The society is thinking through the process of elimination the world is primed and ready for a new exchange currency, they are also fearful of provocative news.
Everyone appears to be (thinking) wanting something solid, sound, and pure. (Subconsciously this with come in t the conscious mind then to action)
The world will wake up one day and shout we want gold and silver we want real money!
The system is in place wight he Shanghai Metals exchange the swiss franc de-peg from the euro.
Waiting for the Greece exit from the Euro, eventually.
Others in the world are beginning to realize Golds integrity compared to other currencies.
Loss in confidence with US leadership may indicate loss of confidence in the currency.
I am curious however ask your self if all other currencies find the US dollar as a safe haven yet confidence will soon be lost why not save your self the heart ash and go where all currencies will go anyway back to sound money you can trust a form Gold and Silver.
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