Friday, January 31, 2014

10,0000 Thank you's

Thank You all very much for reading this Blog

We Have achieved 10,000 Hits our forecast is 1 month behind schedule however I believe we can Make it to 25,ooo. possible by the end of this year 2014 that is a giant leap yet we are just getting started and if you want to get technical  it is after all the Chinese New Year and we actually achieved our Goal!


Happy (Chinese) New Year

Gold rush somebody


Demand for gold has been strong due to the celebration of the Chinese lunar year, the year of the horse, starting January 31. Across the nation people buy golden gifts for each other, especially by these low prices. It’s quite clear now that the Chinese people will only buy more  physical gold as the price remains low, or will further drop. They are not scared of a loss in value, as it has been in their culture for thousands of years to save in gold as a core asset. The young people, this is taught by the elder. After many years of economic suppression they regained their freedom to do so, being spurred by newly acquired wealth.

Golden Chinese horse

Bloomberg reported on a shopping spree in retail:

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Rates Rising Silently World Wide (Interest)

Here is a snippet from the Telegraph and the confirming new trends in the world Markets

Watch the Bond Market begin to blow and collapse it has been leaking for quite some time as reported 1 year ago in Bond Apocalypse

My friends there is a great stress within the world and something is going to give in or give out very soon by mid 2014 or sooner as we are waiting on Syria to fall.


Emerging markets are now half the global economy, so we are in uncharted waters. Roughly $4 trillion of foreign funds swept into emerging markets after the Lehman crisis, much of it by then "momentum money" late to the party. The IMF says $470bn is directly linked to money printing by the Fed . "We don't know how much of this is going to come out again, or how quickly," said an official from the Fund.
One country after another is now having to tighten into weakness. The longer this goes on, and the wider it spreads, the greater the risk that it will metamorphose into a global deflationary shock.
Turkey's central bank took drastic steps on Tuesday night to halt capital flight, doubling its repurchase rate from 4.5pc to 10pc. This will bring the economy to a standstill in short order, and may ultimately prove as futile as Britain's ideological defence of the ERM in September 1992.
South Africa raised rates on Wednesday by half a point to 5.5pc to defend the rand, and India raised a quarter-point to 8pc on Tuesday, all forced to grit their teeth as growth fizzles. Brazil and Indonesia have already been through this for months to stem a currency slide that risks turning malign at any moment.
Others are in better shape - mostly because their current accounts are in surplus - but even they are losing room for manoeuvre. Chile and Peru need to cut rates to counter the metals slump, but dare not risk it in this unforgiving climate.
Russia has a foot in recession but cannot take action to kickstart growth as the ruble falls to a record low against the euro. The central bank is burning reserves at a rate of $400m a day to defend the currency, de facto tightening. As for Ukraine, Argentina and Thailand, they are already spinning out of control.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Over Leveraged (DOW-NASDAQ-S&P-NIKKE All Stock Markets ETC)

Heres what it means to be over leveraged:

When you or I go to a broker to invest in the stock market (DOW-NASDAQ-S&P-NIKKE ETC) they are happy to see us

They will allow us to trade stocks for a small fee

As we trade stocks from myself to your self and to others we win some we loose some depending where you want to be long or short term

now the broker may say hey you made a boat load of money wouldn't you like to make even more ;) wink absolutely of course what we have is a margin which means it's a loan with very low interest depending on what you buy we may put a restriction on the amount of funds we will provide based on your risk is that a deal

Deal some require 100% backing some require70-50% backing of your cash account or as low as 30% which then allows you to leverage your buying power that much over your original investment(as long as prices go up ;) wink

Now when prices and stocks go down there must be the backing available for the investment you chose if the stock in this case goes down too much below your 100%-30% range then there is a margin call which means you deposit funds into your account or sell your position.

The DOW NASDAQ AND S&P 500 ARE ALL OVER LEVERAGED at this time as the interest rates rise it becomes more expensive to take a loan out then fewer people borrow money if there are less people borrowing money in the market to make it rise (it has peaked) at this peak you determine if you are satisfied with 25% gains compared to the 25-90% if not 150% gain from the very bottom

When too many people are not satisfied with large gains the ask questions and wonder if there is something else to invest in with better potential they leave the peak as they were doing last friday (except for gold)

and we have the beginning stages of a self off now when more people sell and the stock becomes worth less and less so then more money currency is needed to sustain the leveraged market if there is no other outside money currency coming into the market hence then you will get those margin calls to sell your stock position if it looses too much value people will be forced to sell their stock/position and we have a waterfall effecting the market people will then have to sell because they were over leveraged in the first place with money/currency they never ever had 3 things stop the free fall stop selling, don't leverage or pump more money into the market.

