Sunday, June 15, 2014

Confirmation Of The New Quality

March of 2014 I wrote about a New Quality in the world regarding Russia and China 
this Article (link above) confirms that forecast and we have the opportunity to see this great transition take place

Here is confirmation from King World News interview:

Mark Mobius was asked:  “Who has impressed you the most this year?”

Mobius:  “I don't know whether I should say this, but maybe Mr. Putin.”….
Interviewer:  “Why is that?”

Mobius:  “Because he has shown a great deal of control and restraint by being very logical in his decisions.”read the article here:

Joseph Mark Mobius (born August 17, 1936) is an emerging markets fund manager at Franklin Templeton Investments. Mark Mobius, Ph.D., executive chairman of Templeton Emerging Markets Group, joined Templeton in 1987. Currently, he directs the Templeton research team based in 18 global emerging markets offices and manages emerging markets portfolios.[1]learn more here:

This change is here weather we like it or not the USA will be challenged and reform will happen in our lifetime.


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