Monday, December 30, 2013

2014 January 14/15th Mark your calendar

High vilotaly in the Markets for 2014 confirmed w/ Gerald Celente Below
We are moving toward the transfer of power throughout the world (as it already has been transferred in the Spiritual realm) and that means there is a delay in our realm what we call our world our reality as I stated before the delay is your friend use it to your advantage and protection

As Lindsey Williams has said prepare by January 1st 2014
I heed the warning and would definitely  agree to getting your relationship with god in order and point yourself in the right direction to use this new authority we are being given as a people

2013 /

How do we know when this becomes life threatening, It all stops when china stops receiving physical gold/silver the flow of gold has been from West UsA, Europe to East China, Russia:

[(According to a very wise man  Dr. Jones " In other words, the transfer of authority (dominion) would occur after 2,520 years of beast rule. That time is now upon us—or at least, the start of it. We should see the transfer of dominion occur over a three-year time period from now until the end of 2016." - See more at: )
I understand this to mean that Babylon was to fall that very night, but in long-term prophecy, Babylon was to fall at the end of its 2,520 year contract from the divine court. In other words, Babylon should fall from 2013/14 to 2016/17.)]

The other factors are the 10 year note breaking 3% on 12/29/2013 and
they have also suspended the debt ceiling till February 7th 2014  Mark your calendar 2/7/2014 - 2/15/2014 and

Tapering to star early 2014 (January) 14/15

March 18th is another day to watch :)



Is now the time to enter silver before it is to late?

[(According to a very wise man  Dr. Jones " In other words, the transfer of authority (dominion) would occur after 2,520 years of beast rule. That time is now upon us—or at least, the start of it. We should see the transfer of dominion occur over a three-year time period from now until the end of 2016." - See more at: )
I understand this to mean that Babylon was to fall that very night, but in long-term prophecy, Babylon was to fall at the end of its 2,520 year contract from the divine court. In other words, Babylon should fall from 2013/14 to 2016/17. The fall of Babylon has now begun, for the beast system has now reached the beginning of the end of its 2,520-year contract. In Daniel’s time, the kings of the east were Cyrus of Persia and Darius of Media. Today God has raised up new eastern kings to accomplish His purpose (Revelation 16:12). They are bringing in a new banking system with asset-based currencies to replace the fiat money that is currently being used and which has almost no backing. Hence, there will soon be a global currency reset, with all currencies being revalued according to a nation’s actual worth. After Bernanke’s drunken orgy of QE to infinity, there is little doubt that the US dollar will be devalued in this changeover. The dollar amount in bank accounts will remain the same, but its buying power will be reduced. In other words, everything will cost more. The more we know of this, the better prepared we can be for the days ahead. Even so, the most important preparation is spiritual. The more we know of the Word and of the divine plan, the better prepared we will be to provide stability and comfort to those who are afraid of what is happening. The really good news is not so much the collapse and bankruptcy of Babylon, but the transfer of dominion to the saints of the Most High. Not many will be ready for this, but we are doing what we can to prepare ourselves as ambassadors of the Kingdom. - See more at: )]


The other factors are the 10 year note breaking 3%
they have also suspended the debt ceiling till February 7th 2014  Mark your calendar 2/7/2014 - 2/15/2014

