Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Pharmacutical Industry about to implode… Deception through legal drugs

Another great reasont to keep your foundation with in what no one can steal it from you.

Much protection remains for those seeking refuge and great understanding of creation

Here is a great snipet from Dr. Jones below

The angel identifies the merchants as “the great men of the earth,” telling us that they achieved greatness through deception and “sorcery.” The Greek word translated “sorcery” is pharmakeia, which, according to Thayer’s Greek Lexicon, means “the use or administering of drugs, poisoning, or enchantment.” The modern word is pharmacy, the “drug store.”
In John’s time, it was well known that drugs were poisons that put people into a mental state where they could be manipulated, deceived, or enchanted. Such drugs were often used in the mystery religions of the day to assist in “divine revelation.” The angel, however, tells us that this had allowed Babylon to deceive the people with false beliefs.
Today we see the pharmaceutical industry, owned by the great merchants of Babylon. They have convinced large numbers of people that their drugs are beneficial in some way, even though God never created our bodies or minds with a need for drugs. We are made of the dust of the ground (Genesis 2:7). Like any farmland, our bodies need to be replenished with minerals, not drugs or chemicals. Yet we poison our bodies with drugs and farmland with chemical fertilizers, and then wonder why sickness and disease has increased exponentially.
The great men of the earth administer drugs and call it “health care.” It is not health care. It is pharmakeia. True health care gives the body what it needs according to the plan of the Creator. The strong angel of Revelation 18:21 is preparing to shake the earth, and the pharmaceutical industry will not remain standing. Their wealth will evaporate as the true paths to health become known and as men discover how they have been deceived in order to make the merchants wealthy.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Have you read your Gold Chart? Lately?

According to history (As it's Gods writting in his, story)

Acorrding to the last few years correction from all toime highs in the gold market we maybe in for a pleasant surprise if and only if you own hold and beleive in real monies ;)
Take a look from the late 1960's and into current day below


gold current bull market vs 70s bull market

Monday, August 1, 2016

Whom is Babalyon Today… $

The globe is psychologically becoming aware to understand what the global monetary system is aand has become, how it influnces you an I on a daily basis simply put the United States Dollar.

The US Dollar is used for most global trade in order for goods and services to flow from you to me from and almost in-between all countries who want to trade with the Un-united USA.

By passes are being made with China & Russia many new accountable alternative systems are coming live.

The challege is keeping goods and services trading efficiently globally & locally with a replacemnt to the US Petro Dollar or many replacements to the current toxic currency.

Being self-sufficient is key to helping others. Peace of mind found from within and with your creator is essential.

Here  is a transcript from Dr. Jones below

We read earlier in Revelation 18:2, “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great!” This implies that the city falls twice, once in Daniel 5 and the other in our own time. However, we are also seeing the two collapses in short-term prophecy, where it is taking two “falls” to complete the destruction of Babylon. The first took place in September 2008 with the collapse of the banking system, followed by “The Great Recession.” There is yet another collapse soon to come as a double witness to the event in 2008, which, I believe, will complete the overthrow of Babylon at the hands of the kings from the east.
As we have already seen, the banking collapse of 2008 resulted in a tremendous slowdown in world trade. Ships sat idle in harbors everywhere as the Baltic Dry Index dropped to record lows. In other words, the collapse of Babylon in our time will affect merchants and corporations who rely upon world trade. So we read in Revelation 18:9-11,
9 And the kings of the earth who committed acts of immorality and lived sensuously with her[the harlot of Babylon] will weep and lament over her when they see the smoke of her burning, 10standing at a distance because of the fear of her torment, saying, “Woe, woe, the great city, Babylon, the strong city! For in one hour your judgment has come.” 11 And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn over her, because no one buys their cargoes any more.
The angel then lists their “cargoes” in order of importance to the merchants:
12 cargoes of gold and silver and precious stones and pearls and fine linen and purple and silk and scarlet, and every kind of citron wood and every article of ivory and every article made from very costly wood and bronze and iron and marble, 13 and cinnamon and spice and incense and perfume and frankincense and wine and olive oil and fine flour and wheat and cattle and sheep, and cargoes of horses and chariots and slaves and human lives.
At the top of the list is “gold and silver,” and at the bottom are “slaves and human lives,” or human trafficking. The modern slave trade is less well known, because the traffickers themselves control the news media as well as the justice departments worldwide. Whenever news of this begins to be reported, the editors treat the reports as isolated cases before politicians and the superrich can be exposed. Yet these secret things will be unveiled at the time appointed.
Revelation 18:14 continues,
14 And the fruit you long for has gone from you, and all things that were luxurious and splendid have passed away from you and men will no longer find them.
The day will come when those who live in luxury will lose their mansions and palaces, along with their luxurious standard of living. In that day God Himself will redistribute wealth and land. The Kingdom of God begins with a distribution of land inheritance to each family, land which cannot be taken away by governments through taxation, nor can families even sell their land beyond the year of Jubilee. Everyone will have the most basic form of wealth and the ability to support himself by a covenant with God, even as Joshua divided up the land among the tribes and families of Israel in Joshua 13-22.

