Thursday, August 22, 2013

why keep money in a bank?

We have been taught at a very young age that you save your money in a bank

As we grow older we are still taught the same thing or do not change our method of savings and or securing our wealth for the future.

as we can save/invest our money into things like clothing food real-estate or precious metals or even base metals copper zinc aluminum lead it is with that type of investment savings that we protect our very own hard earned money from the likes of Bernanke inflation and Banks them selves as with any type of position you put as much as you can part with no questions asked

Peter Schiff has an eye opening report stating that the  U.S. Gov numbers are fudged and off by 3.5 trillion dollars and he brings up very good points with our reality

full time jobs replaced with part time jobs

inflation accounting for higher number camouflaging their intent

interest rates increase and the banks are more vulnerable today than in 2008 because of it.


Peter Schiff interview below

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