I writing this because I have challenged the status quo What I have done was to by pass the medical doctors and I self medicated myself to over come a certain influenza at my work place with colloidal silver (Nano silver particles that destroy the membrane of bacteria as small as parts per billion)
Each time I have applied the antidote (colloidal silver) I have also noticed an increase in heart rate so I decided to break the fever and take charge of this illness full bore and it did take awhile to create and break the fever. Now I cannot sleep at the moment as long as the disinfectant is in my system then I may not be able to get sleep for a lil while.
For what it is worth I would certainly deal with a little extra pain to get over being sick way sooner that than waste a doctors visit. spending money that I do not have.
Of course we need doctors for broken bones catastrophes and children's care.
All I am saying is when the doctor is not available what is a person to do we are responsible for our own health, dignity and well being. Do what makes you happy.
I decided to make tea with it and it sometimes will enlighten yourself the most annoying thing as far as any type of disease is concerned I really hate the cough and if this works to rid myself of such thing as annoying as the cough it is totally worth it and very inexpensive! I would not recommend anyone to do such things without consulting a doctor or physician as I am not a doctor.
But I will try new things to be successful and we will see how the next few days go.
I just cannot help but think of the previous empires that have ruled the world they ate and drank out of gold and silver cups dishes and used real Silverware (where do you think the name Silverware came from) and rarely did they if ever got ill or sick. (there was no medical system like we have today) If we can learn anything form history lets start with the health and well being of our selves to enjoy the quality of life we always strive and live for.
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