Monday, February 15, 2016

Saudi Arabia Soon To Reject the US Dollar (Oil trade)

At the end of January (2016) Russia has accepted Chinese Renimbi as trade for all Crude oil between both great countries. Saudi Arabia now has competition and lost of market share from the chinese market unless they change their ways.

Before the end of this decade  (2019) perhaps near the end of this year (2016) Saudi Arabia will reject the US Dollar as a means of Global oil trade soon to be replaced by the Chines Renimbi or even the Iraqi Dinar. 

This may transition as a phase of 50% side by side wight he dollar for a smother transition which may also include gold as a means of trade which Iran is already accepting.

What this means for those of you in the United States and those of you who posses US Dollars is that you may expect a decline in your purchasing power when this is announced. (soon)

It could be as much as 50% cut in half.

Oil sales will continue credit is slowing and jobs are becoming scarce.

These are trends of a winter season a waning harvest and for the uninformed his could lead to a nightmare. 

Stay informed up to date and give the glory to god and be humble.
GNS + Research

Read more below:
Saudi Arabia's share of Chinese oil imports at the beginning of the decade was about 20%, while Russia's was below 7%. Not anymore.

Saudi Arabia's share of Chinese oil imports at the beginning of the decade was about 20%, while Russia's was below 7%. Not anymore.

Why? Analysts attribute Russia's huge market share growth to its willingness to accept yuan, while Saudi Arabia is still clinging to blood-soaked dollars. As Business Insider notes:

Interestingly, part of Russia's success in China has been attributed to its willingness to accept Chinese yuan denominated currency for its oil.
This is consistent with earlier forecasts about Russia's market share in China. Bloomberg reported back in July:
Following Russia’s recent acceptance of the renminbi as payments for oil, we expect more record high oil imports ahead to China,” 

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