Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Helicopter Money

This was a trickle and now it appears that free money may be a thing of common goods and services what a test this will be for those who like to work and thoes that do not like to work

I learned from my father the power of hard work and that to worry about myself not others, leaning talking and the ones that play games with each other. costing us all time and money.

What a challege it will be for  us all when they announce free monies to the world the public and your neibors.

would you quit your job if you had only your income to expenses sustained.

Imagine a conversation with yur friends even the homeless hey get off your but lets go have some fun did you get your check yet "yes" well c'mon then let's enjoy some drinks and hang out everything is paid for 

This will be our greatst demise as the influx of currency into the local markets will inflate prices byond what 10, 20 even thirty times as much so we will all need to work anyways.
GnS Reasearch


I think the latest gimmick to stimulate the economy is pretty much the same thing. It’s one of the most absurd ideas I’ve heard in a while. And that’s saying something, considering the outrageous schemes our economic luminaries have recently come up with, like…
  • Faking a space alien invasion to help stimulate the economy.
  • Minting a trillion dollar coin.
  • Negative interest rates.
  • Banning physical cash.
  • Cash for clunkers.
  • Increasing rounds of money printing, euphemistically called “quantitative easing.”
These ideas would be comical if people in power didn’t actually take them seriously. But they do.

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