Saturday, July 30, 2016

Housing Market Attack & Failures / Future Ownership

A.) We have an aging bayboom population who now own their own home.
B.) We have a young work crowd (melenials) who have college degrees and student debt. which may still live with their parents.
C.) Home ownership is on the decline.
D.) We have a static Quantitiy of houses on the market who the babybooms are/will eventually sell, die or will to their immediate family opting for seinor housing communities to explode (new construction & Development). New houses are still being built saturating the housing market for the more "Modern Family"
E.) Why buy a 40 year or older house when the cost of repairs, remodel and maintenance in the long run exceed the cost of building something modern updated and within your use and functionality.

F.) With added economic stressors lower wages, rising inflation & renatal costs - Tiny housing is more efficient effective and is becoming a local, global trend. This new trend viewed as new construction and smarter approach to living within our means the cost is less with the same functional support of a larger house.

Z.) With all of these accumulated direct & indirect & aggressive, violent actions upon the housing market we have not seen the price come down nationally.

Some day soon we will see the adjusted actual price for home ownership become more affordable only for thoes who are debt free and or manage debt well.


Saturday, July 23, 2016

A Message "Putin's Plain Clear Truth (NATO & their Allies)"

A very clear observation in this video.

Nato Is about to be shunned of their allies.

NATO allies may face dier  consquences for dishonoring their trade partner Russia.

THE US no longer has the infulence to point weapons at any country from within so called NATO boarders. We will see how this develops


Sunday, July 3, 2016

Silver pierces $21.00 US

Just moments ago Silvers ooh's and Ahha's
GnS Research

Live 24 hours silver chart [ Kitco Inc. ]

& Silver Breaks $20

Happy 4Th of July!

How about thoes fireworks with Silver! Be safe out there.


Live 24 hours silver chart [ Kitco Inc. ]

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Gold Through the Ages Part-1-MODERN (21ST CENTURY) GOLD RUSH

As you can see below China was a big player in the 19th Century gold rush in Astrailia.

The Ying Yuan has been around dated back in 1091 BC

Here is a great resources which takes you through the times to modern-day


"Gold Through the Ages—Civilization’s Love Affair with the Yellow Metal"

Note:The 19th century California Gold Rush (1848–1855) began on January 24, 1848,

AUSTRAILIA on the goldfields

Chinese gold digger
Chinese gold digger starting for work, circa 1860s. Image courtesy of State Library of Queensland: 60526 .
Soon after the discovery of the goldfields in Victoria an exodus of unprecedented volume started, bringing to Australia people with a range of skills and professions, unthought of prior to the discovery of gold.
Australia attracted adventurers from all around the world. The majority of these new arrivals were British but also included Americans, French, Italian, German, Polish and Hungarian exiles.The largest foreign contingent on the goldfields was the 40,000 Chinese who made their way to Australia.
In 1861, Chinese immigrants made up 3.3 per cent of the Australian population, the greatest it has ever been. These Chinese were nearly all men (38,337 men and only eleven women!) and most were under contract to Chinese and foreign businessmen. In exchange for their passage money, they worked on the goldfields until their debt was paid off. Most then returned to China. Between 1852 and 1889, there were 40,721 arrivals and 36,049 departures.