Tapering to star early 2014 (January) 14/15

How Will a Tapering Look?
Tapering isn’t an immediate, dramatic event. Instead, it is likely to take place gradually throughout 2014 so as to create minimal market disruption. Also, it is going to remain dependent on economic conditions. The Fed may pull back slightly if the economy continues to strengthen, but it could also increase the program again if the economy slowed or the financial markets were shocked by an unforeseen crisis.
Tapering Shouldn’t Come as a Surprise
The potential for tapering has existed since QE began. Quantitative easing was never intended to last forever, since each bond purchase expands the Fed’s “balance sheet” by increasing the amount of bonds it owns. Also, in past communications Bernanke had made it clear that the continuation of the program was dependant on incoming economic data.
Bernanke in fact maintained this approach in his May 22 testimony, saying “A premature tightening of monetary policy (i.e., a tapering of quantitative easing) could lead interest rates to rise temporarily but would also carry a substantial risk of slowing or ending the economic recovery and causing inflation to fall further” and “I want to be very clear that a step to reduce the flow of purchases would not be an automatic, mechanistic process of ending the program. Rather, any change in the flow of purchases would depend on the incoming data and our assessment of how the labor market and inflation are evolving.”
Market Reaction to Tapering
While Bernanke’s tapering statement didn’t represent an immediate shift, it nonetheless frightened the markets. In the recovery that has followed the 2008 financial crisis, both stocks and bonds have produced outstanding returns despite economic growth that is well below historical norms. The general consensus, which is likely accurate, is that Fed policy is the reason for this disconnect. Once the Fed begins to pull back on it stimulus, the markets may begin to perform more in line with economic fundamentals – which in this case, means weaker performance. Bonds indeed sold off sharply in the wake of Bernanke's first mention of tapering, while stocks began to exhibit higher volatility than they had previously. The markets subsequently stablized through the second half of 2013 as investors gradually grew more comfortable with the idea of a reduction in QE.
Learn more: What to own - and what to avoid - if bonds enter a bear market.

"Gold is Money" - J P Morgan - In 1912

On December 18 & 19th 1912

JP Morgan Testified before  congress :

this is a great read loud and clear from the man himself 60 pages of "PURE GOLD"


morgan Epigrams

I have absolute faith in the patriotism and public spirit of the Stock Exchange. The moral responsibility has to be defended as long as you live. Securities do not always prove good. It is difficult to get stockholders to take active interest in their companies. I do not believe I could carry any question through any board against the views of the other directors. I like a little competition, but I should rather have co-operation. Without actual control, you can do nothing. I want to control nothing. There is nothing in the world by which you can make a money trust. I do not feel that I nave vast power. I do not think I have power in any department of industry; I am not seeking it, either. All the money and all the banks in Christendom cannot control credit. My firm is not run by me; I am not the final authority. I believe in divided as against concentrated responsibility.
I do not compete for deposits. I do not care whether they ever come, but they do come. A bank, if it transacts its business right, will get its share of the business. Nobody wants to put money into a new railroad in these times. I always assist young men. If it is good business for the interests of the country, I do it.
If I should attempt to tell where the money is in every transac- tion I make, I shou!d have a hard time of it.
I did it because I thought it was the thing to do.

I should not allow a man to be associated with me that I thought was a fraud, simply because he owned a bank which at that moment was solvent.
Money is gold, and nothing else.

If a man had the credit, and I had the money, his customer would be badly off.

I have given a man a check for a million when I knew he had not a cent in the world.

The first thing is character, before money or property or any- thing else.
A man I do not trust could not get money from me on all the bonds in Christendom.
I never heard of a bank being controlled by anybody who gave it business.

The first thing is to get the business, and the next thing is the way you transact your business.
I think manipulation is always bad.

I never sold short in my life that I know of, but I do not see how you will get along without it. It is a principle of life, I think.

.. I would not favor legislation that would reduce the volume of speculation. You cannot prevent the public buying a thing that they think is low, or selling a thing that they think is high

You cannot in a bank in which you are a director, not in any first-class bank, at any rate, go and find out how much I have got in that bank. "

J You can get combinations that can control business, but you cannot control money.

Sunday, December 29, 2013


OF MONEY PARTS 1,2,3,4 & 5


PART 1.)
PART 2.)
PART 3.)
PART 4.)
PART 5.)



Thrive (How do you process NEW information)

As we grow learn and mature it is important to take note of how we accept and process new information

I see it as a new way of thinking ( like apple think different marketing campaign) it made huge bucks for the company,

and it can bring great joy to your life with a mature approach to new information.