The broker and brokerage firm make a killing into and on the way up to the top and down out of the market to the bottom for every trade :)



Monday, January 27, 2014

Blistering, 2 Big Announcements (waiting)

When the COMEX Anouncess theres not enough physical gold for delivery no one will want phony cash (world wide this will be immediate)

There will be the beginning of a surge into gold / silver early 2014

Then When China announces their official gold holdings world wide there will be a pile up into gold as fast as possible with a deflection through the $2000.00 dollars an ounce a good chance of this happening is on April 15th 2014

Stay engaged stay informed


Posted on 25 January 2014 with no comments from readers
China has effectively cornered the gold market over the past couple of years by draining the vaults of the world and will now create a shortage of the yellow metal that will hike its price just as the US billionaire Hunt Brothers goosed silver in 1980 and sent the price to levels it has never achieved again in 34 years.
Only this time around something is different. The Comex won’t be able to change the rulebook as it did to bring the Hunt Brothers’ empire crashing down with the silver price. China has actually taken possession of the physical gold. It is not a paper derivatives contract at stake this time.
Gold watchers
Gold watchers are waiting for two announcements at the moment: the hour of reckoning when the Comex no longer has sufficient gold in its warehouses to cover deliveries; and a report from China that its official reserves are up from 1,054 as last reported five years ago to more than 5,000 tonnes.
How anybody can be fooled by Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley into thinking that the next big move for gold will be back to $1,000 we don’t know. Did somebody not once say that if you are going to tell a lie make it a big one and people will believe you?
What these US investment banks have done is to capitalize on investors’ myopia: they only see what is in front of them in US financial markets and don’t see the wood for the trees. Think US domestic short-term and you have a recovery on your hands and a runaway stock market.

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Money Moves

As the beginning volatility of the stocks begins to tank on this last week January will set the tone for the rest of the 2014 year get ready for a wild ride watch date (January 30th 2014)

Gold broke through our $1270.00 Friday while the price of Silver lags behind (remember the delay is your friend)

other areas begin to surge their appears to be a flip money (currency) moves from one market to the other it dose not nearly disappear and re  appear it moves (Think Transformers)  it transforms from one industry to the other leaving the DOW, S&P AND NASDAQ Treasury Bonds, to other sectors of the market simply put sectors that are well hated right now and yet we also see this with the fiat currency markets at the same time the year 2014 is beginning to set in and why not make your profits now after a long 5 years of a bull run (2008/2009) it after all is a new tax year. :)


U.S. stocks sank the most since June, capping the worst week for benchmark indexes since 2012, as a selloff in developing-nation currencies spurred concern global markets will become more volatile.
Caterpillar Inc., General Electric Co. and Boeing Co. slid at least 2.6 percent to pace losses in theDow Jones Industrial Average. (INDU) Kansas City Southern plunged 15 percent, the biggest retreat since 2008, after reporting lower-than-estimated earnings. International Game Technology tumbled 15 percent as the maker ofslot machines posted first-quarter profit that missed analysts’ projections.
The Standard & Poor’s 500 Index (SPX) retreated 2.1 percent to 1,790.29 at 4 p.m. in New Yorkto close at the lowest level since Dec. 17. The benchmark index declined 2.6 percent this week. The Dow slid 318.24 points, or 2 percent, to 15,879.11 today. The 30-stock gauge lost 3.5 percent this week. About 8.8 billion shares changed hands on U.S. exchanges, the busiest trading day of the year

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Polymer Notes

In 2011 The Bank Of Canada released new anti counterfeiting notes (plastic notes)

According to Wealth Cycles this could be the very personal invasion of privacy with all the added security features and technology can we really put trust in phony man made money and currency or keep it simple with gold and silver which stood the test of time it's proven


