is better than the other we are all the same gifted with our very own interests and obedience to something greater than ourselves


As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap
Paul Craig Roberts
The year 2014 could be shaping up as the year that the chickens come home to roost.
Americans, even well-informed ones, don’t know all of the mistakes made by neoconized and corrupted Washington in the past two decades. However, enough is known to see that the US has lost economic and political power, and that the loss is irreversible.
The economic cost of this lost will be born by what remains of the middle class and the increasingly poverty-stricken lower class. The one percent will have offshore gold holdings and large sums of money in foreign currencies and other foreign assets to see them through.
In the political arena, the collapse of the Soviet Union presented Washington with the grand opportunity to reallocate the Pentagon budget to other uses. Part of the reduction could have been returned to taxpayers for their own use. Another part could have been used to improve worn out infrastructure. And another part could have been used to repair and improve the social safety net, thus insuring domestic tranquility. A final, but perhaps most important part, could have been used to begin repaying the Treasury IOUs in the Social Security Trust Fund from which Washington has borrowed and spent $2 trillion, leaving non-marketable IOUs in the place of the Social Security payroll tax revenues that Washington raided in order to fund its wars and current operations.
Instead, influenced by neoconservative warmongers who advocated America using its “sole superpower” status to establish hegemony over the world, Washington let hubris and arrogance run away with it. The consequence was that Washington destroyed its soft power with lies and war crimes, only to find that its military power was insufficient to support its occupation of Iraq, its conquest of Afghanistan, and its financial imperialism.
Now seen universally as a lawless warmonger and a nuisance, Washington’s soft power has been squandered. With its influence on the wane, Washington has become more of a bully. In response, the rest of the world is isolating Washington.
The prime minister of India, Manmohan Singh, recently declared China and Russia to be India’s “most important partners” with whom India shares “common strategic interests.” Prime Minister Singh said: “ India and Russia have always had a convergence of views on global and regional issues, and we value Russia’s perspective on international developments of mutual interest.”
India joined China in expressing concerns about the Federal Reserve’s practice of printing money in order to cover Washington’s vast red ink. The BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are taking steps to create their own method of settling trade accounts in order to protect themselves from the looming dollar implosion,
China has forcefully called for a “de-Americanized world.” After watching the “superpower” offshore a large part of its GDP to China and then add to the diminished tax base the burden of $6 trillion in wars that brought no booty and served no US interest, China has concluded that American power is spent. The London Telegraph thinks “it is only a matter of time before the renminbi replaces the dollar as the primary currency for trading commodities and resources.”
The Obama regime attempted to attack Syria based on the sort of lies that the Bush regime used to invade Iraq, only to be slapped down by the British Parliament and Russian government. This rebuke was followed by the childishness of the government shutdown and threat of default. Consequently, the Washington morons have lost their monopoly on economic and political leadership. A few days ago the British government announced a historic agreement that permits British investors direct access to China’s markets and allows Chinese banks to expand their operations in Great Britain.
In Australia, the US dollar will no longer be used as the currency in which to settle the Australian trade accounts with China. Instead of dollars, trade will be settled in the Chinese currency.

Monday, October 21, 2013




Ask your self what will the COMEX do when there is no longer and physical gold and or silver left to lay claim on FROM THEIR WAREHOUSE?








Sunday, October 20, 2013

2 Lone Rangers (confirmation America the world cast away) Watch January 14/15th 2014

Watch January 14/15th 2014 mark your calendars

there has been a shock cast around the world even though the US Gov. has postponed the debt ceiling until Feb 7th yet

there has been set into motion and escape plan from the US Dollar a build up from a world view and the loss of confidence in the US Gov. including the dollar with this new paradigm shift we are now ready to see in this physical world the effects of the child's play from Washington although there has been a transition these last couple of years we are now ready to see this transition manifest itself into our world

when interest rate rise (2015) our economy (US economy) is toast prepare within these last 90 days of 2013

I see high velocity in the year of 2014 200-400 point moves +/- in stocks as well as 50-100 dollar moves in Gold 20 dollar moves in silver the 2 Lone Rangers that will be left after the world looses faith in all paper currency are gold and silver that you can hold in your hand.



Gerald Celente
"Government re-opens… only until January 15th while raising the debt ceiling until February 7th! Which means… they didn’t solve a thing! JP Morgan Chase places withdrawal limits & China invests in building the first nuclear plant in the Britain since 1995. Great!"

