Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Comfirming Margin Debt (Too Much Debt in the Market)

And of course margin debt is far from the only sign that indicates that we are in a massive stock market bubble that is about to crash.  The following is a list of 10 signs that comes from a recent article by Lance Roberts of STA Wealth Management...

Speculative investing is going to demolish the Stock Market as Margin Loans are exceeding real value what that means is the stocks are over bought and are way too expensive.

Tthe Copper Market is an indicator of what's a head of us as the last time Copper Crashed was in 2008 It has dipped to about 2.95 today

Take note of current changing market conditions as the storm has made its way to your local state and country world wide we are going through the beginning stages of this transition.


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