The World Industrial Reporter announced last year the development of the “world’s first ultra-high frequency Schottky diode based on amorphous Indium-Gallium-Zinc Oxide (IGZO) semiconductor.” In English, the advanced technology will allow “thin-film passive UHF RFID tags” to be placed in thin-film packaging, replacing the barcode tags now placed by retailers on each individual item. The new tags would “enable more accurate tracking of individual products like expiration, misplacement, theft,” the article continues. If a cellophane film cigarette or gum package can now be embedded with an intelligent sensor, is it too far-fetched to imagine $100 or $20 bills capable of recording location, usage or even a theft alarm? If so, the relative privacy of cash transactions will no longer be sacrosanct—certainly no surprise in our increasingly 'transparent' and voyeuristic world.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Cash IS NOT King

Has the Currency world wide (cash) Become the village idiot.

According to Warren Buffet he states cash is no longer King I wonder if it ever was king as they print a over 1 trillion every year diluting the value of all the rest of the currency.

Some people may ask what is my writing on this blog for?

Where are we going exactly?

This blog is written to inform yourself of current global events that may impact your individual life in a negative way and I provide my insight of mental preparedness and maybe even a way to profit from the implications of these events
I believe it is ever so important to be prepared and have a level head when a crisis arrises the best preparation and your number one asset is the thing above your shoulders and we make decisions based on the accuracy of the information provided (we are only as knowledgeable as the source we got the information from) My mission is to provide actionable prevention strategies to help you weather the storm.

Where we are going is toward worst case probabilities. I provide those insights to keep you ahead of the game and aware of the ever changing world gov. laws and solutions that will hopefully help you and loved ones to better your life and secure the future you want. the information is my analysis and i provide my source within the blog.

Thank You


Interview with Michael Pento

Source: BlackRock.
Just as Buffett says, cash will be worth less over time because of inflation. And even in developed economies, like the United States, where inflation is low, the cost of goods and services still outpaces the returns of cash investments. Some of the best savings account interest rates are centered in online-based accounts, but they still only provide an average of 0.85% in interest. While it's true that inflation will cut down the value of any asset over time, cash is the only one that has actually lost value -- as you can see in the chart above.
Timing is everythingThis advice from Buffett should be heeded by more than just those years away from retirement. With Americans living longer, most retirees fear the same thing: running out of money. And while that fear can lead them into various "safer" investments, choosing an all-cash approach could be self-fulfilling prophecy. Retirees can live anywhere from 10-40 years beyond their retirement date, and unlike those still working, a fixed income can be very difficult to stretch across all sorts of expenses. So Buffett's advice is just as relevant to retirees as it is to 20-somethings.
Let's be clearThough Buffett warns against the use of cash as an investment, he does state that it's important to have some on hand.
"We always keep enough cash around so I feel very comfortable and don't worry about sleeping at night. But it's not because I like cash as an investment. Cash is a bad investment over time. But you always want to have enough so that nobody else can determine your future, essentially."
Having an emergency fund or back-up savings account is not something Buffett would shake a finger at -- quite the opposite, in fact. But he would warn against letting your stash get too big. Otherwise, your money isn't working for you as you try to achieve your financial goals.


From Bix Weir And what he thinks happened in our history don't discount the knowledge

stay open to it and eventually you to will have to knowlege to decipher the truth from the lie(s)

Join and click the link (Below) to get the full version of (part 1) of this 3 part series.


We are standing on the very cusp of Greatness. What lies directly ahead of us is something that has been planned since before the inception of the US Federal Reserve system in December 1913. The more we understand about what happened in our past the more we will understand why we must go through this very painful transition. It is the only way to find the Greatness that was meant for our well as the human race.
The following is a brief history of what I think happened over these last 100 years in the United States. It pulls together many conspiracy theories and tears apart others. I am not going to link the information that proves my theory correct in this article because it would take too long and distract from the story but it is all proven in the pages of the Road to Roota website. It can all be found in the archive links at the bottom of each section. Or, if you don't want to read everything, just search for the topic you are interested in and you will find what you need.
*Ultimately, there will be those of you who do not believe what I am about to tell you and I respect that. But I do ask that before you discount this version of our past that you take a good hard look at all my research and evidence. I have found that when people take the time to understand the Road to Roota Theory they have an entirely new view on what is happening now and what is about to transpire.
In the late 1800's an explorer in the Grand Canyon came across the largest gold deposit ever discovered in the history of the world. It was located in the side of a shear cliff within one of the canyon walls. In addition there were vast amounts of gold flakes in the river banks and silt mounds surrounding the seam. This bounty of gold was so vast that it defied logic. Unfortunately for the explorer, it was very hard to access at that time making the recovery of the gold on a large scale practically impossible. It was also surrounded by sacred lands of the American Indians who defended this sacred canyon with their lives.
Word got out about this discovery and mining plans were being drawn up, financed by wealthy and powerful people out of Chicago. By the early 1900's railroad tracks were laid, bridges and roads were built as vast construction was underway with large mining equipment being set up to process and excavate the gold.
On June 19, 1912 this amazing gold find was announced to the world in an article in the New York Times.


