Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Shift in Psychology (Away From US Dollars)

There is a beginning shift away from the use of the us Dollar on an individual level and a  world wide level

As I learn and Grow I would prefer to have less and less of my assets measured in US dollars I would prefer anything else.

This way of thinking is not only taking place on an individual level
Countries like China have already by passed the dollar for trade and use their direct currency for trade saving them lots of money from tax and exchange rates let alone it is more simple and cheaper to trade directly to individuals in this manner,

with lawsuits being filed against banks for suppressing precious metals and market manipulation during the 2012 & 2013 years

The Fundamentals will kick the shit out of the speculators within the Stock Market that time is happening this year of 2014 a lot of money can be made with uncertainty also a lot of money can be lost.


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