Saturday, June 14, 2014

Inner Circle

This is one reason why the buy local campaign is going to be solid Seeing comments and statements like this bring everything into perspective

I report on what most don't see yet the things that I do see confirm the things of the unseen

From a woman that I admire 

"We have been "surviving" without a microwave or TV channels for almost 2 whole months now. We've found that it really isn't hard to live without these things. Regarding the TV, the oldest child just asked today how long ago it was that we decided to cut the cord. He hadn't realized until now that it's gone! What I like most of all, besides the savings, is that advertisers can no longer blast garbage into my living room, in front of my children, and that will include ugly commercials from campaigners in the upcoming elections. This really is a good thing in more ways than one!"

This confirms what happens why you stay local and get back to the basics of family love and appreciation

confirming the buy local forecast from 2010 for and by 2015 it is here it will stay


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