Silver breaks the $18 MARK

Live 24 hours silver chart [ Kitco Inc. ]

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Monday, June 27, 2016

Dow 13,000 - 12,000 by end of year (2016)

This chart below confirms a triple top in this century and the depressed gold market and it is time for these markets to swap directions as you can see history confirms this


Once Gold is $3000.00 (US)

The next step will be to back currencies with gold.

It is the best insurance for preservation of your wealth.

GnS Research

Monday, June 20, 2016

Understanding The Death (of US Dollar) Process

If it already has been said the death of the dollar has been granted and happened / happening perhaps we will need tounderstand the process better. Take note that it's doesn't happen overnight until it's done.
GnS Research

The fresh stage of decay kicks off about four minutes after death. Once the heart has stopped beating, the cells in the body are deprived of oxygen. As carbon dioxide and waste products build up, the cells start to break down as a result of enzymatic processes – these are known as autolysis. Initial visual signs of decomposition are minimal, although as autolysis progresses blisters and sloughing of skin may occur.
The second stage of decay occurs as a result of the action of micro-organisms. The actions of bacteria on the soft tissue of the body produces a variety of gases which cause the carcass to become bloated and swell in size. It’s claimed that the body can as much as double in size during this stage of decomposition. The sulfur-containing compounds that the bacteria release also cause discolouration of the skin, giving it a yellow-green hue.
As a result of the bloating, the increased pressure causes bodily fluids to be forced out of natural orifices, as well as potentially causing ruptures in the skin. This can cause a formidable odour; at this stage, if insects are able to access the body, flies will lay eggs in exposed orifices, which will in turn hatch into maggots which then devour the flesh.
The third stage is that of active decay. At this stage, the ongoing action of bacteria activity and decomposition leads to the liquefaction of tissues, and the persistence of the strong odour. It is during this stage that the cadaver loses the greatest mass. The final stage, advanced decay, occurs once most of the cadaveric material has already decomposed.
Obviously, this is a very general overview; a wide range of factors can affect the decomposition process, including whether the body is buried, and the ambient temperature. These factors can also have an effect on the large number of compounds produced during the decomposition process. Considering that, as a species, we’ve been dying and decomposing for thousands of years, we know surprisingly little about the specifics of the process and the chemicals involved.
What we do know is that there are several key compounds that contribute towards the characteristic odours of decay. Two of these are pretty much named for this contribution: cadaverine and putrescine. The aroma of both is loosely described as ‘rotting flesh’, and they have relatively low odour thresholds – meaning that not a lot is required in order for them to make their presence felt by your nostrils. Oddly enough, their presence in your body isn’t limited until after you die, however. Both crop up in cases of oral halitosis (i.e. bad breath), as well as in urine and semen, contributing to their odours.
Two other key compounds are skatole and indole. Skatole, as you may have already guessed from the name, has a strong odour of faeces, whilst indole has a mustier, mothball-like smell. Both compounds are found in human and animal faeces, so it’s little surprise that they can contribute unpleasantness to the odour of a decomposing corpse. The strange thing about both is that, at low concentrations, they actually have quite pleasant, flowery aromas, leading to an array of unexpected uses. Indole is found in jasmine oil, which is used in many perfumes, whilst synthetic skatole is used in small amounts as a flavouring in ice creams, as well as also being found in perfumes.

Monday, June 13, 2016

Coming 50% interest on Debt

Are you in debt?

They say debt free is the new sexy.

Within 6 years we may witness debt taxed @ 50% interest rates it is as simple as the Fed Rate going up 25% add that to your current credit card interest rate of 24.5% and you get 49.5% hey what's .50% when your that close to 50% anyway.