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Advertisement GNS + RESEARCH







Tuesday, January 21, 2014

It's Time

Well there is a tough world we live in as I learned from a friend who was at a food drive to feed those in need
she witness a greedy person and (I was thinking of judging less) But her focus wasn't on the greedy part but how greedy this person was as they were playing high stakes going for broke and going again coming for more that what they needed/deserved as they had lost their income due to gambling I don't know where they came from and more and more people are in need I know a helpless look i have seen it I have lived it but I carry on I have wished others would help just for a moment but I also must realize and appreciate that help only once in a while in is nice to rely on family it is also nice to help another.

during the working hours I hate to hear from someone I trust (especially a colleague I work with) a negative comment about other colleagues in the workplace that is our team mate and non constructive comments and feedback is not healthy nor is it worth it I found a reason it would be said is if it is the intention that was flawed because it was selfish comments we did not all come from the same background how boring that would be yet I cannot blame another for their choices and their history I will however guard myself as another person my and 97% of the time from my experience try to take advantage as to somehow think they are getting ahead.

I have realized including myself I'm not perfect nor  are you and we all have more growing up to do.Because people just need to grow up and move forward. these are not always physical matters yet,

I think it is time to lead and others will follow.

I thinks its time for those who do not have enough to be filled to over full

I think it is time were the Government is less invasive in personal privacy and matters

I think it is time for the human race to evolve into more than what we ever thought possible

It is time for thoughts who thirst to drink

it is time for those who hunger to be fed

it is time for us to become alive in our head
engulfed in our hearts and enrich our spirits.

It Is Time


Sunday, January 19, 2014

A Bond (what is it?) us bonds GnS+Exclusive

A bond is backed by the full faith and credit of the governments debt for future payment plus interest to the bond holders as 30 year bond contracts expire nearly everyday those creditors are wanting their payment from their initial investment as the United States continues to print additional money (aka) (INFLATION) that makes more currency with more currency it devalues all existing currency in circulation then making payment for those bonds, as it is cheaper to pay back that loan.

Now while printing more and more currency the Fed has been buying Back bonds keeping the return on investment lucrative for foreign investors (everyone else in the world) Because the majority of other countries use the US Dollar and own Bonds from the united states It has Tremendous Value Because it is simply in high demand

Then Because the rest of the world has our debt (promise to pay you back + interest) the Federal Reserve is creating and buying back more bonds while annulling the wealth of the rest of the world at the same time

What this comes down to is world leaders actually speaking up against the Federal Reserve System
That also means the people from within the country will speak out about the Federal Reserve System and when we are all out spoken they will reset this fiasco and at the same time reseting currencies at the sometime reset ing GOLD / SILVER PRICES

Yet the United states will be in a very vulnerable position dealing with the people from within as they are upset they lost most of their Pensions 401k's IRA'S CD'S 75% of stocks (there are a few stocks that will thrive) (remember all these instruments listed are electronic and/or out of our personal control)As the dollar takes it's last breath before drowning so goes the rest of the world will be feeling taken advantage of and this may set up the dismantling of the United States assets property businesses (that are in debt) and most if not all Government Entities (this includes your local city hall) an almost liquidation of the entire country.


Confirmation of Manipulation in Gold / Silver Markets

Dusteche Bank Exits LMBA
Deutsche Bank today said it is leaving the silver and gold Fixings in London, citing "the significant scaling back of our commodities business."

