Much protection remains for those seeking refuge and great understanding of creation
Here is a great snipet from Dr. Jones below
Deception by Sorcery
The angel identifies the merchants as “the great men of the earth,” telling us that they achieved greatness through deception and “sorcery.” The Greek word translated “sorcery” is pharmakeia, which, according to Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, means “the use or administering of drugs, poisoning, or enchantment.” The modern word is pharmacy, the “drug store.”
In John’s time, it was well known that drugs were poisons that put people into a mental state where they could be manipulated, deceived, or enchanted. Such drugs were often used in the mystery religions of the day to assist in “divine revelation.” The angel, however, tells us that this had allowed Babylon to deceive the people with false beliefs.
Today we see the pharmaceutical industry, owned by the great merchants of Babylon. They have convinced large numbers of people that their drugs are beneficial in some way, even though God never created our bodies or minds with a need for drugs. We are made of the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7). Like any farmland, our bodies need to be replenished with minerals, not drugs or chemicals. Yet we poison our bodies with drugs and farmland with chemical fertilizers, and then wonder why sickness and disease has increased exponentially.
The great men of the earth administer drugs and call it “health care.” It is not health care. It is pharmakeia. True health care gives the body what it needs according to the plan of the Creator. The strong angel of Revelation 18:21 is preparing to shake the earth, and the pharmaceutical industry will not remain standing. Their wealth will evaporate as the true paths to health become known and as men discover how they have been deceived in order to make the merchants wealthy.
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