24 of 196 Countries Trading with Yuan/Reninmbi

24 countries already trade directly with the Chinese renminbi

That's 8% of all the countries in the world using the renminbi (RIGHT NOW!)

HERE IS PART OF THE INTERVIEW John Ing warned King World News.

“Of interest are the developments in China and India.  China and India will take up all of the Western world’s gold production this year.  Now, the Chinese have not been idle while the debt discussions have been unfolding.  As an example, the Chinese have recently signed a deal in the UK that allows for the renminbi to be converted into pounds.  This is something like 24 countries now which are now on board with China’s currency.  The bottom line is the Chinese are slowly and quietly making the renminbi convertible.


Afghanistan - Kabul
Albania - Tirana
Algeria - Algiers
Andorra - Andorra la Vella
Angola - Luanda
Antigua and Barbuda - Saint John's
Argentina - Buenos Aires
Armenia - Yerevan
Australia - Canberra
Austria - Vienna
Azerbaijan - Baku
The Bahamas - Nassau
Bahrain - Manama
Bangladesh - Dhaka
Barbados - Bridgetown
Belarus - Minsk
Belgium - Brussels
Belize - Belmopan
Benin - Porto-Novo
Bhutan - Thimphu
Bolivia - La Paz (administrative); Sucre (judicial)
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Sarajevo
Botswana - Gaborone
Brazil - Brasilia
Brunei - Bandar Seri Begawan
Bulgaria - Sofia
Burkina Faso - Ouagadougou
Burundi - Bujumbura
Cambodia - Phnom Penh
Cameroon - Yaounde
Canada - Ottawa
Cape Verde - Praia
Central African Republic - Bangui
Chad - N'Djamena
Chile - Santiago
China - Beijing
Colombia - Bogota
Comoros - Moroni
Congo, Republic of the - Brazzaville
Congo, Democratic Republic of the - Kinshasa
Costa Rica - San Jose
Cote d'Ivoire - Yamoussoukro (official); Abidjan (de facto)
Croatia - Zagreb
Cuba - Havana
Cyprus - Nicosia
Czech Republic - Prague
Denmark - Copenhagen
Djibouti - Djibouti
Dominica - Roseau
Dominican Republic - Santo Domingo
East Timor (Timor-Leste) - Dili
Ecuador - Quito
Egypt - Cairo
El Salvador - San Salvador
Equatorial Guinea - Malabo
Eritrea - Asmara
Estonia - Tallinn
Ethiopia - Addis Ababa
Fiji - Suva
Finland - Helsinki
France - Paris
Gabon - Libreville
The Gambia - Banjul
Georgia - Tbilisi
Germany - Berlin
Ghana - Accra
Greece - Athens
Grenada - Saint George's
Guatemala - Guatemala City
Guinea - Conakry
Guinea-Bissau - Bissau
Guyana - Georgetown
Haiti - Port-au-Prince
Honduras - Tegucigalpa
Hungary - Budapest
Iceland - Reykjavik
India - New Delhi
Indonesia - Jakarta
Iran - Tehran
Iraq - Baghdad
Ireland - Dublin
Israel - Jerusalem*
Italy - Rome
Jamaica - Kingston
Japan - Tokyo
Jordan - Amman
Kazakhstan - Astana
Kenya - Nairobi
Kiribati - Tarawa Atoll
Korea, North - Pyongyang
Korea, South - Seoul
Kosovo - Pristina
Kuwait - Kuwait City
Kyrgyzstan - Bishkek
Laos - Vientiane
Latvia - Riga
Lebanon - Beirut
Lesotho - Maseru
Liberia - Monrovia
Libya - Tripoli
Liechtenstein - Vaduz
Lithuania - Vilnius