Just wait till your Local Federal Reserve raises rate to counter chaotic inflation.

If you have 100.00 in debt at the end of the year you could have as much as$50 in interest paid paying only the minimum payment.

It's not your fault no one wants your currency (US Dollars) it's just printed to oblivion. Infact you may even blame the world for refusing to trade and accept your paper dollars after all that's what the majority of people believe is that as long as I live in my bubble nothing else really matters.

But the rate hike could be as soon as 2 years plus 2 weeks and 1 day

GnS Research

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Treaty of Versailles & 2018

There is a confirming time line for 2018 being the end of the ruling time for the current so called elite

From a biblical and historical perspective below are somethings that tie together the truth being stranger than fiction. This is a guide line I use for myself to see how far along we are in the great historical transition modern man has come to and will live through. This is not for the meek of heart. fear not
this cannot be stopped.

GnS Research

Image result for treaty of versailles definition
The Treaty of Versailles (French: Traité de Versailles) was one of the peace treaties at the end of World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed on 28 June 1919, exactly five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand.

This cover (below) was printed in 1988

Nations are limited in their contracts to 99 years. We see many examples of that in history. But God’s contracts can go as long as 2,520 years, or “seven times.” This long-term contract between God and the beast nations is now ending between 2014 and 2017. [The Treaty of Versailles should end on June 28, 2018.] Scripture tells us of four main beast contractors, pictured as a lion, bear, leopard, and iron-toothed beast, with a final extension of the fourth beast known as the “little horn.” 
This “seven times” cycle would have ended from 1914-1917, when the Holy Alliance agreement ended, had it not been for a century-long interruption from 163-63 B.C. when Judah was an independent state during the time of the Maccabees. But because the beast nations were deprived of a century of dominion, God fulfilled His contract with them by allowing them another century of dominion from 1914/17 until 2014/17. - See more at: ttp://

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Class Action Law Suit Against Banks (begining confirmation)

After reading the below I am begining to see how a systematic collapse is possible,
As many  (genral Public) will come to understand that the banks admitily manipulated the markets which effecs your retirement and access to cash.

Now when you find out your retirement should be more (or rather that it was stolden by the banks) and almost everyone having a bank account is affected then you will feel entitled to a payment for damages and the more people that sign up for the law suit the less funds there will be for you to clain and the funny thing is when everyone wants a piece of the action noone really gets much of anything as most will be out raged and try to protest all while it's an election year.