Take note of the below excerpt:


1) Intellect
  2) Knowledge
    3) Shrewdness
      4) Open-mindedness
        5) Common sense
          6) Truth-seeking
             7) Intuition
                8) Wisdom

  1. Let’s start with just plain raw INTELLECT. And by that, we mean mental athleticism — agility, speed, power… — fantastic skills, but as Einstein said, “We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.”
  2. KNOWLEDGE is not a gift or character trait. It is the result of dedicated, hard work in reading, listening to or viewing volumes of facts and the patterns and themes that run through them. The opposite of knowledge is ignorance, a term which is often misused. Ignorance is not a character trait or a lack of skill. It simply means a lack of pertinent information in a particular area. We are all knowledgeable in some areas and we are all ignorant in many others.
  3. SHREWDNESS is the mental skill of planning to win over others. From a football coach or a Wall Street exec, some have the knack or have developed the dedication to think many steps ahead, to understand predictable reactions of opponents and to sequence their moves to fulfill their mission.
  4. OPEN-MINDEDNESS, we believe, is one of the least valued and least developed, yet most desperately needed mental skills, if we are to navigate our way to a thriving world. We find that one of the most important words in each of our vocabularies these days is “Perhaps…”. The truth, it seems, is that most of what we learned — about history, economics, politics, ethics and even science turns out not to be true. The vast majority of people in the U.S. don’t trust their government, their bankers or their media, yet that is who dominates the sources of our information. We simply have to think critically and for ourselves, and that has to start with opening our thinking to consider new ideas and information.
    There is a popular expression that goes, “Don’t open your mind so much your brains fall out.” That’s a catchy way of making the point that, though open-mindedness is necessary, it absolutely needs to be accompanied by DISCERNMENT if we are to stay on track. For each of us, we need to really listen to a new notion, and if we don’t know yet if it holds water or not, we need to let ourselves hang out in that uncertainty for a while, as we do the due diligence to check it out. That is the often uncomfortable but nonetheless essential zone of not-knowing…yet!
  5. COMMON SENSE can thrive when one combines open-mindedness with discernment. If we’re not caught in irrational beliefs, unfounded hope or blind ego, the truth of what is can emerge, even seeming just plain obvious. If they cheated you twice and they say “trust me” — don’t. If the deal looks too good to be true, it probably isn’t true.
  6. TRUTH-SEEKING is one of the types of intelligence we most seek and respect. To be really good at it, you have to be able to process conflicting emotions and ideas. Your allegiance to the truth, and to your own integrity, need to be more powerful than your allegiance to what you used to believe, to looking good or to fitting in among your family, network or social group. Truth-seeking requires the spiritual and emotional capacity to move out of the “hassle-free zone” (as David Icke calls it) — and to recognize that virtually every understanding will eventually be replaced by a new and more accurate model of reality.
  7. INTUITION is an entirely different form of intelligence. It is a gift — that we all have, to some degree, and which can be developed to become an extraordinary, almost “super-power.” How many times have you had a bad feeling about someone or a situation and had it confirmed — whether you heeded your alert or not? Separating the “signal” from the “noise,” and interpreting inner messages correctly takes trial and feedback to develop. Intuition is not magic or make-believe. It is a vital skill of limitless potential for all of our future explorations and evolution. Like discernment accompanying open-mindedness, intuition expands and balances intellect to help us fulfill our remarkable potential as human beings.
  8. WISDOM is the word we use when we put all of this together. As white is the sum of the other colors, wisdom is intellect with common sense, intuition and compassion. Compassion can be seen as running your thoughts through your heart before acting on them. It fuels and informs morality.


Saturday, December 28, 2013

Breaking 3%

We have broke through the 3%  mark for the 10 year note there maybe a stabilization between 3.5% and 3% until the end of the year.


what dose this mean It means the grease for the gears of the financial machine is drying up and other banks and countries do not want to pay more for transactions between banks also what this means is that a loan you choose to take out will cost you more in interest

Art Cashin:


Friday, December 27, 2013

*ALERT* Before 2020 (silver and Crude oil) *ALERT*

Before year 2020 I believe you will be able to trade one ounce of silver for one barrel of crude oil.

First Ever public Forecast


Within 36 Months or asClose as 90 Days

there is common  thread happening within the world the confirmation of a reset of sorts this reset mis spoke as a revaluation is becoming common speak (which is found in general conversations) work school play or at the bar. 

this common thread is said to be a reset of the global currencies except it is not as common as you think heck it is as common as simply waking up one morning and hearing on the news that there has been an agreement between nations! This agreement is to end currency wars and come back to fair trading platform ( fair market value) however what will not be said is this agreement between nations is going to effect every one, just the impact will be felt more by those in America or at the very least those holding the United States Dollar.