As Deustche bank scurries away from the gold ETF MARKET because of investigation

we shall finally se the release soon in those / these markets from suppression

According to Eric Sprott inventories are @ all time lows and there is over 110 claims on 1 oz of gold in those Warehouses "So I’m absolutely convinced we are going to go to new highs this year.  In fact, it might be a very stunning recovery, i.e. in a very short (period of) time when the truth comes out.  And believe me the truth is going to be coming out here.  

And I find it very ironic that Deutsche Bank would immediately quit the London gold fix. "

A failure of delivery is very close when those contracts mature coming in February 


GOLD PRICES jumped back to last week's closing level Friday lunchtime in London, erasing 1.0% losses to trade above $1248 per ounce after weaker-than-expected US house-building data.
World stock markets meantime held flat overall, 
Deutsche Bank today said it is leaving the silver and gold Fixings in London, citing "the significant scaling back of our commodities business."
A market-making member of the London bullion market, "We remain fully committed to our precious metals business," Deutsche added in a brief statement.
Used as a major trading point by miners and other large users of the London market, heart of the world's bullion trade, the gold and silver Fixes give a single price-point in Dollars, Sterling and Euros, and act as global reference benchmarks.
President of Deutsche Bank's domestic regulator, BaFin, Dr. Elke König last night said that accusations of manipulation in currency and precious metals reference rates "weigh heavily" on public trust. Because unlike the discredited Libor and Euribor interest-rate benchmarks, the FX and bullion fixes "are based on actual transactions in liquid markets and not on estimates of the banks."
Today's PM London Fix came in at $1250 per ounce, some $1.20 above where the major bullion banks' average mid-price quote in the spot market stood as the Fixing began at 15:00 GMT.
Midday Friday's London silver Fix had been set at $20.01 per ounce, some 4 cents below spot at the start of process but 1.1% up for the week.
On quitting the Gold Fix, Deutsche Bank will leave four banks – London-based Barclays and HSBC (which vaults for the giant SPDR Gold Trust, ticker: GLD), Canada-HQed ScotiaBank, and French investment bank Societe Generale – to meet and identify that twice-daily clearing price for client orders between them.
Scotia and HSBC will be left on the Silver Fixing.
Sources quoted by Reuters, the Wall Street Journal and Bloomberg however say Deutsche is seeking to sell its seat on both the London Gold Fixing and London Silver Fixing limited companies to a fellow member of the London Bullion Market Association.
The other London market-makers not already on the Gold Fix are Swiss investment banks Credit Suisse and UBS, the US-based banks Goldmans Sachs, J.P.Morgan and Merrill Lynch, and Japanese corporate conglomerate Mitsui.
The world's largest bank by market cap' and assets, China's ICBC – which is expected to finalize the purchase of South African Standard Bank's commodities unit, another London bullion dealer, in 2014 – became an Ordinary Member of the LBMA in December 2011.
Chinese gold premiums on Friday, over and above London spot quotes, pushed higher for the first time this week, rising back to $14.50 from $13 per ounce on Thursday.
Ahead of the busy Chinese New Year, "It is unlikely," reckons a 2014 outlook from the commodities team at SocGen in London, "that Chinese demand will match the level of 2013, let alone expand at its typical growth rate" due to heavy stockpiling by wholesalers on last year's price crash.
Reports this week said the People's Bank of China has granted gold bullion import licenses to two foreign banks for the first time, naming HSBC and Australian member of the LBMA, ANZ.
The Dollar was meantime little moved on the release of Friday's US housing data, having already risen to 1-week highs vs. the Euro.

Saturday, January 18, 2014



China has become a huge player in the Metals Markets (now with purchasing forward sales of gold from miners )

The 10 Year note is rising!

We have Exported Inflation to other countries

Currently the MAJORITY OF OUR youth (of the country) is getting there news from the internet not the Major News Networks

Old school folks watches T.V. News cnn cnbc fox nbc cbs abc BBC ALJAZIERA Etc...

