Wednesday, December 11, 2013


The world we live in is ruled by time and space or is it?

We have light sound time and space but it always seeks balance.

(Everything in this world has ONE  infinite common factor ENERGY)

Because nature is in a constant state of balance

you can argue the fact if you want and not listen or you can open your mind to a new way of thinking after all if someone refuses to list to the new information you never heard before you ARE simply misinformed (BEING NICE) and denying the truth we may do it from time to time.

It's only human (I'm Guilty) how many of you or people in general will go out of your way to hear listen see something you never ever want to see because it is distasteful (to you at least) however somebody else will see beauty art excellence and prestige even peace, as they have grown accustomed to the music song dance behavior or way of life that it /they has/have become.( I make an effort to see try things not done before even if I don't like them just to find out why and see if at all possible how I can learn to like them)

just look at why you like and dis like certain things you found a part of your self  in those that you enjoy and make you come alive

Am I saying you do not come alive with things you do not like ABSOLUTELY NOT! In fact they may make us come more alive (not in a good way) - well at one point in our life we were the angry upset customer and we learn to deal with things when things did not go our way or as expected hopefully in a more mature manner after all we grow up to be adults and we cannot help it. unless you end it.

Anyway the purpose of this writing is to inform you. What I write is not always going to be sweet and tasty and it will not be anything you ever want to hear nor should we even be hear the horrible things happening in the world I get tired of it to just like the rest of you. but I write to case by case scenarios a lot of those being worst case scenarios because if we were never told of how dangerous the world is we live in we would never be prepared yet my question to you would be if we never knew how dangerous the world actual is/was  would we even care, AND WOULD IT EVEN EXIST?


In a nut shell the human life is conceived into babies for many years of life after age 5 and up to 10 we branch out  meet new people and have our friends as long as we can keep them we grow into adult hood with the choices we made then 70-89% of the population has more babies between 15 and 25 years of age we grow old watching others grow up children to adults to old fogies and we die the only thing we have is the choices we choose to day and build the world of tomorrow of what we really want it to be with the way we choose to be. We're not only living we are human beings.


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