take a look at these charts
from GGR
Thursday, July 11, 2013
The Stuff of a Gold Bear Reversal?
Markets reacted sharply Wednesday when Fed Chairman Ben S. Bernanke gave a speech after the closing bell in New York, following the release of the FOMC minutes. Like a coiled spring snapping, U.S. bonds were bid higher by 100 basis points, the U.S. dollar plunged off a non-tapering cliff more than 100 basis points, both the euro and yen caught a hot bid and both gold and silver snapped higher, ostensibly on short covering. Below is a montage in hourly terms of the movement.
60 days from May 22nd will be July 21st we will find out
Jim Willie below
Many are the signals of breakdown, in the financial system and the Gold market. The day is near for release of gold from under the thumb of the criminal bankers. They can no longer operate in the shadows, recently in full view. The best information coming to my desk indicates that three major Western banks are under constant threat of failure overnight, every night, forcing extraordinary measures to avoid failure. They are Deutshe Bank in Germany, Barclays in London, and Citibank in New York. Judging from the ongoing defense from prosecution and cooperation (flipped) with Interpol and distraction of resources, the most likely bank to die next is Deutsche Bank. They are caught with accounting fraud and outright financial fraud over collateral shell games, pertaining to USTreasury Bonds, other sovereign bonds in Southern Europe, and OTC derivatives linked to FOREX currency contracts. D-Bank is a dead man walking.
The contagion that will hit is assured, since these three big banks are all interconnected, their positions intertwined, their fates tied like a common millstone around their necks. When they go down, and they will go down hard, the gaggle of Western financial firms (banks, investment banks, hedge funds, exchanges) will sink together into a sea of red ink, toxic swill, and more than a few orange jumpsuits. The legal route might be more likely a vanishing act, as hidden banker prisons have begun to be populated, very quietly, under extreme secrecy. Remember that since the great London gold drain last spring 2012, a new sheriff has been in town and hard at work. And he is taking bankers, mid-level bankers, the ones who know too much information, but who do not have the privileged high rank.
Every passing day brings the world closer to ruin, a necessary step for release of the cable lines from corrupted derivatives and basic hemp from futures contacts. The Wall Street traders (with their cocaine habits) and the Wall Street executive bankers (with their satanist rituals) are on the way out. On the other side is the release of gold from shackles over 20 years. A funny line was quipped, that people confuse the price of gold with the gold price. Meaning, people confuse what is offered as the COMEX gold price as being real. In any true market, the Price is set as the equilibrium point where Supply arrives to meet Demand, where Demand from customers clears Supply. Neither is present in today's gold market. Shortage is enormous. Even scrap supplies are near zero. Demand overwhelms available inventory. No equilibrium is remotely apparent. The Jackass thoroughly enjoys that COMEX gold ambushes executed by New York and London criminal class bankers, done with full impunity, done with full blessing, if not direct pleading by government finance ministries. The ambushes are done with execution aid by the central banks, reinforced by the wags in the financial press. The bankers indeed slit their own throats on stage in mid-April with the gold price ambush. In June, they castrated themselves with dull blades in full view on stage in the latest ambush. They have accelerated the Gold Supply drainage. They have magnified the Gold Demand worldwide. They have hastened the imminent COMEX & LBMA shutdown most assuredly.
The signals are mounting for systemic breakdown.
http://news.goldseek.com/GoldenJackass/1373659200.php read here
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