Luxembourg - Luxembourg
Macedonia - Skopje
Madagascar - Antananarivo
Malawi - Lilongwe
Malaysia - Kuala Lumpur
Maldives - Male
Mali - Bamako
Malta - Valletta
Marshall Islands - Majuro
Mauritania - Nouakchott
Mauritius - Port Louis
Mexico - Mexico City
Micronesia, Federated States of - Palikir
Moldova - Chisinau
Monaco - Monaco
Mongolia - Ulaanbaatar
Montenegro - Podgorica
Morocco - Rabat
Mozambique - Maputo
Myanmar (Burma) - Rangoon (Yangon); Naypyidaw or Nay Pyi Taw (administrative)
Namibia - Windhoek
Nauru - no official capital; government offices in Yaren District
Nepal - Kathmandu
Netherlands - Amsterdam; The Hague (seat of government)
New Zealand - Wellington
Nicaragua - Managua
Niger - Niamey
Nigeria - Abuja
Norway - Oslo
Oman - Muscat
Pakistan - Islamabad
Palau - Melekeok
Panama - Panama City
Papua New Guinea - Port Moresby
Paraguay - Asuncion
Peru - Lima
Philippines - Manila
Poland - Warsaw
Portugal - Lisbon
Qatar - Doha
Romania - Bucharest
Russia - Moscow
Rwanda - Kigali
Saint Kitts and Nevis - Basseterre
Saint Lucia - Castries
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Kingstown
Samoa - Apia
San Marino - San Marino
Sao Tome and Principe - Sao Tome
Saudi Arabia - Riyadh
Senegal - Dakar
Serbia - Belgrade
Seychelles - Victoria
Sierra Leone - Freetown
Singapore - Singapore
Slovakia - Bratislava
Slovenia - Ljubljana
Solomon Islands - Honiara
Somalia - Mogadishu
South Africa - Pretoria (administrative); Cape Town (legislative); Bloemfontein (judiciary)
South Sudan - Juba (Relocating to Ramciel)
Spain - Madrid
Sri Lanka - Colombo; Sri Jayewardenepura Kotte (legislative)
Sudan - Khartoum
Suriname - Paramaribo
Swaziland - Mbabane
Sweden - Stockholm
Switzerland - Bern
Syria - Damascus
Taiwan - Taipei
Tajikistan - Dushanbe
Tanzania - Dar es Salaam; Dodoma (legislative)
Thailand - Bangkok
Togo - Lome
Tonga - Nuku'alofa
Trinidad and Tobago - Port-of-Spain
Tunisia - Tunis
Turkey - Ankara
Turkmenistan - Ashgabat
Tuvalu - Vaiaku village, Funafuti province
Uganda - Kampala
Ukraine - Kyiv
United Arab Emirates - Abu Dhabi
United Kingdom - London
United States of America - Washington D.C.
Uruguay - Montevideo
Uzbekistan - Tashkent
Vanuatu - Port-Vila
Vatican City (Holy See) - Vatican City
Venezuela - Caracas
Vietnam - Hanoi
Yemen - Sanaa
Zambia - Lusaka
Zimbabwe - Harare
Updated August 07, 2012
Please see my article about the Number of Countries in the World for more information on the number 196.
There are a significant number of countries that have multiple capital cities. Where that occurs, the additional capital cities are listed as well. (Note that the word "capitol" refers to the building and not to the city).My World Atlas provides maps and geographic information about every country and many non-countries on the planet. Follow the linked country name for maps and geographical information about each of the 196 countries in the world.The countries of the world and capitals of every country follow:

Battle of Supply and Demand (Balance)

Where dose the extra gold come from?

Demand consumed the 66% of the liquidation
of physical gold

out look for supply is down as the price has dropped there are less funds available for mining out look and the delay is your friend 60-100 days and counting grab your physical metal under funding equals 33 cents on the dollar that's 3 times the price of gold and silver $66 and 3900 gold current levels

Listen to Eric Sprott here:

Depositors will be forced to take the loss of the paper markets


Saturday, October 19, 2013

What Happened on October 17th

Here are two important factors that have happened on October 17th 2013

the US credit rating was reduced from china's Dagong from A TO A-

Also we experienced a final warning at the House

Dr. Jones explains below:

Oct 18, 2013

On October 5, I posted watch dates for October, including the 17th.
As the House was passing the financial deal to fund the government on the night of October 16, the stenographer, Dianne Reidy, walked to the podium and delivered a word of warning that God had given her.
She says that God had been waking her in the middle of the night and telling her to deliver this message to the House. She resisted doing this, because of her respect for the decorum and rules of the house. But God kept waking her each night until she finally did as He told her.
Another day of serving as a stenographer in an unholy mess would end with another night of being awakened by what she took to be the Holy Spirit. She kept resisting out of a sense of congressional sanctity that the representatives themselves were besmirching.
“That’s what my wife was battling, with this late-night wrestling with God,” the husband says....
“The big vote, the whole crew was there, and she just felt the Holy Spirit knows the time she was to go up,” he reports.
She told him that the words she had spoken were not her own, that she had just been the messenger.
“She said she didn’t know what she was going to say,” he reports.
What she had said was playing again and again on television. Many were calling it raving.
“He will not be mocked!” she had begun. “The greatest deception here is this is not one nation under God….”
Now that is was done, she told her husband that she felt greatly relieved.
“She felt like a tremendous weight had been lifted off her shoulders,” he says.
He recalls, “I said, ‘You know what, honey, this is like when you were pregnant and agonized…’  She was obedient to God and gave birth to His message.”
 Then on October 18, Tom Foley died. The two signs are back to back, and from a prophetic standpoint are directly related. Dianne's message was that America was not a nation under God, but under Freemasonry, which traces its roots to the Egyptian Mystery Religion, as Albert Pike tells us.
Dianne's message was rejected by Congress as ravings of a lunatic. That sounds a lot like what the biblical prophets endured from their contemporaries. I appreciate her willingness to look like a fool and to give up a good job to be obedient to the word of the Lord.
Her word relates to the San Francisco earthquake on Oct. 17, 1989, as I mentioned on Oct. 5. It seems that the earthquake has now come to Washington to uproot the stump that was left in the days of Daniel. Revelation 16 describes the judgment in terms of a great earthquake, as I said, and I believe that this event bears witness to that quake.
And so, in spite of the three-month delay in the default, Babylon is falling.
- See more at:

Chinese agency downgrades US credit rating
A teller counts US dollars and Chinese 100-yuan notes at a bank in Hefei, east China's Anhui province on January 16, 2011
A teller counts US dollars and Chinese 100-yuan notes at a bank in Hefei, east China's Anhui province on January 16, 2011
AFP - A Chinese ratings agency downgraded its US sovereign credit rating Thursday despite Washington's resolution of the debt ceiling deadlock, warning that fundamentals for a potential default remained "unchanged".
Dagong lowered its ratings for US local and foreign currency credit from A to A-, maintaining a negative outlook, the agency said in a statement.

The announcement came after the US Congress passed and President Barack Obama signed a bill that extends the nation's borrowing authority and ends a two-week government shutdown.
Read more on FRANCE 24: Republicans "biggest losers" in shutdown aftermath
"The fundamental situation that the debt growth rate significantly outpaces that of fiscal income and gross domestic product remains unchanged," Dagong said in the statement, adding Washington's solvency was vulnerable as old debts were still repaid through raising new debts.
"Hence the government is still approaching the verge of default crisis, a situation that cannot be substantially alleviated in the foreseeable future," it said.
Dagong made headlines in August 2011 when it lowered its main rating for US sovereign debt after Congress passed an earlier bill to raise Washington's debt ceiling.
The agency, which is far less prominent than long-established Western competitors including Moody's, Fitch and Standard and Poor's, has been working to further raise its profile.
China's official news agency Xinhua said Thursday in a bylined commentary that US politicians had held the rest of the world hostage in the crisis.
But Beijing welcomed the agreement, saying it will contribute to global economic stability. 

Friday, October 18, 2013

The Grim Future (Complode!)

Yet the health of the economy and country is at stake this must happen to move cheap money out of the stock market and into places of solid investment in only a matter of time. beforew the system complodes (external and internal combusting simultaneously)



America is only another 90 days away with another potential date with destiny, another government default and shutdown. Meanwhile, the banksters are the driving force which forces us to the edge of financial destruction and it is never going to end until, we the people, have nothing left to steal. I am still highly concerned about the Cyber attack drill in the which the first of phases was completed yesterday without any apparent incident. As a reminder the cyber attack drill consisted of a simulated attack on more than 1,000 banks participating in a National Cyber-Attack Drill October 16-17 and again on October 23-24.  
Phase two of this cyber drill will take place next week. As I have said before, I do not make predictions and I am not predicting a false flag event emanating from this event. However, given the nature of past false flag events (e.g. 9/11, 7/7 bombings and the Boston Marathon bombing), the conditions are ripe that this could turn into another false flag event. I think if the government had not avoided total default two days ago, the likelihood of this scenario turning into a false flag event would have been more certain. It would be wise for us to keep our eyes on October 23rd, but there is another major event that is rapidly approaching and it will require our immediate attention.

