Monday, December 10, 2012


From GKM

The reason for lower unemployment rate

December 09, 2012 at 7:01 PM

The official US unemployment rate has dropped from 8% down to 7.7%. Talking heads on the news stations do their best to promote the notion that things are getting better. However, part of the lower rate has to do with the number of people who have reached the end of their unemployment benefits without being able to find work. When they stop receiving benefits, they are dropped from the official count and reclassified as "discouraged," rather than unemployed.
Even so, the total number of employed people in America has gone up over 800,000 in the past five months. Good news? Perhaps. But the following report says that 73.3% of them have gotten government jobs.
It gets that much more difficult for the private sector to fund the government's expenses.


last-5-months-are-government JOBS
In June, a total of 142,415,000 people were employed in the U.S, according to the BLS, including 19,938,000 who were employed by federal, state and local governments.
By November, according to data BLS released today, the total number of people employed had climbed to 143,262,000, an overall increase of 847,000 in the six months since June


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