there is a round of of nations joining forces and taking sides right now in our world and it is not looking good for our planet
however it will be to our benefit when this is all over and has run it's corse
carry on stay strong
from Dr.Jones below
Russia vs Babylon on morality
Aug 20, 2013
Mr. Putin of Russia appears to have a very different idea about the government's role in establishing Christian morality in the legal structure of the nation. No wonder the newspapers can find nothing good to say about him.And whereas the US government supports the Muslim Brotherhood that is currently burning churches and killing Christians in Syria and Egypt, Putin supports the governments who stand against the Brotherhood's rise to power.
Headline: World leaders should unite to end anti-Christian persecution, Vladimir Putin saysCOMMENT: It appears that the US government is about to kick Egypt out of its circle of friends on account of Egypt's removal of Morsi, the Muslim Brotherhood president backed by the US. It will be interesting to see how Egypt then moves into the Russian sphere of influence, and to see how this may affect Egypt's treatment of Christians.
MOSCOW, August 1, 2013 ( – Vladimir Putin has urged the world’s political leaders to stop the violent persecutions against Christians that have erupted in many Middle Eastern countries.
Speaking at a meeting with Orthodox Christian leaders in Moscow last week, the Russian President said he noted “with alarm” that “in many of the world’s regions, especially in the Middle East and in North Africa inter-confessional tensions are mounting, and the rights of religious minorities are infringed, including Christians and Orthodox Christians.”...
He added that it was the Church that was ultimately responsible for the development and rise of “culture and education” in Russia over the last 1,000 years. “The adoption of Christianity became a turning point in the fate of our fatherland, made it an inseparable part of the Christian civilization and helped it turn into one of the largest world powers,” Putin said.
The head of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, said at the same meeting that the attempts to push Christians out of Syria would lead to a “civilization catastrophe.” Kirill and other Orthodox leaders have been critical of the lack of response to the crisis facing Christians in the Middle East by US and other Western leaders....
Patriarch Kirill said of the same-sex “marriage” fad sweeping the Western world, “This is a very dangerous apocalyptic symptom, and we must do everything so that sin is never validated by the laws of the state in the lands of Holy Rus, because this would mean that the people are starting on the path of self-destruction.”
Today, Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird, blasted the Russian government for its law banning gay propaganda, calling it “hateful.”
Baird said that the Canadian delegation was among those governments that tried to dissuade the Russian leadership not to adopt the law that outlaws all attempts to normalize homosexuality or other forms of non-traditional sexuality, especially to children.
Under America's friendship, the Christians are persecuted. With Russian friendship, it seems likely that Putin would require Egypt to allow religious freedom before it supports the country monetarily.
If we compare the politics of the US and Russia from 50 years ago, it would seem that the two countries have changed places when measured on the Red Scale.
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