It really depends what you do with the knowledge you have we all will make money it will pass through our hands sometimes on a very daily basis.
We all have the power to choose what it is we wan t to do with it weather buying gasoline food clothing shoes stocks bonds real-estate a car or more credit cards having credit is great not using it to put money in your pocket is one thing (skill) that sets the difference between winners and losers (financially) how well do you manage debt and how well will your future depend on your ability to do so as we enter a more drastic change event on the horizon we will all learn and be forced to manage some form of debt it is best to learn at a very young age and find out why it is so important.
Debt can be your friend you just must take control of it and have confidence in your self that you will succeed in every endeavor just make the best of what you got and continue moving forward because that's all were going to have is what is in our present future
Mike Maloneys charts and data grab your power back use it to defend your future
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