It is said the agreement will be to value a Nations currency based on their assets the country holds ka gold silver oil etc.(Natural Resources) because of this agreement and the transition of power from west to east we really have run out of much needed time too prepare come January 1st 2014 is just right around the corner even after continue to prepare what is it you ask to prepare for // simply put prepare for what you think will be a worst case scenario of social breakdown within the country guts guns ammos food water shelter and medical supplies untll the transition ahas been completed the world we live in is on a hair trigger and any disruption to the flow of goods  from price supply and even demand can put a strain on the system. the other thing is said that there will not be any issues with food at the grocery store the only issue will be not having the money to buy the food you need (FEMA CAMPS HAVE ALREADY BEEN ACTIVATED)  and they will not force you to go only you will go by choice and your own decision. we have already seen tent cities in California And Nevada We are hearing more reports of people living in their cars and it is 20 below zero outside we continue to hear reports of jobless claims increasing and we also hear reports of the unemployment benefits expiring for those without a job for far too long. ( that is what happens when they are sent over seas) China has acquired many assets from America and they know it. It is time for them to be silent no more

Read below the power of Knowing about the elephant in the room:
The deadline approaches. tick tock.. GnS+Research
(Chart )

The Economic Day of Reckoning is coming

Will it be 2014, 2015, or 2016?  I don’t believe it can be delayed beyond 2016.  At most,that is just 36 months away.  The actual U.S. Liability level stands at $220 Trillion and is growing.  It IS the elephant in the room that nobody is talking about.  In the meantime, gold, silver, and related stocks are relatively cheap… especially the stocks.  For those with cash on hand, they may be able to pickup some real bargains now.  Gold is hated by the mainstream media.  When you look back at past financial media orientations, they tend to be an indicator of when to focus on the next stock category to appreciate in value.  Oil stocks were hated when Chevron was selling for $55 per share.  Today it is at $122.84.  Now it is loved by all.
Various governments around the globe are changing the banking laws to use the “bail-in” strategy.  This means that depositors will take on risk of bank failure instead of the governments.  This would lead us to believe that those looking behind the curtain, expect major failures soon.  The only question is “when”.
The price of gold was reset in the past in terms of the U.S. Dollar:
In 1934, Roosevelt reset the price of gold from $20.67 per ounce to $35.
In 1971, the price was reset from $35 to $38.
In 1973 the price was again reset from $38 dollars $42.22.
Right now, the price is just under $1,200.  I expect to see another overnight revaluation and expect it to be epic in proportion to these past resets.  How else can you deal with the $220 Trillion in liabilities that are demanding a reconciliation?
Will Congress tax the windfall profits of those preparing for the reset?  Most likely.  With all the suffering expected due to the epic decline of the Dollar, they will want to show those in pain that they will go after those who profited from the pain.  It seems a little perverse to be the one who caused the problem, then point at someone else who figured out how to protect himself from the problem and the guilty.  Oh well, the innocent will once again suffer the consequences for the guilty.  Thankfully, Our Heavenly Father’s scales of equal weights and measure will insure a proper accounting in the end.
No matter what year the great reset occurs, it will be a wild ride.  “Cowboy up” as they say at the rodeo.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013


Take note of this Image

I guarantee it will not look this way by the end of 2014



December 24: Gold and Silver Gains With Stocks and Oil

Chris Mullen
Please Note: US and Canadian markets will be closed tomorrow for Christmas Day.

JSE Gold

Stocks Out Shine Gold and Silver (or do they)

The Reports are in and we have confirmation that stocks out performed Gold and Silver for the year of 2013 how true that it is yet how false those that believe this are mistaken and it was a great year to buy the physical metal yes the price took a beating yet for those that will continue to hold on to the physical metal there will be a terrific payoff not now of course this is not a get rich quick method it is a secured savings outside of the system and we shall be thankful for there will be a bank holiday within our lifetime and that means there will be a time you will not be able to go get your money out od the bank were it is kept in fact they will say you no longer own what you so willingly gave them you would be lucky to get 10- 50% of it back this is not limited to banks only but all instruments of the banking system meaning if you own any cd's 401k's ira's options stocks all things electronic it belongs to the system, this way of thinking is trickling out into our world and very soon people will simply say I want my money back and I want it back now!


