Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Wealth IS out There

Depending who you ask the wealth is always available.

Cash must flow.

Cash will always flow and wealth will flow with it.

Just think about what you do each and everyday with your own finances

What you buy what you save and how much you invest in.

we buy food because we must eat; we buy water because we must drink and we pay rent, a mortgage and/or/also property taxes because we want to be sheltered.

The point is that interest compounds your ability to pay more for someone else's money when mis managed and if managed properly can compound the rewards which comes to risk.

Risk is simply management of the situations that to can or cannot control the purpose is to keep the benefit in your favor.

The average person doesn't manage risk well and becomes indebted which brings us to the end if you cannot mange debt well don't go into debt.

Pay yourself first. And always.


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