Confirmation as to why we are in the greatest transition in our lifetime and why it really really helps to at least read a perspective as related to a higher power as those who have the higher power are able to make the decisions and changes that go
When those decisions are made and confirmed in our current life cycle they will be granted. Now once again there is a time delay and use this time delay as your friend the quickest way to do that is to be informed of events that have already taken place (as it is history repeats it self anyway so we should be ready for it by now) if you were just silly enough to read what Dr. Jones has to say (below)
I'm not trying to convert you or anyone into anything just use this information to your advantage and personal liking thank you :)
After / During January 7th - 11 2014 pay attention:
Dr Jones: The prayer campaign begins Tuesday, January 7 and ends Saturday, January 11, 2014.
We are going before the divine court to file a petition, whose purpose is to overcome all Babylonian resistance to the divine plan and to ask God to enforce the expiration date on the original contract when in 607 B.C. the court sold the world into the hands of the “beast systems” of men for 2,520 years.
We are now near this crucial juncture in Kingdom History. These next three years (1913/14 to 1916/17), I believe, will see major changes as the judgment of the divine court is carried out by divine agents.
The Overcoming Resistance Prayer Campaign is our petition to the divine court to enforce compliance to the law. Since the Holy Spirit has inspired us to go to court, we know that the court will rule in our favor, for the outcome has already been prophesied.
Dr. Jones: In other words, 2014 is the year in which God begins to take action against Babylon in the divine court to force compliance to the terms of the original 2,520 year contract, because God intends to give the earth its “rest.” - See more at:
So also today, we see God raising up China and Russia, the modern Kings of the East, to overthrow the slave-system of the Western banking system of Mystery Babylon. Cyrus will indeed fund the rebuilding of (new) Jerusalem and the (new) temple, which is the body of Christ (Ephesians 2:21, 22).
Does this sound absurd? Isaiah’s prophecy was absurd too—until it happened. Those with faith have confidence that our Redeemer is indeed strong enough to accomplish what He has spoken.
I might add, too, that the battleground between East and West is being fought in the Philippines. That seems to be an unlikely and obscure place, but that is because few of us know its history and still fewer understand its prophetic significance. The Philippines is the birthplace of the IRS (two trusts) a century ago when the USA made it a territory after the Spanish-American War in 1898. After WW2, when the Philippines was given its independence, the IRS was moved to Puerto Rico, another territory. (The IRS could not be located in one of the 50 States because it was unconstitutional.) -
Today, there is a financial battle centering in the Philippines, where Babylonian tribute was first established in preparation for the Federal Reserve Act and the Income Tax (16th) Amendment. -
Cyrus and Darius did what was necessary in their own time, but today China and Russia will complete the work on a much greater scale. They are destined not only to overthrow the Western Banking System of fiat money, but are also destined to become Christian Nations and to fund the Gospel of the Kingdom.
Russia has already begun to move in that direction. China has more Christians than any other nation in history and will soon be no longer capable of suppressing Christ. We are on the cusp of monumental changes in world history.
It is in this context that we are holding our prayer campaign called “Overcoming Resistance.” Babylon has refused to let the earth receive its Jubilee, so we are taking them to court to force compliance. God is thus the Redeemer, and we are in agreement with Him and His plan. Hence, we act as His body, taking our orders from the Head.
As we bear witness on earth to the voice of God from heaven, heaven and earth bear witness. The double witness establishes all things in the earth according to the law. When we receive the victory in court, we can then turn the guilty parties over to God’s Federal Marshals—that is, Russia and China—to enforce the decree, bring “turmoil to the inhabitants of Babylon,” and give the earth its rest.
- See more at:
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