NEW DELHI: It was a year of stocks shining bright when it comes to adding to the
investors' wealth, and the glitter of gold and silver fading for the second straight year in

Measured by benchmark
index Sensex, stock market has generated a positive return of about 9 per cent
for investors in 2013, while gold prices fell by about three per cent and its
poorer cousin silver plummeted close to 24 per cent. After outperforming stock
market for more  ..

13 Gifts (Charts)

Frightful yet delightful for those of you that see the point of view of protection
and the weather out side is frightful yet when your inside your home it is so delightful protect your family and friends and have a merry time of year enjoy every moment and every step like a baby taking their first steps we take ours.

From Zero hedge

13 in the last 13 years :
With most stock indices breaking record highs (and even the NASDAQ back to 13+ year highs), we thought a time of reflection and giving (as opposed to receiving Fed liquidity) required a look at the bigger picture. The following 13 charts of the last 13 years cover everything from collapsing SAT scores to record high prices of alcohol and from surging gun background checks to record high food stamp recipients, this is not your great grandma's depression-"recovery"...

Tuesday, December 24, 2013


Wishing you all a merry Christmas or what ever it is you celebrate :)

A important Message from Mike Maloney

and did we just pass the 100% thresh hold of Debt compared to GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of the United States

Thursday, December 19, 2013

silver / gold chart

The Market is continuing to fight it's way through the 20.00 dollar range then the 19.00 range this will not last forever and something is going to give very soon

after the Fed announced the 10 billion dollar in tapering it also appears our stock market has peaked

Iinterview with Michael Pento:

negative interest rates and money supply to be increasing

Rising Interest Rates will crush the housing Market and the Economy/

Monday, December 16, 2013

Mine(d) Your Own Business - Health and Life Style -

I writing this because I have challenged the status quo What I have done was to by pass the medical doctors and I self medicated myself to over come a certain influenza at my work place with colloidal silver (Nano silver particles that destroy the membrane of bacteria as small as parts per billion)

Each time I have applied the antidote (colloidal silver) I have also noticed an increase in heart rate so I decided to break the fever and take charge of this illness full bore and it did take awhile to create and break the fever. Now I cannot sleep at the moment as long as the disinfectant is in my system then I may not be able to get sleep for a lil while.

For what it is worth I would certainly deal with a little extra pain to get over being sick way sooner that than waste a doctors visit. spending money that I do not have.

Of course we need doctors for broken bones catastrophes and children's care.

All I am saying is when the doctor is not available what is a person to do we are responsible for our own health, dignity and well being. Do what makes you happy.

I decided to make tea with it and it sometimes will enlighten yourself the most annoying thing as far as any type of disease is concerned I really hate the cough and if this works to rid myself of such thing as annoying as the cough it is totally worth it and very inexpensive! I would not recommend anyone to do such things without consulting a doctor or physician as I am not a doctor.

But I will try new things to be successful and we will see how the next few days go.

I just cannot help but think of the previous empires that have ruled the world they ate and drank out of gold and silver cups dishes and used real Silverware (where do you think the name Silverware came from) and rarely did they if ever got ill or sick. (there was no medical system like we have today) If we can learn anything form history lets start with the health and well being of our selves to enjoy the quality of life we always strive and live for.


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Power Transfer

We have reach the end of 2013/14 the end and will begin a new in 2016/17 as we watch our Banking System crumble as we know it. I hate saying that one day soon we will wake up probably on a Monday that our dollar cannot buy what it use to the same funds are available but they will buy less an less as we accurately balance what we own backed by what we have created and a balance will take place as it already happens in nature.

Millions will look for answers Billions will seek the truth to find what they thought was impossible is now possible the outrageous will/is becoming the normally accepted and the disgraced and despaired will be the leaders of our new world.



it is our world view of our very existence what we call life

the life we live, work and play in.



