Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Not From CNBC

Here is an interesting chart that speaks for its self. What booming economy?

GnS Research
You won’t hear this on CNBC.
For some perspective on the long-term performance of the stock market, today’s chart presents the Dow priced in another global currency — gold. Today’s chart illustrates how it currently takes 14.7 ounces of gold to ‘buy the Dow’ (i.e. the Dow / gold ratio) — well off the 44.8 ounces it took back at its peak in 1999. From the 1990 peak until 2011, the Dow (priced in gold) endured a massive bear market. Since 2011, gold has struggled while the Dow has continued to rally. All of this has resulted in the Dow (priced in gold) rallying in a well-defined, upward sloping trend channel. Despite this strong rally, however, the Dow (priced in gold) remains well below its 1999 peak and has just broke below support of its four-year upward sloping trend channel.

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