These are Dinosars of the Past your information source is critical to your life I view it as better to be informed than to be totally in the dark or worse Mislead.

like him hate him Glenn beck has a point:

the exchanges are going to be bypassed from the LMBA AND COMEX to BRICS EXCHANGE AND SINGAPORE EXCHANGE FOR REAL PHYSICAL METALS BY THE END OF 2016/2017

United States Bakkin Oil will in near full production in 2015





When you have the worlds reserve currency status you will do anything to maintain your status as it is for your benefit why  you may ask what benefit do We (I) get

We get the ability to buy itms at rock bottom prices compared to the rest of the world

How? The united states trades US Treasury Bonds for products other countries produce.
those products produce have more value than paper notes exchanged for then we hold the real blood sweat and tears from that countries men women and children that took to make that product electronics phones even clothing

After the stock Market has been pumped up with funny money and currency

That currency will flow to the next asset or investment when stocks fail the dollar (us) will be pumped up at the same time gold and silver rise in price (US) and before that we will see the fleeing out of the derivatives Market which is connected

All of this funny money will seek a valid home especially with precious metals welcoming with one arms the investments of the future.


Friday, January 17, 2014

The 10 Year Note (US)

Why it's one the most important measurements in the world and how you can hedge against the coming rate hikes.

Using precious metals and don't forget when interest rates go up the stock market goes down :)

interest rates bottomed in May 2013 (10 YEAR NOTE) The United States will Default on the US Treasury Bonds simply a matter of time ABOUT 3 YEARS MAYBE 3 MONTHS

Lets review the next debt ceiling encounter or be gone with it lol

Are the People Realizing We have are running out of Bullion from the Mint?

and the Ware Houses in the Comex have been drained

Are you kidding me when contracts Expire they take delivery if there is nothing to deliver then what's left a lawsuit lol

Play if you want to just deliver when you need to :)



Introverts :0)

Something fun for everyone as I am  one of the below ;) ENJOY! 


Thursday, January 16, 2014

New Records IN 2014

Eric Sprott confirming $50.00 Silver in 2014 2000 Gold

a terrific interview

but this confirms Gns Research forcast  from September 2013

and here:

stay tuned many hurdles to overcome sooner than later and then release (no more resistance)


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

China Eases Gold Restrictions

According to Zero hedge china is easing restrictions on gold purchasing and instead allowing a few bank to purchase gold to help ease the price of premiums as they have imported over 1000 tons of gold in 2013

this is a signal of strength for the Chinese people do forget there will be a china town near you coming soon!


As India continues its anti-gold stance (and does nothing but drive the undergound smuggling business), China is continuing its opening of the world's biggest physical bullion market. As India's Economic Times reports [8]China has granted licenses to import gold to two foreign banks for the first time. "China is actually increasing its transparency," noted on analyst, allowing more banks to import gold could increase the supply of the metal into the country, easing local prices that are higher than in most Asian nations (premiums are currently about $15 an ounce over London prices, compared to less than $2 in Singapore and Hong Kong). They rose to a record high of $30 in April-May last year. "This is the first step that the regulators are taking to ensure that its [physical] gold futures contract in the free-trade zone can take off."

The move also comes as the SGE plans to launch gold futures in the city's pilot free trade zone this year that would be open to foreign investors.

"China will need to allow more foreign players into the physical gold market if it's planning to have foreign investors participate on its gold futures," said one of the sources.

"This is the first step that the regulators are taking to ensure that its gold futures contract in the free-trade zone can take off."

Monday, January 13, 2014


The projected process for tapering is 10 less each month until it has ended by about Sept November 2014 as long as they continue with 10 billion a month equals 9 months  very soon that will begin it will end supposedly then in september (9 months enough time for a baby to be born) and we will wonder what kind of monster will be brought about it was said in april of 2013 there will not be another QE and wealth will be annulled.

What they didn't say was how easy that would be through, taxes, inflation, and Obamacare (2015), while reducing expenditures like: ssi, snap / food stamps EBT and CUTTING PENSIONS retirement accounts, ira's, 401k's and a decrease of the stock market by 50% with all of these measures in place you can expect a reduced income of 25% and a reduced purchasing power of the US dollar by 33% in about 1-2 years or less and when you factor in the inevitable global reset you can be guaranteed a reduction of at least 30% purchasing power within 6 weeks from the announcement. Your still going to be paid wages yet those wages and earnings will not be able to suffice what you use to get the best way is to protect your purchasing power leverage and hedge the little money you have into real assets food consumables seeds gardens land gold silver etc

The mining sector is expected to be EXPLOSIVE FOR 2014 enjoy the ride!