Of course, you could take your money out of the bank. Well, maybe you can….  Yesterday, Chase announced it is limiting customer withdrawals.
The International Monetary Fund is suggesting that countries tax the rich to fix deficit. This can we call it fascism yetproposal is a Trojan Horse. The rich will not be taxed more, you will be.  On the surface, this sounds like a wonderful idea. However, this proposal will allow the banks to reach further into your pocket. And the best thing of all for the banksters is that no false flag attack is required in order to keep on stealing from us. This will be the topic of the next part in this series.
It appears that any small American business not already shut down by Obamacare regulations will be helped along by the banksters.
In an apparent effort to front-run official government capital controls, JP Morgan Chase has issued letters to ALL Business account holders notifying them that as of Nov 17th, the bank will limit all cash transactions (including deposits, withdrawals, and ATM usage) to $50,000/month, and will ban all outgoing international bank wires!
Bank officials confirmed Wednesday that the new capital controls apply to all business account holders, the bank will stop processing any outgoing international bank wire,  and that any monthly cash transactions in excess of the new $50,000 limit will be subject to penalties and fees for each dollar over the $50k cap.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

De-Americanized (2015 - 2017) IMF 10% EUROPE

International settlements and the disagreeable future of America has it's draw backs as the Chinese imply more they want a new world reserve currency can you really blame them as the US Gov. acts like a bully in the school yard more world powers resist the immaturity and lack of responsibility to resolve issues at the same time the east is rising up the transition from the heavens the earth is happening now as the power has been transferred in the spiritual realm we are witnessing the confirmation here in the physical realm I expect volatility in the market during 2014 as people make up their minds to leave the us economy not killing it yet disabling its strength as the U.S. dollar is witnessed to be dethroned in the coming few years ahead. GnS+Research

Rising stars China India and Brazil: what are currently the most competitive countries in terms of industrial production, and what will they be in the future? The management consulting firm Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu has established that China is now ahead of Germany, the United States and India. But according to the projection, for which 550 top executives of leading companies were surveyed, the hierarchy will already have shifted by 2017. Germany and the United States will drop out of the top ranks, and "old" powers will no longer lead the pack, having been replaced by China, followed by India and Brazil.

What's more, according to the 2013 United Nations Human Development Report, "the rise of the South is unprecedented in its speed and scale." For the first time in 150 years, the combined output of the developing world's three leading economies -- Brazil, China and India -- is about equal to the combined GDP of the longstanding industrial powers of the North -- Canada, France, Germany, Italy, United Kingdom and the United States. In addition, this year Beijing will, for the first time, import more oil from the OPEC countries than the United States.


Before all those occupy supporters, rejoice and start their partying, the sober reality of the actual methods that the financial elites would use to implement revenue enhancement, needs a closer examination. Contrast the interpretation from Europe with the broader assessment in, IMF Discusses A Super Tax Of 10% On All Savings In Eurozone.

"The sharp deterioration of the public finances in many countries has revived interest in a "capital levy"— a one-off tax on private wealth—as an exceptional measure to restore debt sustainability. The appeal is that such a tax, if it is implemented before avoidance is possible and there is a belief that it will never be repeated, does not distort behavior (and may be seen by some as fair). There have been illustrious supporters, including Pigou, Ricardo, Schumpeter, and—until he changed his mind—Keynes. The conditions for success are strong, but also need to be weighed against the risks of the alternatives, which include repudiating public debt or inflating it away (these, in turn, are a particular form of wealth tax—on bondholders—that also falls on nonresidents)

The tax rates needed to bring down public debt to pre-crisis levels, moreover, are sizable: reducing debt ratios to end-2007 levels would require (for a sample of 15 euro area countries) a tax rate of about 10 percent on households with positive net wealth(*)."

Sharks Circling The Water

This is it. China has had enough. The (diplomatic) gloves are off. It's time to build a "de-Americanized" world. It's time for a "new international reserve currency" to replace the US dollar. It's ...
Global Research (Centre for Research on Globalization)

