Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Default in Argentina

An Interesting Article 

Did the United States Of America deny Argentina it's right to pay is debt creating a default

After reading  ( the below ) It has been drawn in my mind as a fact

others will say the lawyers, but don't the work with the legal system which is actually the government it self?

President Cristina Fernandez said late Tuesday she will send a bill to Congress that would allow the South American country to pay creditors in Argentina through a local bank, removing the Bank of New York as its trustee.
The proposal is intended as a way around a U.S. court order that blocked Argentina from making $539 million in interest payments on July 30, triggering the country's second default in 13 years. It would apply to bondholders who accepted lower-value bonds following the country's 2001 default and could further complicate the battle with holdout creditors.


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