Thursday, February 26, 2015

Thought Process (This has been waiting)

We are witnessing a thought process the process of epiphany and realization that Silver is the Winner  Gold is the Winner.

The society is thinking through the process of elimination the world is primed and ready for a new exchange currency, they are also fearful of provocative news.

Everyone appears to be (thinking) wanting something solid, sound, and pure. (Subconsciously this with come in t the conscious mind then to action)

The world will wake up one day and shout we want gold and silver we want real money!

The system is in place wight he Shanghai Metals exchange the swiss franc de-peg  from the euro.

Waiting for the Greece exit from the Euro, eventually.

Others in the world are beginning to realize Golds integrity compared to other currencies.

Loss in confidence with US leadership may indicate loss of confidence in the currency.

 I am curious however ask your self if all other currencies find the US dollar as a safe haven yet confidence will soon be lost why not save your self the heart ash and go where all currencies will go anyway back to sound money you can trust a form Gold and Silver.


Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Think about it

What is a contract?

This was a striking comment I thought it was worth sharing.

It really brings things into perspective about our current system


"A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government" (Kitchens v. Steele 112 F.Supp 383)
“Common-law cheat: the obtaining of money or property by means of a false token, symbol, or device; this being the definition of a cheat or “cheating” at common law.” State v Wilson, 72 Minn. 522, 75 N.W. 715; State v Renick, 33 Or. 584, 56 Pac. 275, 44 L.R.A. 266, 72 Am. St. Rep. 758; Black’s L.D., 2nd Ed., pg. 277 (1910)
No one can deny that tender of a mere stamp for Labor and goods fits the description of 'Cheat'. But, when made 'Legal Tender' under a unique municipal jurisdiction, 'citizens' within that jurisdiction are licensed to act 'legally', rather than 'Lawfully'. (License: permission to do that which is unlawful.)
A reading of 18 USC, Sec. 8, reveals that 'Federal Reserve Notes' are 'security of the United States' (government) and as such, are Property thereof. (Property: that which is proper to one and no other.)
So, whereas Art. IV, Sec. 3, cl. 2 of the federal Constitution allows that whatever falls under the category of US government Property is beyond Constitutional restraint, members of the federal government's polity, holding themselves to be conducting trade under federal jurisdiction, may cheat each other with 'government trade instruments'.
Contracts in government nexus (another 'Property') therefore, are within the 'law' (of their jurisdiction upon its 'citizen' members).
Solution? Get out of federal jurisdiction, then define and conduct all your affairs by and with Private Money. Voila. Contract is then completely private, between transacting parties exclusively under Common Law, with all its classically perceived meaning and powers of protection."

Monday, February 23, 2015


Does the Baltic Dry Index revile an undeniable truth?

It has been reported that the BDI is a great indicator of world trade and recessions perhaps a depression according to the chart below of the Global commodities over lapping the BDI a different story is reviled and that truth is an ugly truth we as people will need to swallow willingly. Below is an article from Zero Hedge

(this is happening live) As markets go up and down the reason for a market to bottom out is to flush toxic polluted currency or businesses out and healthy investors/business into the Market as in a mania phase everyone will e telling you investment advise and there is over leverage credit funny money eventually becomes euphoric and eventually people come to their senses please do not be to your senses too late or you will feel a painful regret.

GNS Research

"The unintended consequences of a money-printed, credit-fueled, mal-investment-boom in commodities (prices - as opposed to physical demand per se) [7] and the downstream signals that sent to any and all industries are starting to bite. The Baltic Dry Index has plunged once again to new record lows and the collapse of the non-financialized 'clean' indicator of the imbalances between global trade demand and freight transport supply has the real-world effects are starting to be felt, as Reuters reports [8] the third dry-bulk shipper this month has filed for bankruptcy... in what shippers call "the worst market conditions since the '80s."

Spot the credit-based map-investment boom"

Sunday, February 22, 2015

2015 a dry year (USA)

Through out the years past and the years ahead we see tough growing conditions generally for the United States Historically is dry things are going back to the way they are suppose to be

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Save in what you want

If we save our money in a bank what is it that we are saving?

If we save our money in clothing what is it we are saving?

If we save our money in paper currency what is it we are saving?

If we save our money in Precious metals what are we saving?

if we understand clothing, paper, silk, cotton, corn, oil and gas deteriorate over time then is this a secure asset?

If we understand putting currency in a bank means we can only have control of this when they are open and it is at the mercy of the banks and we have less control of our money is this a good decision?

If we Aquried precious metals however would this then allow us to control our money hold it in something that will not deteriorate overtime  and still hold it's value.

Do you believe that if something was already written and we lived through it and our belief system was challenged would you have the guts to over come the adversity to stick it through, until you seen valid results.


Sunday, February 8, 2015

Deflate to Inflate "Check the pulse"

Since we are entering a time period in deflation, (To my understanding) it means there is less cash flow between individuals for transactions or lack there of credit established to make future transactions.

What this means is there is the beginnings of less credit available to the public for home loans car loans school loans and over all consumer credit

As the average people (Middle Class) have less and less due to increased taxes decreased incomes silent inflation ETC

As we currently check the beat of the systems it is said that the current status of the American economy is loosing ground we are loosing battles and losing influence. the American Gov. is loosing a lot as they are the bully in the school yard The rest of the wold has had enough -

*Factors China is waiting to release their gold holdings
*Russia is selling Treasury Bonds sided with china (They are both BRICS nations)
* The copper price has shaken hands with lows not seen since 2010 & 2008 - 2009
* The 10 year treasury note yields are at all time lows 1.66%
* GOV. to increase wages = increased tax revenue not take home salary
* Raise = to accommodate cost of living increase nothing more.
* tax increases on gasoline * diesel will influence costs of goods not gasoline.
* Baltic Dry index at all time lows for the month of January not seen since 1955. This = the trade and activity of dry good shipped & traded throughout the globe.
* Derivatives marked are heating up and the trade for dollars has also heated up this makes the Dollar look more as a safe haven however what is simply happening is the activity for dollars has increased and the demand has decreased as dollars are exchanged for hard assets while the entire globe wakes up to the fact they do not want to settle in dollars but a real asset of internist value as dollars no longer hold value due to the unlimited production/creation of currency.

History of the Pound Sterling. (Inflation)