Friday, August 30, 2013

truth in humanity

have we gone past the resolve in the world

or will we learn from our mistakes from the past.

Jim Sinclair

Truth In Humanity Is Dead

Posted at 5:05 PM (CST) by & filed under General Editorial.
My Dear Extended Family,
Truth in humanity is dead.
Certifiable nuts are on the loose with their evil ways and means. The lies on all sides of today’s market and politics have risen to levels never before witnessed. World War III is available to any high placed nut that wants to start it.
Gold is going to and above the old high. Posting anything else is simply getting sucked into a garbage pile on both sides. The two illustrations posted, the "Pillars of Gold" and the "Angels," tells all that needs to be known for the next year.
I cannot bring myself to add one word more to this disgrace of the Truth.


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