No one ever wins a war to say you or I do Or an certain country dose in order to achieve such dratict digesting things there must be great loss
los of life loss of trust loss of integrity
loss of loved ones loss of friends loss of theses that make up this world and most importantly loss of human life we are in this together I do not care what color you are what you like what you hate what I care about is the success of our species through out the world for each other No One wins a wars after such catastrophic financial, humane and land scape through nature losses
the ability to understand one another as we are representing a certain side to a story and it is our responsibility to understand one another
I have superiors that make fun of individuals in front of others while making them look bad (weather they may know it or not)
I find this as immature and unprofessional ( but who am I to judge ) we must learn to work with one another myself included and it sucks when you are set up on a path of failure with no support no challenge and no communication,
we will always see what the future brings yet I believe no matter our circumstances we have the ability to create our future with in our control we must be willing to find it
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