Monday, November 12, 2012

In What Seems to be Troubling Times it's Important to Stay BALANCEDL

  When I was growing up (about 12 years old) I tried I picked up that thick book of books and tried to read just one page with such tiny print and realizing the time it will take to read one single page, I thought I would never read such things ever!

As I grew and matured I met a tremendous Individual (Dr. Jones) who dedicated their life to such study and I have been doing my best to understand what bible prophecy really means and how to apply it to today's world in our nation and our community as a people (individual) I absolutely believe in it is important to have a solid foundation within your self and try to really look at the big picture no matter what main stream media says.

 "Today’s war is more of an economic war than anything. Virtually all wars are fought for economic reasons, contrary to popular propaganda. The East vs. West war that is currently being fought is no different. Each side has two different economic visions. The Western system is based on money created out of nothing (“fiat”), while the East wants to bring in an asset-based currency. But such a change would destroy the power of the money-creators in the West." Dr. Jones

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