Saturday, December 15, 2012

Comming Global Reset

Here is a great !! Minute video from Dr. Jones @ about the comming Global Reset. World collateral accounts set to be released before Christmas, Neil Keenan says December 14, 2012 at 11:15 PM This is a brief explanation in a short 11-minute video. tp:// feature=player_embedded&v=BnC1_o2R I believe that this represents the final overthrow of Mystery Babylon's banking system. It is also known as the Global Reset, a new banking system that the Kings of the East have been putting into place in recent years. A part of this Reset involves the revaluation of the Iraqi dinar along with other currencies, such as the Vietnamese Dong. Many believe that all of this will take place at roughly the same time. If so, it would be comparable to Babylon's o

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