The Babylonian Banking System is Bankrupt Daniel 5 gives us the prophetic pattern for the fall of Babylon. In verses 1-4 the king of Babylon had a drunken orgy (perhaps a birthday party for the king), drinking wine from the temple vessels. In other words, they drank Babylonian wine (doctrine, teachings) while pretending to be biblical. That was the problem in the long-term picture, but in the context of the Federal Reserve Bank, we have seen in recent years the drunken orgy of money creation through QE1, QE2, and QE3 to infinity. This is the setup for the soon-coming bankruptcy of the western banking system. While Belshazzar was drinking, a hand appeared out of nowhere and wrote on the wall: Mene, Mene, Tekel, Upharsin (or Peres). Daniel interpreted it for the king in terms of bankruptcy proceedings: Mene: Your kingdom has been audited (“numbered”). Tekel: Your debits exceed your credits. Peres: You will be sold at the auction to the Medes and Persians. If we translate these words into Hebrew, we find that they are monetary terms. And if we add them together, they total 2,520 gerahs (like our pennies). Mina: 1000 gerahs Mina: 1000 gerahs Shekel: 20 gerahs (Exodus 30:13) Peres: 500 gerahs Total: 2,520 gerahs I understand this to mean that Babylon was to fall that very night, but in long-term prophecy, Babylon was to fall at the end of its 2,520 year contract from the divine court. In other words, Babylon should fall from 2013/14 to 2016/17. The fall of Babylon has now begun, for the beast system has now reached the beginning of the end of its 2,520-year contract. In Daniel’s time, the kings of the east were Cyrus of Persia and Darius of Media. Today God has raised up new eastern kings to accomplish His purpose (Revelation 16:12). They are bringing in a new banking system with asset-based currencies to replace the fiat money that is currently being used and which has almost no backing. Hence, there will soon be a global currency reset, with all currencies being revalued according to a nation’s actual worth. After Bernanke’s drunken orgy of QE to infinity, there is little doubt that the US dollar will be devalued in this changeover. The dollar amount in bank accounts will remain the same, but its buying power will be reduced. In other words, everything will cost more. The more we know of this, the better prepared we can be for the days ahead. Even so, the most important preparation is spiritual. The more we know of the Word and of the divine plan, the better prepared we will be to provide stability and comfort to those who are afraid of what is happening. The really good news is not so much the collapse and bankruptcy of Babylon, but the transfer of dominion to the saints of the Most High. Not many will be ready for this, but we are doing what we can to prepare ourselves as ambassadors of the Kingdom. - See more at:

Wednesday, December 11, 2013


The world we live in is ruled by time and space or is it?

We have light sound time and space but it always seeks balance.

(Everything in this world has ONE  infinite common factor ENERGY)

Because nature is in a constant state of balance

you can argue the fact if you want and not listen or you can open your mind to a new way of thinking after all if someone refuses to list to the new information you never heard before you ARE simply misinformed (BEING NICE) and denying the truth we may do it from time to time.

It's only human (I'm Guilty) how many of you or people in general will go out of your way to hear listen see something you never ever want to see because it is distasteful (to you at least) however somebody else will see beauty art excellence and prestige even peace, as they have grown accustomed to the music song dance behavior or way of life that it /they has/have become.( I make an effort to see try things not done before even if I don't like them just to find out why and see if at all possible how I can learn to like them)

just look at why you like and dis like certain things you found a part of your self  in those that you enjoy and make you come alive

Am I saying you do not come alive with things you do not like ABSOLUTELY NOT! In fact they may make us come more alive (not in a good way) - well at one point in our life we were the angry upset customer and we learn to deal with things when things did not go our way or as expected hopefully in a more mature manner after all we grow up to be adults and we cannot help it. unless you end it.

Anyway the purpose of this writing is to inform you. What I write is not always going to be sweet and tasty and it will not be anything you ever want to hear nor should we even be hear the horrible things happening in the world I get tired of it to just like the rest of you. but I write to case by case scenarios a lot of those being worst case scenarios because if we were never told of how dangerous the world is we live in we would never be prepared yet my question to you would be if we never knew how dangerous the world actual is/was  would we even care, AND WOULD IT EVEN EXIST?


