Sunday, December 16, 2012

Saving to Invest

Silver is being talked about as the greatest investment of 2013 place your bets make your vote but don't leave yourself out of an opporyunity of a life time. I remember the powerball a few weeks ago an there were quite a few people who stood in line just to buy a worthless ticket amd gamble $2 , $10 even $100 you could certainly use just $10 dollars and by silver dimes and quarters that has resale value not only that it keeps its value and if you simply get tired of holding physical silver you can always sell it. Here's why I like it. It is solid and if my house burns down I will find it in the ashes, precious metals are the only real money that is universally traded and accepted world wide and I like the fact that I can take paper and put it into something of value that has the ability to sustain and increase in purchasing power. We all have or should have a savings account Start saving your purchasing power with Silver

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