Tuesday, February 23, 2016


Anyone in the world who thinks gold doesn't matter is a fool.

The evidence speaks for its self

Peace of Mind is priceless

GnS Research

Zero hedgehttp://www.zerohedge.com/print/524471
It appears, first slowly and now quickly, the world is realizing that Alan Greenspan was right after all [3]"Gold is a currency. It is still, by all evidence, a premier currency. No fiat currency, including the dollar, can match it."
As Nick Laird exposes, [4] gold prices are running away in the weakest countries first...

It can never happen here though, right?
Source: Sharelynx http://www.sharelynx.com/newsblog/index.php?post/2016/02/20/Gold-At-New-Highs

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Where are you parked (Positioned)

According to Bloomberg Gold is Golden

GnS Research


It’s a big turnaround for the metal which slid to a five-year low in December as the Federal Reserve readied for its first rate increase in almost a decade. 

Friday, February 19, 2016

Central Banks Are Net buyers of Gold

At the turn of the century Central banks of the globe were net sellers of gold the price reflected this  with the chart below.

As you can also see with this chart below the pivotal point was in 2008 which lead to  gold sales slowing and ceasing in 2009 and net purchases began in 2010.

Why are central banks are buying the physical metal if they can produce monetary instruments with accounting procedures. In my view it looks like the central banks have been buying assurance of gold and with lower prices globally it suggests to me that gold is not expensive enough to cover outstanding debts and obligations public and private

I am curious but I do not provide finical advise I ask my readers this: "If central banks are now proven to be net buyers of gold and it appears t be in greater demand have you also made a decision to hold something like gold at a current discounted rate?


Central Bank gold sales peaked in 2005 at 663 mt and accounted for 21% of total demand that year.  What would have been the market price of gold if the Central Banks didn’t dump 91.5 Moz over the seven-year period (2003-2009)?
Then something changed in 2010.  As the United States and other Western Central Banks (Japan & then the EU) continued their massive QE (Quantitative Easing – money printing) policies, Eastern and various Central Banks became net buyers of gold.
Net Central Bank gold buying started at only 79 mt in 2010, surged to 625 mt in 2011 and is estimated to be 588 mt for 2015.  Again, the majority of Central Bank gold purchases were from Eastern governments, especially in 2015.  Russia and China accounted for majority of Central Bank gold purchases last year.
What a trend change… aye?  From 2003-2009, Central Banks dumped 91.5 Moz of gold into the market.  However, this totally reversed as Central Banks were net buyers, acquiring 94 Moz of gold from 2010-2015.

Net Physical Gold Investment Has Western Central Banks Worried

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Is 2016 the year of Jubilee (finally)

Jubilee  - a special anniversary of an event, especially one celebrating twenty-five or fifty years of a reign or activity.

In order to heal there must be a cleansing removing the toxins (toxic currencies) out of the global system. (every country in most every market is infected with cheap easy currency) This is a process and also takes time. How much time depends on the severity of the illness and the remedy to heal in some cases it may happen suddenly (over night) history proves this  in the 1930's gold was reset from 20.67 to just over 35.00 an ounce

Just look at WWE the golden-truth is coming. It will come for you or it may pass you by. Messages are every where. IT's a matter of being open AND RECEPTIVE to it or oblivious.

I look at it as a choice and I got my wake up call in the autumn of 2008. I could have chosen to ignore the situation and worry about my job career and start a family. I made sacrifices. I decided to be different and do different and the number one think I did was to study and and study and study. I educated my self and became passionate about the history the present and the future of the great opportunity that lay ahead for all of us. I could not have done it alone. I am grateful for what I have leaned and this is my outlet to share with others what I discovered. Some people may have no idea their environment is shaking them everywhere they go, every day to snap out of it and see the truth; a reality that we where simply distracted from a reality that will devour the current fantasy. Because the average person lacks the foundation of their own history they may also lack the foundation of their potential future. I prefer to think at least I had and made a choice or became open to decide to dedicate the majority of my free time to educate and study in the matter. Others may eventually be woken up a bit too late to position and prepare for what lay ahead. Eventually many will know where they came from and where true wealth and money comes from. 