In a nut shell the human life is conceived into babies for many years of life after age 5 and up to 10 we branch out  meet new people and have our friends as long as we can keep them we grow into adult hood with the choices we made then 70-89% of the population has more babies between 15 and 25 years of age we grow old watching others grow up children to adults to old fogies and we die the only thing we have is the choices we choose to day and build the world of tomorrow of what we really want it to be with the way we choose to be. We're not only living we are human beings.


Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Silver Hault 2 hours (trading)

Was silver halted from Trading in Hong Kong for 2 hours

take a look here:

take a look just after midnight until 230 approx. 12:30 - 2:30 EDT
something strange took place


Related Charts

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Numbers

As the numbers roll by from black Friday and cyber Monday

the foot traffic is slowing down and the online retailing is expanding monstrously as the tensions increase from the squeeze of the rise in income taxes the decrease in jobs and full time employment with the people going through a cold winter starting earlier this season.

do we have a long winter ahead of us or do we have the emergence of warmer weather coming our way earlier in 2014 much needed.

While china is buying an extra 25% of the gold market world wide with a combined purchase for both 2011 and 2012 already purchased in 2013

there is a confirming shortage brewing as we wind down an amazing year of 2013 we embark on the last great buying opportunity of the year for precious metals January the 1st 2014 is right around the corner. it is as plain as day to be prepared for winter and prepared to be the best in 2014

U.S. retailers eked out a 2.3 percent sales gain on Thanksgiving and Black Friday, in line with a prediction for the weakest holiday results since 2009.
Sales at brick-and-mortar stores on Thanksgiving and Black Friday rose to $12.3 billion, according to a report yesterday from ShopperTrak. The Chicago-based researcher reiterated its prediction that sales for the entire holiday season will gain 2.4 percent, the smallest increase since the last recession.

147.922 metric tons (mt) was the take in October. 233.519 mt was the GLD-cracking high, set in March.
Technicals: A Massive Trade Opportunity In Silver? By: Michael Kilbach - Friday, December 6, 2013
Fundamentals: Congress handed the checkbook from the legislative to the executive (ex-congressional supermajority), under cover of the rising noise as the deadline for raising the debt ceiling loomed, by means of the McConnell Provision, now the law. Fiscal conservatives got punked.
From the link, Timothy Geither explains [our bracket]:
"And the way that works is the President would have the obligation periodically of requesting an increase in the debt limit, and then Congress would have the chance, then, to express its views on the merits of that proposal by disapproving that. And then the President would have to decide, if a bill [of disapproval] came to his desk, about whether to veto that or sign it.  Of course, he’d veto it in that context. ... It’s a very good idea.”

Friday, December 6, 2013


As we approach the end of a fabulous year 2013 we come closer to the end of the nd beginning of the beginning.

the majority of people ( which I am guilty of at some point in my life) lack the ability to plan for the future let alone see the future and even more powerful create their own future and luck for that matter.

we continue to get more confirming evidence Buy Local (forecasted in 2010 ) by 2015 majority of people will buy local others die with the old adages. change or die is the motto, just look how much we changed from when we were 12 years old and now we are full grown adults a lot had to change and we did that to better ourselves and become self sufficient   rich poor middle class fit unfit and mediocre clean trashy and modest no matter the class look or status we all make the decision to be where we want to be and if we are not angry enough to make the change we must be silly enough to accept where we are and pollute or selves from becoming and getting what we want work is a requirement to have a healthy fit body success financial emotional and relational as well as happiness I choose to not let others negative thoughts bring me down people want the real it just what are people wiling to accept as real.

If you lack the imagination to have a quality of life how would you ever know you can / will ever have the quality of life your looking for how do you know what that is if you never ever thought of it.

All things in our realm exist only because of our thoughts because we cognitively think to solve our problems and issues or deal with stress, why not enjoy the hard ships we have why, not set our self free from all of the crap people give us I have noticed things happen indirectly to people around me after a certain state of mind (usually negative) and the energy has to go back to it's source that created that bad experience to balance the scales as water evaporates it leaves behind the nutrients in the soil ironically it is that water in the same soil that releases those nutrients for the plant to absorb into the food we eat which takes water to transfer he nutrients into and around our bodies.

what I see in the future is grim at first  yet rewarding and Because I believe we will overcome the greatest crash and disasters of all time that are right around the corner physically emotionally and spiritually we will all be a tighter nit group and race from that at which we have yet to experience. I have spoken that in 50 years there will not be this world hunger for food because the world hunger's for love and god.


