Antal E. Fekete
New Austrian School of Economics
We look at the question how the circulation of gold bills will arise after the
inevitable collapse of our regime of global irredeemable currency. At that point the
world will be bereft of any usable currency. All paper money will be worthless, all
gold and silver will have been chased into hiding by permanent backwardation.
In this desperate situation some governments shall, to revive trade, willy-nilly open
their Mint to gold and silver. However, gold and silver coins will be in short supply
for quite some time.
The phrases ‘means of exchange’ and ‘store of value’ have long been used in
listing the various functions of money. Yet these terms are far too imprecise to be
useful in a scientific discourse. One should use terms such as marketability in the
large (also called salability) and marketability in the small (also called
hoardability). Then gold appears as the monetary metal most marketable in the
large; silver as the most marketable in the small. We need not recognize any other
monetary metal beside these two. A common mistake is to confuse the concept of a
‘precious’ metal with that of a ‘monetary’ metal. Unlike gold and silver, platinum
is not a monetary commodity. It fails have the requisite high stocks-to-flows ratio,
reflecting its failure to have constant marginal utility.
The value of gold is absolute thanks to its constant marginal utility; the price of
gold is relative (as it is defined in terms of the dollar.) Thus the two concepts have
nothing in common, contrary to the universal deception current today. Once the
Mint is open to the free and unlimited coinage of gold, we have a unit of value, the
standard gold coin, while the gold price becomes a vacuous concept.
Gold bills emerge spontaneously to accommodate the needs of trade. Tradesmen
cooperating in the production of semi-finished goods would never pay, or demand
payment, in gold coin when buying their input, or selling their output. They never
have. Instead they will simply endorse the bill of their supplier, or draw a bill on
their customer as the case may be. Once properly endorsed by the drawer and
drawee, these bills become gold bills as they are destined to be settled in gold coins
that are made available after the ultimate consumer surrenders them in exchange
for finished consumer goods upon maturity. The marketability of gold bills is next
to that of the gold coin. At the same time gold bills earn an income in gold, too, in
the form of discount that accrues to their holders proportional to the length of time
they are held. Commercial banks scramble to get gold bills in any amount, as these
are the most liquid earning assets a commercial bank can have to cover its note and
deposit liabilities. The wishy-washy explanation of Mises how commercial banks
are supposed to finance their operations through fees and hidden charges is
implausible, to put it politely. There is no need to beat about the bush: commercial
banks finance their operations, and make a profit to boot, through discounting gold
This activity is entirely proper. No ‘fractional reserves’, let alone fraud are
involved as confirmed by Carl Menger in his Geld (3rd edition, 1909). Of course,
proper safeguards must be taken. It is a crime to misrepresent the quantity or
quality of the maturing consumer goods on the face of a gold bill, or to recycle it
upon maturity. Borrowing short to lend long is prohibited.
People find it hard to accept the fact that consumption is another source of credit,
in addition to savings. The discount rate is inversely related to the propensity to
consume; the interest rate is inversely related to the propensity to save. Other than
this formal similarity, the two rates have nothing in common. Their origin and
economic function are entirely different. They can move independently in the same
or in opposite directions, subject only to the imperative that the discount rate must
never exceed the rate of interest.
The circulation of gold bills is entirely spontaneous. Unlike that of irredeemable
currency, it does not have to be propped up by legal tender laws and the strong arm
of government. In addition to demand from commercial banks, a lot of economic
agents with large gold payments falling due (e.g., firms with an outstanding bond
issue maturing within the quarter, or buyers of real estate with the closing date
coming up in less than 90 days) want to have them. They do not accumulate gold
coins in anticipation of their maturing liability. It would be foolish and wasteful to
do so. Rather, they go into the bill market and buy gold bills the maturity of which
matches the due date of their obligations. Neither would they accumulate bonds.
The marketability of bonds falls far short of that of bills. For these and other
reasons the demand for gold bills is exceedingly keen and can be taken for granted.
It is preposterous to suggest that a bill of exchange can be settled in anything but
gold coins. Clearly, a bill of exchange must mature into something the
marketability of which is higher. The marketability of a maturing gold bill with
two good signatures is exceeded by that of the gold coin, and only by that. To
suggest that it is fraudulent to issue bills to be settled at maturity with a scrip is
missing the point. Knowledgeable market participants wouldn’t touch a bill
maturing in scrips with a ten-foot pole. Thus there would be simply no market for
them. If post-Mises Austrians came around and accepted properly constructed bills
of exchange as non-inflationary, but thought it was admissible to let them mature
in paper, they would only betray their utter ignorance of Menger’s concept of
The market in gold bills is the clearing house of the gold standard. No gold
standard can be viable without it. The 100% gold standard of Murray Rothbard is a
phantom. Under it there is a dearth of circulating medium that leads to deflation
and, ultimately, to collapse. Gold bills lend the gold standard the necessary
elasticity. They provide this elasticity at harvest-time and during the Christmas
shopping season when gold bill circulation expands, and during the post-harvest
and post-Christmas season when it contracts. In the absence of gold bills there is
no wage fund out of which workers producing semi-finished goods going into
consumer goods can be paid before the latter is sold. In the absence of a wage fund
there would be widespread unemployment. Division of labor could not be further
refined. Social chaos and unrest would follow.
Our present experiment with the regime of world-wide irredeemable currency is a
unique historical experience. It will lead to the collapse of the world economy, as
all national experiments before have led to the collapse of the national economy.
The 19th century gold standard with its exquisite clearing system, the gold bill
market, was the result of an evolution lasting many a generation. It made an
unprecedented expansion of world trade, employment and capital accumulation
possible. This evolution must be replicated now in a very short space of time.
The sound money movement had better reach a consensus on the Gold Bills
Doctrine before it is too late, lest the world succumb to an unprecedented disaster,
decimating the world’s population and destroying the world’s capital no way less
catastrophic than a nuclear war.
September 21, 2013.
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