GnS Research

Deutsche Bank, the largest or second largest derivatives monster on the planet. They have settled several cases recently including Libor, stock manipulation and for manipulating the London gold and silver fixes. I find it humorous as we were assured for so many years that gold and silver were THE ONLY things not being manipulated …how foolish of us to have thought such a thing?
As you know, DB is now offering 5% rates on 90 day money from it Brussels division. This makes no sense at all since they should be able to raise money in credit markets or from the ECB directly for nearly 0% or even negative …but for some reason they cannot. I have speculated Deutsche Bank has been “kicked out of the club” and their access to capital is being blocked. This may or may not be true but would make sense since they have agreed to turn state’s evidence and rat on other firms misdoings.
The latest, DB had their credit rating downgraded yesterday to two notches above “junk” Deutsche Bank’s credit rating was downgraded to 2 notches above junk. This will obviously make it even more difficult to raise capital and certainly increase their costs for capital. I find this very curious because from a systemic standpoint, we now have a wobbling counter partner in the derivatives market with well over $50 trillion! How comfortable can those be on the other side of derivatives with Deutsche Bank? Are they (were they ever?) really “hedged” or not? Without a doubt, it will be better not to find out but that is only wishful thinking.
Another aspect is from the judicial side, it now appears the courts are going to allow civil suits against the banks collectively based on criminal acts. The obvious here is that the banks collectively do not have enough capital to settle all the claims that are sure to come. What I am saying here is this, the old “pay to play” model which worked so well for so long may be breaking. It may be that the “paying” part may end up as more expensive than the profits made from “playing”.
All of which… which leads me to an important conclusion, the “banks”, collectively, need the system to come down and they need someone to blame. The “someone to blame” part is obvious, but why do they need the entire system to come down? Think about this, if the collapse is systemic then no one individually (except Deutsche Bank?) will have fingers pointed at them. The next logical point is this, how will a court be able to find for plaintiffs if the banks are ALL broke? Can you really squeeze blood from a stone? And penalizing the banks, no matter what they did would certainly not be viewed as something “for the common good”.
Let’s face it, the system is coming down one way or the other. If you cannot see this yet then all I can say is “you don’t know that you don’t know” and good luck to you. If the banks have reached the point of no return, doesn’t it make sense to “control” the crash? Or at least the narrative? Doesn’t it make sense to be able to point a finger at one particular bank as the reason instead of admitting it is ALL the banks and the system itself that was flawed. It will be very interesting to see how this exactly unfolds but my money is on Deutsche Bank as the Lehmanesque scapegoat!
Speaking of scapegoats, I am sure you saw the Senate vote last week that “sovereigns” (think Saudi Arabia) can be sued civilly. The finger has been pointed at the Saudis for being complicit in 911. The Saudi press returned volley yesterday by claiming the U.S. government was complicit themselves Saudi Press Just Accused US Govt of Blowing Up World Trade Centers as Pretext to Perpetual War. I think what is being missed here is both the Saudis and the U.S. are moving away from the official (impossible) story. Neither now claim that 19 Arabs did this on their own!
Do you see the importance of this? “Truth”, (uncovered in these small portions) is slowly coming out via “truth bombs”. The official stories whether they be financial, political or geopolitical are having small shreds of truth added in. As I have said all along, I believe we will see the mother of all truth bombs dropped by Mr. Putin with an absolutely “shocked” China looking in. Any sort of truth bomb will have U.S. (Western) financial markets as the prime target… Can Western markets even survive the real truth?
Standing watch,
Bill Holter
Holter-Sinclair collaboration

Wednesday, May 25, 2016



To prohibit the provision of Federal funds to State, territory, and local governments for payment of obligations, to prohibit the Board of Gov- ernors of the Federal Reserve System from financially assisting State and local governments, and for other purposes.

Wow. Congress wants to prohibit the Fed from bailing out bankrupt states.

Just days ago, in the midst of the Puerto Rico debt morass, 24 members of Congress introduced the “No Bailouts for State, Territory, and Local Governments Act.”

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Venezuela (Troops Deployed)

As the country of Venezuela runs out of much of the raw materials to produce basic goods and necessities for basic human life (beer, toilet paper, sugar, rice, corn, wheat, beans, ETC) the shortages occure because of trade deficits and the only way to cover that and pay off the debt is to barter in real goods as the purchasing power of the currency dissolves. Take note they are a country whos main income was amde from crude oil.

GNS Research

"We you loose everything and there is nothing left to loose, you loose it!"

From the great - *Geral Celente*
Troops have been deployed around Venezuela’s capital of Caracas and in ‘every strategic region’ this weekend during the country’s largest ever military exercise.
The government claims the exercises are in response to the threat of invasion from the United States, but the real reason for the government’s state of emergency declaration is likely much closer to home.
For over a year now, Venezuelans have been suffering under an ever deepening economic and political crisis.
Bare supermarket shelves are common. Vital medicines are in short supply. Crime is rising. Blackouts occur daily. To save electricity, the government asked public sector workers to only show up on Mondays and Tuesdays - and this could soon extend to private companies as well.
All this in one of the largest oil producing nations on earth.

Coca-Cola is halting production of its namesake soft drink in Venezuela for the foreseeable future due to a shortage of sugar.
The US company says it is being forced to take the action because it has run out of the raw material.
Venezuela's economy is teetering on the edge of collapse with widespread food shortages and inflation forecast to surpass 700%.
Last month, Venezuela's largest food and drinks company, Empresas Polar, stopped production of beer because it was unable to obtain enough imported barley.
Coca-Cola said sugar-free drinks would be unaffected.
The move comes after a week of violent clashes between security forces and supporters of the opposition to President Nicolas Maduro.
Last week Mr Maduro imposed a 60-day state of emergency giving extra powers to police and soldiers.

