Monday, March 31, 2014

Confirming the Flood (Into Silver Metal)

There will need to be a designed  to suppression within the Metals Markets as they would not want to spook the the people into any certain direction 

As we look closer there always seems to be a delay within the timing as each moment must happen in perfect order a simple yet complex process 

Yet there must also be a bull run in stocks this is happening throughout this whole year of 2014 as we speak it is proving itself however we are witnessing a boom  

and there is a big day on our Menu for April 15th 2015 

As the War drums beat to their own tune around the world We are subjecting our selves to another world war many in the Middle east as the tensions are now pain 

This is getting personal to everyone within our world and the people are heated up about these things taking place in conversation

We have also got confirming evidence as bargain hunters seek even more physical precious metal we are waiting for Mine closures to begin happening this year  through 2nd quarter near the end well into 2015 as long as prices continue to be this low mines will belly up

Gns + Research

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