GnS + Research

Can Two Dice Predict..

Review the below information and decide for yourself the power of a pair of dice as a perfect cube. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. 6 sides labeled with a digit as dots.

GnS Research


A Dice is Perfect CUBE!
The number 252 is Hidden with 2 Dice
There are 36 (6x6) possible combinations, whose total values add up to 252
  •  252/36(sum of2dice)=is7!
  •  252 marks an END and BEGINNING of a cycle
  •  There is 252 Trading Days in a Year. Coincidence or by Design? 

Monday, February 15, 2016

Saudi Arabia Soon To Reject the US Dollar (Oil trade)

At the end of January (2016) Russia has accepted Chinese Renimbi as trade for all Crude oil between both great countries. Saudi Arabia now has competition and lost of market share from the chinese market unless they change their ways.

Before the end of this decade  (2019) perhaps near the end of this year (2016) Saudi Arabia will reject the US Dollar as a means of Global oil trade soon to be replaced by the Chines Renimbi or even the Iraqi Dinar. 

This may transition as a phase of 50% side by side wight he dollar for a smother transition which may also include gold as a means of trade which Iran is already accepting.

What this means for those of you in the United States and those of you who posses US Dollars is that you may expect a decline in your purchasing power when this is announced. (soon)

It could be as much as 50% cut in half.

Oil sales will continue credit is slowing and jobs are becoming scarce.

These are trends of a winter season a waning harvest and for the uninformed his could lead to a nightmare. 

Stay informed up to date and give the glory to god and be humble.
GNS + Research

Read more below:
Saudi Arabia's share of Chinese oil imports at the beginning of the decade was about 20%, while Russia's was below 7%. Not anymore.

Saudi Arabia's share of Chinese oil imports at the beginning of the decade was about 20%, while Russia's was below 7%. Not anymore.

Why? Analysts attribute Russia's huge market share growth to its willingness to accept yuan, while Saudi Arabia is still clinging to blood-soaked dollars. As Business Insider notes:

Interestingly, part of Russia's success in China has been attributed to its willingness to accept Chinese yuan denominated currency for its oil.
This is consistent with earlier forecasts about Russia's market share in China. Bloomberg reported back in July:
Following Russia’s recent acceptance of the renminbi as payments for oil, we expect more record high oil imports ahead to China,” 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Gold needs to...

Gold will need to break and sustain $1,200.00 US $ and step up to $1,400.00 to put us back into a bull market then the top will be unimagined according to my 2008 research, gold will be reset to about $3,000.00 this will help currencies backed by gold to be stable and tradable.

China and Russia will push for this.

Note that there are bids to acquire the CME as of 2/5/2016

If they own the exchange they can reset the price or have it closed. (basically they will control and regulate the price with ownership and influence) and of course being a giant holder of gold why would you not command a price to sell it at.

GnS + Research

Business Fri Feb 5, 2016 2:20pm EST

Chinese investor group to buy Chicago Stock Exchange

Chicago Stock Exchange Inc, one of the oldest exchanges in the United States, on Friday announced its planned sale to an investor group led by China's Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group.
The parties did not disclose terms of the deal, which is expected to close in the second half of the year.
If regulators approve the deal, this would be the first sale of a U.S. exchange to investors from China but not to a foreign entity. A unit of Germany's Deutsche Boerse AG (DB1Gn.DE) purchased the International Securities Exchange in 2007.
Under new ownership, the Chicago Stock Exchange, which is known as CHX, would have the funding for efforts like revamping its listings program, Chief Executive Officer John Kerin said in an interview. 
"They like our strategy, and they want us to continue to execute on it," he said. 
The 134-year old bourse plans to seek approval to list U.S. companies that want to access the capital markets but may not meet the standards of Nasdaq Inc (NDAQ.O) or Intercontinental Exchange Inc's (ICE.N) New York Stock Exchange.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Proof of US Trade Deficit

Can you believe this has been going on this long!?