China calls for dollar to be replaced as global reserve currency

Upset that the U.S. fiscal impasse threatens to trigger a default that would roil financial markets worldwide, Beijing suggests 'building a de-Americanized world.',0,260996.story
October 14, 2013, 5:23 p.m.
WASHINGTON — Five years after the U.S. financial crisis helped cause a deep global recession, foreign leaders are worried that history is going to repeat itself.
The fiscal impasse that has partially shut the federal government now threatens to trigger a U.S. default that would roil financial markets worldwide, leading an agitated China to suggest replacing the dollar as the international reserve currency.
"As U.S. politicians of both political parties are still shuffling back and forth between the White House and the Capitol Hill without striking a viable deal to bring normality to the body politic they brag about, it is perhaps a good time for the befuddled world to start considering building a de-Americanized world," China's official state-run news agency, Xinhua, said in an English-language commentary Sunday.
There is no viable alternative to the dollar as the centerpiece of the global financial system, and there probably won't be for the foreseeable future, experts said.
But Washington's debt limit standoff — coming on the heels of similar brinkmanship in 2011 — could accelerate efforts to find an alternative.
"The U.S. remains the core of the global financial system at this point," said Nicolas Veron, a senior fellow at Bruegel, a think tank in Brussels. "But the sort of thing happening in the U.S. might move people toward a system less reliant on the U.S."
China echoed calls from world financial officials urging an end to what it called the "pernicious impasse" in the U.S. over funding the government and raising the $16.7-trillion debt limit.
The Treasury Department has said the debt limit must be raised by Thursday or it will run out of borrowing authority. That would leave it dependent on just cash on hand and incoming revenue to pay the federal government's bills. Given the world financial system's dependence on the dollar, a default on payments of interest or principal on U.S. Treasury bonds would be catastrophic for the global economy, analysts said.
Treasury bonds and other dollar-based investments are used as the main form of collateral worldwide, so questions about their security would cause more problems than the financial system failures in fall 2008, said Benjamin J. Cohen, an international political economy professor at UC Santa Barbara.
"It would make the Lehman Bros. episode look like a garden party by comparison," Cohen said.
The U.S. debt limit standoff was the main topic at the recent meetings in Washington of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Global finance ministers are worried that the uncertainty surrounding a U.S. default "would mean massive disruption the world over, and we would be at risk of tipping yet again into a recession," Christine Lagarde, head of the IMF, told NBC's "Meet the Press."
Most countries hold their foreign exchange reserves in U.S. dollars because the currency is viewed as the world's most stable.
"The very fact that more than 60% of central banks' reserves are in dollars gives them every reason to be concerned," Barry Eichengreen, a professor of economics and political science at UC Berkeley and a former senior policy advisor at the IMF, said of foreign governments. "If the bank in which you held 60% of your savings was threatening to default, you'd be concerned too."
U.S. financial markets rebounded Monday amid optimistic reports from Capitol Hill about negotiations between Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) to end the standoff.
China is the largest foreign holder of U.S. debt, with about $1.3 trillion in Treasury bonds, and probably more in other dollar-denominated investments. So the Beijing government is worried about the effect of a U.S. failure to raise the debt limit on those holdings.
The Xinhua editorial took swipes at the U.S. for claiming "the moral high ground" while "covertly doing things that are as audacious as torturing prisoners of war, slaying civilians in drone attacks, and spying on world leaders."
Although it slammed the U.S. for the Iraq war and military activity around the world, the article focused much of its fire on the U.S. role in the global economy, saying "the world is still crawling its way out of an economic disaster thanks to the voracious Wall Street elites."
"Most recently, the cyclical stagnation in Washington for a viable bipartisan solution over a federal budget and an approval for raising debt ceiling has again left many nations' tremendous dollar assets in jeopardy and the international community highly agonized," Xinhua said.
The editorial called for a "a new world order" in which "all nations, big or small, poor or rich, can have their key interests respected and protected on an equal footing."
That new order should start with respect for the sovereignty of other nations, the editorial said. It also should include major financial reforms, such as allowing developing and emerging economies to have more say in the operations of the IMF and the World Bank.
China has been pushing since at least 2009 for the dollar to be replaced as the world's reserve currency. The nation has not only called for a new international currency to be developed but also has been taking steps to make its currency, the yuan, more acceptable as a potential alternative.
"They never lose an opportunity to take advantage of embarrassing behavior by the United States," Cohen said. China made similar calls in 2011, when a debt limit standoff was resolved at the last minute.
But the Chinese currency and its financial system are not ready to be the world's reserve currency, experts said. Even the euro and Japanese yen aren't prepared to do that because they lack the liquidity of the dollar.
Still, the latest Washington crisis could push the world to seek ways to diversify the financial system away from its dependence on the dollar, Cohen said.
"The only thing that can hurt the dollar these days is political dysfunction in Washington. We're shooting ourselves in the foot," he said. "The more we play these games in Washington, the less confidence people will have in the dollar and the more incentive people will have to do this diversification."