But analysts say that for many Venezuelans, the state of emergency is irrelevant as their daily life now involves spending hours waiting to buy scarce food and basic goods.

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Oil (Ocean) Parking Lot

And here we see how the ocean is used for a parking lot (in the ocean) for oil tankers anchored or barely moving.

The red dots show ships either at anchor or barely moving, either oil tankers or cargo, which have made the Straits of Malacca, one of the world's most important shipping lanes which carries about a quarter of all seaborne oil primarily from the Persian Gulf headed to China, into a "bumper to bumper" parking lots of ships with tens of millions of barrels in combustible cargo. 
it is also the topic of the latest Reuters expose on the historic physical crude oil glut which continues to build behind the scenes, and which so far has proven totally immune to dissipation as a result of the sharp increase in oil prices over the past three months.

Sunday, May 1, 2016

SILVER TECHNICAL ANALYSIS $20.00 critical & confirming

This information generated by a very inteligent gentalman

Notice the slight uptrend using the paraelle rectangle  and the price break out the range from $14 - $16.00.

2 points = the $18.00 target.
 Begining confirmation for their is something about $20.00

“Silver leads the precious metals breakout in impressive fashion. The Cup & Handle pattern indicates an 18 target to be reached very quickly. Both following charts exhibit a constructed launching pad for an assault on the $20 level.”

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The US Dollar To be turned off

Because of all of the corruption and coming unveiling of confirming the manipulations globally
between the banks using the US Dollar, the most simple way to eliminate the tenticals of this ugly beast is to simply stop using it.

Why because every single real good we consume or purchase is connected to the use of the Federal reserve note.

What this means is the countries of this world will soon no longer trade anything with a paper or digital US dollar they will insted deal with real money only of real value.

This is the best way to top the continued damage and the best way to do it is to kill it…

We will soon live through the day whhen the global reserve status is changed back to real goods

and we have the opportunity previlidge and honor to be blessed with this age.

The golden age is upon us and Silver will keep us from getting ill.

GnS Research

Monday, April 25, 2016

Prophetic Yaun (The rise of the Golden Empire/Age) it's Not the USA

The Chinese Yuan canot be ignored it is listed in History as a clear empire.

Through the grace of God I am able to write this and you are able to read this information.
I am fortunate enough to have met and continue to share the information from a distant acquaintance.

the message is as follows below click the link to understand te fuller story
GnS Research
Babylon as a Monetary System
The original city of Babylon was a center of trade and finance. Modern Mystery Babylon is a worldwide banking and financial system based on debt and usury, using fiat money. Today we see the Babylonian system entrenched in the West, and it is presently being overthrown by the kings of the east, who are re-introducing a gold-back monetary system.
Chinese currency is called renminbi, or yuan. China is in the process of setting up a gold-backed yuan, which, when completed, will rival all fiat currencies that rely totally upon faith in the value of currencies created out of thin air and backed by nothing. 
“Goliath” today, in fact, is the monetary system, because the giant’s name comes from the Hebrew word galah, which is often translated “DISCOVER” (credit card).
We only need to look at the tall buildings where these financial headquarters are located to see that they are “giants” in the land.
The conflict today between Babylon and the kings of the east was foreshadowed by Genghis Khan’s invasion of Baghdad in 1258. How? Because Genghis Khan was the first ruler of a new dynasty known as the Yuan Dynasty, which ruled the largest empire in world history.
Genghis Khan (1162–1227) and his sons set the foundation for the Yuan Dynasty (1279–1368) by defeating the Western Xia and conquering Central Asia, Mongolia, and the Hexi Corridor.”
They had no idea how they were fulfilling prophecy, of course, nor could they conceive of the way they were establishing prophetic precedents for the financial overthrow of Mystery Babylon more than seven centuries later. But that is the unique character of prophecy and the divine plan, and when we study history, we can see God’s hints from the past and understand how He is working in the present.
- See more at:

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Worst Case Scenario &

Here is a very good insight (video) into what the worst case scenario may look like like if your not positioned on the right side of the/this market.

