Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Silver Eagle Update 2012 / 2013 Sales

here is a comparative list of the months in 2013 so far with the silver purchase from 2012

there has been over 100% in sales a few months already for 2013 compared to 2012

Jan. 2012:  6,107,000                        Jan. 2013:  7,498,000      + 23%
Feb. 2012:  1,490,000                        Feb. 2013:  3,368,500     + 126%
Mar. 2012:  2,542,000                       Mar. 2013:  3,356,500     + 32%
Apr. 2012:  1,520,000                       Apr. 2013:  4,087,000     + 168%
May 2012:  2,875,000                       May 2013:  3,458,500      + 20%
Jun. 2012:  2,858,000                       Jun. 2013:  3,275,000       + 14%

here is a chart showing the dollars devauluation:

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