Friday, August 2, 2013

Smart Money

ALWAYS by the time we get to the end of the bull market smart money has left the building and those market as with all great rallies also the great fall however it dose not have to happen over night it can be gradual and pain staking as they would not want to spook the heard  and create panic by no means every do they want a panic but no matter what they try to do to stimulate the stock market the inevitable is going to happen and those that sow will eventually reap as it has been tested tried and proven many time over history and we are yet another CARBON COPY OF THE PAST IN THE MODERN History

Just look around here we have new players (people) and the game is the same (sure we have computers but then who drilled perfect holes through 1 ton solid stone in Egypt?)


02 August 2013

Gold Daily and Silver Weekly Charts - Ship of Fools

The metals were pounded in the quiet overnight session on the COMEX ahead of the Friday Jobs Report, with gold smacked down to $1282 and silver down to $19.20.

The jobs number came in light, and the metals rocketed back to where they started.

Gold is now in the August delivery cycle with registered inventories of actual bullion on the COMEX down to shocking lows. 

The US is closing some of its overseas embassies this weekend and has issued a travel alert because of terrorist threats.   Let's see if anyone throws a flag on the field over the weekend.

A new scandal has emerged as the CFTC investigates fifteen of the biggest banks which apparently have been rigging a key interest rate number in order to swindle their customers in the swaps markets.

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