40 + years and counting however I think the days are extremely numbered for the United States debt.

Please review the below interview and discover what is really going on.
My sources are correct for the trade Deficit of America it is unbelievable.

GnS + Research


The US has had a trade deficit every single year since 1976. This means that the US has been living above its means for 40 years. In simple terms the US cannot afford to pay for its imports and must rely on debt and printed money to finance its extravagant consumption habits. 
KWN V 2:8:12016
But that’s not all of course. What is even worse is the US budget deficit. The US has not had a real Budget Surplus since 1960! This is just incredible. The supposedly mightiest economy in the world has for well over half a century needed to borrow or print more money every year just to survive. Any company or individual who did this would have been bankrupt long ago and nobody would have lent them a penny. But the US has managed to hold on to the reserve currency status of the dollar and therefore continued to run deficits by just printing more money. 
KWN IV 2:8:12016Legend Issues Dire Warning
As you know Eric, 
I have been expecting for some time that the dollar will run out of luck and start to reflect the fact that the US government is bankrupt. I believe that we have reached that point now. The most indebted nation in the world cannot continue to finance its malpractice by borrowing from the rest of the world. That is why we will see a major collapse of the dollar starting now and continuing until it has reached its intrinsic value of zero.

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Something about/at 20

I have had a hunch for a very long time. (Past many years early 2010)
I have pondered this and come to the same conclusion.
Keeping it simple the factor of 20.
I believe there will be events taking place when either the Dow Jones Hits 20,000 we reach the year 2020, the US debt reaches 20 Trillion in debt and more recently if oil drops to $20.00 a barrel. Perhaps it could also be when Silver prices reach the $20.00 US mark.

I have had this hunch for quite a few years I feel it is becoming more apparent.
It has also become apparent all these factors are closer and closer coming together and may converge all at once more than likely in stages and steps one at a time. Additionally not with all of the factors unless manipulation is at play of course.

GnS Research

China to Buy CME

Is this the next step to control and reset the prices of precious metals?

GnS Research

Investor group to buy Chicago Stock Exchange

Chicago Stock Exchange said on Friday an investor group led by China's Chongqing Casin Enterprise Group has agreed to buy the company.
Terms of the deal, which was approved by the stock exchange's board, were not disclosed.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Trade Deficit

    DEFINITION of 'Trade Deficit' An economic measure of a negative balance of trade in which a country's imports exceeds its exports. A trade deficit represents an outflow of domestic currency to foreign markets.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

What is BDI Or Baltic Dry Index

Here is an explanation of global trade and how the BDI is a  huge indicator of global trade and economic factors
GnS Research

"The Baltic Dry Index is a daily average of prices to ship raw materials. It represents the cost paid by an end customer to have a shipping company transport raw materials across seas on the Baltic Exchange, the global marketplace for brokering shipping contracts. The index is quoted every working day at 1300 London time. The Baltic Exchange is similar to the New York Merc in that it is a medium for buyers and sellers of contracts and forward agreements (futures) for delivery of dry bulk cargo. The Baltic is owned and operated by the member buyers and sellers. The exchange maintains prices on several routes for different cargoes and then publishes its own index, the BDI, as a summary of the entire dry bulk shipping market. This index can be used as an overall economic indicator as it shows where end prices are heading for items that use the raw materials that are shipped in dry bulk

The BDI is one of the purest leading indicators of economic activity. It measures the demand to move raw materials and precursors to production, as well as the supply of ships available to move this cargo. Consumer spending and other economic indicators are backward looking, meaning they examine what has already occurredThe BDI offers a real time glimpse at global raw material and infrastructure demandUnlike stock and commodities markets, the Baltic Dry Index is totally devoid of speculative players. The trading is limited only to the member companies, and the only relevant parties securing contracts are those who have actual cargo to move and those who have the ships to move it."