This could be the greatest thing or the worst thing depending on how it will be used

it the TPP



Read more here:

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) is being couched as a liberating set of international trade accords — a “viable pathway for realizing the vision of a free trade area of the Asia-Pacific.”
Many who have looked behind the smoke screen on this one are describing it differently. Global Trade Watch calls it “a stealthy policy being pressed by corporate America. (It’s) a dream of the 1%.” David Icke says it “sets out to devastate freedom and impose rule by deception.” WikiLeaks’ Editor-in-Chief, Julian Assange writes, “If instituted, the TPP’s IP regime would trample over individual rights and free expression, as well as ride roughshod over the intellectual and creative commons. If you read, write, publish, think, listen, dance, sing or invent; if you farm or consume food; if you’re ill now or might one day be ill, the TPP has you in its crosshairs.”

Friday, January 10, 2014

Currencies Vs Gold 2000 - 2014 (See How Your's Performed )

Race To Debase - Fiat Currency Vs Gold - Fiat Currency Vs Silver - 2000 - 2014 - James Anderson 

this is a real Eye opener


How has your Paper Currency performed versus Silver and Gold in the 21st Century?
You may be surprised by the answers below.
Below you will find 120 fiat currency's nominal values versus silver and gold prices thus far in the 21st Century.
Not one paper currency has outperformed bullion thus far, see for yourself...
 Fiat Currency vs 1 oz Gold1-Jan-20001-Jan-14% Change 
 Emirati Dirham1,057.254,427.88319% 
 Albanian Lek37,941.12122,671.84223% 
 Dutch Guilder480.962,136.96344% 
 Australian Dollar440.231,352.63207% 
 Barbadian or Bajan Dollar570.242,411.24323% 
 Bangladeshi Taka14,567.0493,556.11542% 
 Bahraini Dinar104.26454.52336% 
 Burundian Franc175,936.321,844,598.60948% 
 Bermudian Dollar271.301,205.62344% 
 Bruneian Dollar477.791,522.45219% 
 Bolivian Boliviano1,704.968,270.55385% 
 Brazilian Real535.682,847.49432% 
 Bahamian Dollar288.001,205.62319% 
 Botswana Pula1,324.8010,511.07693% 
 Belizean Dollar573.122,399.18319% 
 Canadian Dollar416.421,280.65208% 
 Congolese Franc1,224.861,086,263.6288584% 
 Swiss Franc459.071,076.55135% 
 Fiat Currency vs 1 oz Gold1-Jan-20001-Jan-14% Change 
 Chilean Peso152,438.40633,336.31315% 
 Chinese Yuan Renminbi2,384.507,296.41206% 
 Colombian Peso515,520.002,313,584.78349% 
 Costa Rican Colon84,833.28596,793.97603% 
 Cuban Peso6,048.0031,948.93428% 
 Cape Verdean Escudo30,269.6695,063.14214% 
 Czech Koruna10,308.9623,979.54133% 
 Djiboutian Franc49,608.00212,128.84328% 
 Danish Krone2,126.026,543.76208% 
 Dominican Peso4,556.1651,058.011021% 
 Algerian Dinar19,257.1294,146.86389% 
 Egyptian Pound979.728,377.25755% 
 Ethiopian Birr2,296.5122,982.13901% 
 Fijian Dollar576.002,288.14297% 
 British Pound178.25727.98308% 
 Gibraltar Pound178.36727.98308% 
 Gambian Dalasi3,217.8245,331.311309% 
 Guinean Franc389,836.808,171,692.361996% 
 Guatemalan Quetzal2,183.049,453.27333% 
 Fiat Currency vs 1 oz Gold1-Jan-20001-Jan-14% Change 
 Guyanese Dollar51,724.80244,692.64373% 
 Hong Kong Dollar2,238.919,348.46318% 
 Honduran Lempira4,184.6424,413.81483% 
 Croatian Kuna2,188.636,680.34205% 
