DR JONES BELOWhttp://gods-kingdom-ministries.net/daily-weblogs/2013/07-2013/prince-george-alexander-louis/
Prince George Alexander Louis
Jul 24, 2013http://gods-kingdom-ministries.net/daily-weblogs/2013/07-2013/prince-george-alexander-louis/
July is like September. That is a revelation from 30+ years ago. It is mostly because July is our 7th month, while September (in Latin) means "seventh month." It also roughly encompasses the 7th month on the Hebrew lunar calendar.Part of this revelation includes the spiritual "type" of the feast of Tabernacles, which was supposed to be held in the 7th month from the 15th to the 22nd of the month. The "type" is July 15-22, while the "real" on the Hebrew calendar this year will be from September 19-26.
So we were watching July 15-22 to see what clues we might learn in regard to Tabernacles, particularly as it applies to the year 2013.
July 15 was the third anniversary of the day that the BP oil well was capped in the Gulf of Mexico. This year the Iraqi stock exchange (ISX) linked successfully to the NASDAQ, marking the international debut of Iraq's banking facilities for the first time since UN sanctions were imposed in August 1990.
On July 21, the 7th day of Tabernacles (type), Belgium's King Albert abdicated in favor of his son, Philippe. The name Philip has prophetic ties to the feast of Tabernacles, because his name means "lover of horses." The horse is the symbol of Tabernacles, even as the donkey is the symbol of Pentecost. Further, the two comings of Christ, described in Leviticus 14 by the two doves, are again pictured in Acts 8 and 9, where the two doves are Stephen and Philip. As with the doves, the first was killed, while the second was set free. In this case, Philip was "caught away" (harpazo) in Acts 8:39, this being the same word used in 1 Thess. 4:17. This verse describes the translation of the saints prophesied by the feast of Tabernacles.
See my book, The Laws of the Second Coming.
Hence, Belgium's 7th king, Philippe, comes to the throne on the 7th of Tabernacles.
On the same day, JP Morgan had a serious fire in its commercial vault located deep in its underground basement.
It is too soon to say what actually happened here, but we should know in the weeks and months to come.
Then on July 22, the equivalent of the 8th day of Tabernacles, the Duchess of Cambridge in England gave birth to a son, whom they have named George Alexander Louis.
George Alexander Louis has arrived! The royal baby finally has a name, as Kate Middleton and Prince William announced via statement from Kensington Palace on Wednesday. The announcement took 2 days to arrive, as the Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to her baby son on Monday.The news was soon posted at Buckingham Palace. This son was presented to his father, William, on the 8th of Tabernacles. This is prophetically significant, because the 8th of Tabernacles is the day that the Sons of God will be presented to the Father. According to the law in Exodus 22:29, 30, all first-born sons as well as the first-born of every ox and sheep had to be presented to God on the 8th day. And so the birth of baby George foreshadows the birth of the Sons of God.
The name, George, is from the Greek word georgos, which is translated "husbandman" in John 15:1 KJV and again in James 5:7 KJV. Hence, God calls Himself by the name of George, as He is the great Farmer who planted the "vineyard" of His Kingdom and expected it to bring forth fruit (Isaiah 5:1, 7). It appears, then, that in this prophetic type, the Sons of God carry the name of their Father, George. James 5:7 says that the Father has waited patiently for a long time to receive the fruits of the Kingdom.
Another detail is that baby George was not "presented" to the public until the day after his birth, July 23. William and Kate then walked out of the hospital into the street so the people could see the baby and photograph him. In this prophetic scenario, this would correlate with the manifestation of the Sons of God. This may suggest that this manifestation could come the day after the end of the last great day of the feast. My view up to now has been that the presentation of the Sons of God must occur on the 8th day of Tabernacles, and I also assumed that these Sons would then also be manifested to the world on the same day. But perhaps the manifestation could occur the next day. Time will tell, of course.
At any rate, it is interesting that in September, our Feast of Tabernacles Conference will be begin the day after the 8th of Tabernacles. The 8th day is September 26, and the conference will begin Friday, September 27.
A friend in Scotland has also shared some thoughts with me about this event. Before the baby was named, he wrote this:
July 22 has come and gone and there was no mention on the weblog of any event that corresponded with the time. I have been watching since last December the progress of the pregnancy of the Duchess of Cambridge since as you know she entered hospital at that time due to extraordinary sickness related to the pregnancy. This was at the same time as you were watching events in Australia connected with the red dragon and I mentioned in an email to you that the Duchess had gone into hospital. The reason I thought it might be important is that her husband, Prince William is the son of Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, whose standard is the Red Dragon of Wales. The Duchess recovered from the sickness but one of the nurses attending her committed suicide shortly thereafter due to events related to the time that the Duchess was in her care. This struck me as a kind of second target that has occurred in the past.In any event I was interested to know if the birth would take place on one of the watch dates in July and it has transpired that indeed it did, on July 22, corresponding to the octave of the Feast of Tabernacles. Many of the headlines and comments in the media also referred to the "coming King" and the "future Monarch" since the child is the third in line to the throne after his father and grandfather. There was much discussion about whether it would be a boy or a girl and we were sure that if it was indeed a type of the manchild it would be a boy or even a multiple birth since when the Duchess was sick it was mentioned that this sickness often accompanied multiple births. Since the manifestation of the sons of God will be a "multiple birth" that was a significant observation.There has been a lot of discussion also about the names that will be chosen and we thought that Alexander might be one of them since it is a Scottish royal name and it means Defender or Helper of Men.One of the watchers at the hospital was an old man dressed to the nines in a Union Jack. When there was some thunder and lightning on the day in question he said that this was a sign from Heaven that the birth was imminent. On the day the child was born the weather forecast for the next day was thunder, lightning and floods…with 50mm of rain. I thought the 50mm was a nice touch.
After the baby's name was announced, he wrote again:
It appears that we are seeing a new "dragon slayer." This could be a sign of serious events yet to come.http://gods-kingdom-ministries.net/daily-weblogs/2013/07-2013/prince-george-alexander-louis/Well, much to our surprise the names of the royal Prince have been revealed early. They are George Alexander Louis. Alexander was apparently the choice of the Duchess Catherine. This is the first time this name has been used to my knowledge since the Union of Scotland and England.In any event George is the patron saint of England and was a Roman centurion who was a Christian martyr under the Emperor Diocletian. He is reputed to have slain the dragon (symbolically representing satan) by his martyrdom and is often pictured destroying the dragon. The name means earth worker or farmer which suggests to us one who restores the earth or a husbandman.The third name, Louis or in German Ludwig, means famous warrior and was amongst others the name of the three Merovingian kings in its Celtic form of Clovis as well as the name of many French and German kings.So the choice of names confirms our belief that this birth is a type of the birth of the manchild and given so many other indications lately we believe that that event is close at hand. Of course that may still mean many years since our Father works on a different schedule that we do.
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