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

True Love will Happen Naturaly

Through out the world as we succumb to the natural laws of the universe there is never ending natural love for it is how we choose to create things or channel our energy to be constructive instead of destructive.

People are beginning to listen and others and what they are saying and how they arrived at that conclusion and will soon  follow each other  as we all thirst that is confided in us all as a dry dessert lacks water the essential element for life.

we thirst to be loved and love for the comfort and security of unconditional love from a mother from a father we grow up and (a)part, we learn we are a part of something greater than we ever thought our one self to ever be and because we have each other, like a tree has the trunk the braches and the leaves we are all connected through each other from one another which makes us tough and stronger. we reach and thrive to be our best self  better than we thought we really are.


Monday, December 2, 2013

Comming Confimations (Rise in Premiums)

A break is always needed and it allows us the step back and process what we yet do not understand this break is over and we are now ready to advance until the next break yet we will random epiphanies during the time of study when realize we needed time to enjoy life and see something different now it's time to get busy

as we are constantly running out of time to prepare for the unfortunate truth  hat lies ahead yet I would rather walk than run and be in a constant hurry as that stress will not allow your self to take in stride the journey. enjoy it to the fullest as that what we have to look forward to each an every day

The coming depletion of gold and Silver and why it is on one final sale through the rest of the year and grab what you can now as we continue to get confirming confirmation of the scarcity of  both gold and silver

Folks this is what we have been waiting for


India's finance ministry fighting a crippling current account deficit and a weakening currency has tried various ways to slake the country's insatiable thirst for gold.
Gold import duties have been pushed up tenfold – from 1% at the start of 2012 to 10% today. Excise duties now stand at 9% while new rules such as strictly cash only for imports, transaction taxes and even bans on gold-backed exchange traded fund investments have stymied India's gold industry.
But the government import restrictions have led to a scarcity of physical gold inside the country (despite the concomitant increase in smuggling) which coupled with the weak rupee are putting a huge damper on sales of gold this year.
The sub-continent celebrated Dhanteras and Diwali, two festivals closely associated with bullion buying, last month, but 2013 turned out to be a subdued year.
Now that the country's wedding season, another major driver of gold sales, is in full swing, premiums demanded by Indian gold traders from jewelers are shooting up again.
"Gold premiums shot back to $130 [an ounce above the London price fix] levels mainly on the back of severe shortage of supply and also due to slowdown in recycled gold trade," the All India Gems and Jewellery Trade Federation said on Monday.
That is double the $60 – $70 an ounce premium paid during the festivals when many Indian families opted to pay to have their gold melted and made into new jewelry and gifts.
According to some estimates about 400 tonnes of recycled gold to enter the market this fiscal year to March 2014, compared with normal rates of about 130 tonnes, according to Thomson Reuters GFMS data.
India's 330 million households are hoarding 18,000 – 20,000 metric tonnes of gold worth some $900 billion at today's prices, representing almost 50% of the country's GDP.
Image of Golden Temple in Amritsar, Punjab by Dainis Matisons

Monday, November 25, 2013

GCR (Global Currency Reset) (The Lashing)

What Jim Wille says about what is making (not making)  main stream The GCR 

Because of this change there will be resistance to this change and war will erupt to fight the change
from happening.

Those who are for the reset will be in the line of fire.

The banks are going to collapse anyway for those in the west lack the gold China has already prepared to write of 1 trillion in US T-Bond debt. (phase out)

But because there is a petro dollar in place there must also be a scape goat.

I believe this country and currency will be Iraq as they have set up a parliamentary Elections for the end of April 2014:
Iraqi parliamentary elections to be held on April, 2014
Jalal Talabani & Massoud Barzani
Iraqi parliamentary elections to be held on April, 2014
The Iraqi government has announced that the parliamentary elections will be held on April 30, 2014.
Definitely something to watch
coinciding with the anticipated announcement from China with their gold reserves about on or before this time in 2014 we will see take note of events to come and the things leading up to these events..