 Haitian Gourde5,028.4852,637.37947% 
 Hungarian Forint72,763.20260,668.31258% 
 Indonesian Rupiah2,030,400.0014,660,942.01622% 
 Israeli Shekel1,195.494,182.30250% 
 Indian Rupee12,510.7274,608.38496% 
 Iranian Rial501,480.0029,868,029.885856% 
 Icelandic Krona20,805.12138,296.67565% 
 Jamaican Dollar11,865.60127,373.75973% 
 Jordanian Dinar203.90852.37318% 
 Japanese Yen29,416.32126,936.72332% 
 Kenyan Shilling20,908.80103,924.44397% 
 Comoran Franc139,115.52431,587.34210% 
 South Korean Won326,102.401,272,652.47290% 
 Kuwaiti Dinar87.55339.98288% 
 Caymanian Dollar361.36988.64174% 
 Lao or Laotian Kip2,462,400.009,644,960.00292% 
 Fiat Currency vs 1 oz Gold1-Jan-20001-Jan-14% Change 
 Lebanese Pound432,288.001,808,430.00318% 
 Sri Lankan Rupee20,563.20157,466.03666% 
 Liberian Dollar288.0097,594.9433787% 
 Basotho Loti1,771.2012,622.81613% 
 Lithuanian Litas1,146.243,029.03164% 
 Latvian Lat168.28614.87265% 
 Moroccan Dirham2,896.429,835.57240% 
 Burmese Kyat1,800.491,186,330.0865789% 
 Mongolian Tughrik302,227.201,977,216.80554% 
 Macau Pataca2,293.349,628.92320% 
 Mauritanian Ouguiya62,588.16347,218.56455% 
 Mauritian Rupee7,277.7636,349.44399% 
 Maldivian Rufiyaa3,121.9218,361.59488% 
 Malawian Kwacha13,305.60508,289.403720% 
 Malaysian Ringgit1,094.113,952.63261% 
 Nigerian Naira28,627.20192,778.63573% 
 Nicaraguan Cordoba3,490.5630,170.64764% 
 Norwegian Krone2,306.307,320.57217% 
 Nepalese Rupee19,903.68119,718.07501% 
 New Zealand Dollar551.201,466.30166% 
 Fiat Currency vs 1 oz Gold1-Jan-20001-Jan-14% Change 
 Omani Rial110.79463.92319% 
 Panamanian Balboa288.001,205.62319% 
 Peruvian Nuevo Sol1,010.023,369.11234% 
 Papua New Guinean Kina759.893,021.59298% 
 Philippine Peso11,586.2453,529.53362% 
 Pakistani Rupee14,918.40126,951.79751% 
 Paraguayan Guarani944,216.645,527,767.70485% 
 Qatari Riyal1,047.744,389.78319% 
 Rwandan Franc96,301.44811,382.26743% 
 Saudi Arabian Riyal1,080.004,521.62319% 
 Solomon Islander Dollar1,432.808,673.54505% 
 Seychellois Rupee1,545.1214,396.31832% 
 Swedish Krona2,444.547,762.25218% 
 Singapore Dollar479.291,522.45218% 
 Saint Helenian Pound178.36727.98308% 
 Sierra Leonean Leone545,322.245,169,698.56848% 
 Somali Shilling732,205.441,469,650.78101% 
 Sao Tomean Dobra664,427.5221,411,811.203123% 
 Salvadoran Colon2,505.6010,549.18321% 
 Syrian Pound12,322.08136,174.241005% 
 Fiat Currency vs 1 oz Gold1-Jan-20001-Jan-14% Change 
 Swazi Lilangeni1,771.2012,622.81613% 
 Thai Baht10,800.0039,411.72265% 
 Tunisian Dinar358.931,981.44452% 
 Tongan Pa'anga448.102,245.94401% 
 Trinidadian Dollar1,778.897,691.86332% 
 Taiwan New Dollar9,039.4636,028.15299% 
 Tanzanian Shilling228,096.001,907,290.84736% 
 Ukrainian Hryvna1,501.789,922.25561% 
 Ugandan Shilling426,974.403,038,162.40612% 
 US Dollar288.001,205.62319% 
 Uruguayan Peso3,329.2825,438.58664% 
 Vietnamese Dong4,015,296.0025,408,441.50533% 
 Ni-Vanuatu Vatu36,777.60114,955.87213% 
 Samoan Tala890.212,831.42218% 
 Central African CFA Franc BEAC187,358.40575,449.78207% 
 Silver Ounce53.4361.9216% 
 East Caribbean Dollar771.843,255.17322% 
 IMF Special Drawing Rights209.45782.51274% 
 CFP Franc33,744.96104,685.86210% 
 Yemeni Rial45,702.72258,967.18467% 
 South African Rand1,771.3412,622.81613% 

Zimbabwean Dollar10,725.12436,313.883968%