Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It's Time

Well there is a tough world we live in as I learned from a friend who was at a food drive to feed those in need
she witness a greedy person and (I was thinking of judging less) But her focus wasn't on the greedy part but how greedy this person was as they were playing high stakes going for broke and going again coming for more that what they needed/deserved as they had lost their income due to gambling I don't know where they came from and more and more people are in need I know a helpless look i have seen it I have lived it but I carry on I have wished others would help just for a moment but I also must realize and appreciate that help only once in a while in is nice to rely on family it is also nice to help another.

during the working hours I hate to hear from someone I trust (especially a colleague I work with) a negative comment about other colleagues in the workplace that is our team mate and non constructive comments and feedback is not healthy nor is it worth it I found a reason it would be said is if it is the intention that was flawed because it was selfish comments we did not all come from the same background how boring that would be yet I cannot blame another for their choices and their history I will however guard myself as another person my and 97% of the time from my experience try to take advantage as to somehow think they are getting ahead.

I have realized including myself I'm not perfect nor  are you and we all have more growing up to do.Because people just need to grow up and move forward. these are not always physical matters yet,

I think it is time to lead and others will follow.

I thinks its time for those who do not have enough to be filled to over full

I think it is time were the Government is less invasive in personal privacy and matters

I think it is time for the human race to evolve into more than what we ever thought possible

It is time for thoughts who thirst to drink

it is time for those who hunger to be fed

it is time for us to become alive in our head
engulfed in our hearts and enrich our spirits.

It Is Time


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