Wednesday, December 25, 2013

13 Gifts (Charts)

Frightful yet delightful for those of you that see the point of view of protection
and the weather out side is frightful yet when your inside your home it is so delightful protect your family and friends and have a merry time of year enjoy every moment and every step like a baby taking their first steps we take ours.

From Zero hedge

13 in the last 13 years :
With most stock indices breaking record highs (and even the NASDAQ back to 13+ year highs), we thought a time of reflection and giving (as opposed to receiving Fed liquidity) required a look at the bigger picture. The following 13 charts of the last 13 years cover everything from collapsing SAT scores to record high prices of alcohol and from surging gun background checks to record high food stamp recipients, this is not your great grandma's depression-"recovery"...

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