Video link here -->.

Never!!! In this world have we as a race ever had a paper currency reach across a countries, boarders, and the oceans, let alone the whole globe

Never in history, has the global human race ever experienced this.

Best Case Scenario
However money is as gold and silver that has reached around the globe as it is has always and will continue to be mined all  - over - the - globe -  please understand there is only a finite resource available for of us to have.


Tuesday, April 19, 2016


We arrived!
By: Bill Holter

Many of us have waited for today, April 19, as we anticipated the new Chinese daily gold fix and the opening of the ABX physical exchange.  Some may be disappointed, other ecstatic.  I will say I am personally pleased because it was almost exactly as I suspected.

  Much has happened over the last couple of weeks and a lot of it has to do with "truth" being exposed.  The "markets" are no different.  China in my opinion is simply trying to aid in markets determining prices of gold and silver. 

Last Friday we got horrifying (from a contrarian standpoint) COT numbers with nearly record numbers for commercial shorts.  With history as any guide, gold and silver should have already been slaughtered, they have not been.  In fact, we now have silver and gold at nearly one year highs and mining equities exploding.  Yesterday saw a dozen or more juniors up 25%++ for the day!

Monday, April 11, 2016

Carry Trade

A carry trade is a strategy in which an investor borrows money at a low interest rate in order to invest in an asset that is likely to provide a higher return. This strategy is very common in the foreign exchange market.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

April 19th 2016

This date and year is shaping up to be a very climaxiatic date/time accoring tot he time cycles of the universe. Don't forget what gods money really is.
GnS Research

Dr. Jones
- See more at:
April 19 is the old Roman feast of Cerealia, a festival to Ceres, wherein the pagan temples offered a blood sacrifice to the beast. It began a 13-day celebration, culminating on Beltaine (May 1), the feast of Baal.
This is why we so often see bloodbaths occur on April 19. In 1993 the sacrifice of children occurred at Waco, Texas. In 1995 it was the Murrah building, a so-called “terrorist” attack. On April 20, 1999 the Columbine massacre occurred. The modern prophets of Baal and Molech schedule these things as part of their occult celebrations in honor of the children sacrificed to their pagan gods.
The year 2016 is of particular importance, so April 19, 2016 is extremely important. As we have shown earlier, 2016 is the Jewish year 5776. If you square the numbers in the date 4-19, and multiply them together.…
4² × 19² equals 5776
- See more at:

The Jackass
The list of nasty fiery events arranged during April in recent years is long. Be sure to read correctly, as the Jackass claims these were all murder events arranged by the cabal of Satanists. The insider word indicates that since 2011 the FBI has served as the new hired hand in organizing the motivated public criminal deeds, then in charge of the cover-up with news coverage in pure propaganda, finally in charge of arresting the patsy in an clever incrimination frame. Their motive is to create fear and trepidation among the public, to facilitate the Global Fascist State, but also to mix in some targeted destructions to serve their greater goals. In recent years, see the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 which eradicated evidence against Clinton in his Fannie Mae thefts. Together with Papa Bush deeds, the thefts totaled $1.6 trillion, fully documented by auditor Catherine Austin Fitts (complete with failed murder attempts on her). See the Deepwater Horizon BP oil spill in 2010 (with direct participation by Halliburton thugs). The Halliburton team had acquired scores of on-shore drilling contracts before the ecologically violent deed that shut down the Gulf of Mexico. See the Waco Texas siege in 1993 by officers of the Alcohol Tobacco & Firearms agency. See the Aurora Colorado (Batman movie) public murder spree in 2012. See the Boston Marathon staged bombing in 2013. See the Texas West chemical plant explosion in 2014, actually forecasted by the Jackass in response to the state's formal request to the New York Fed for their gold reserves. These events all occurred in the month April.

Little do followers of the April incidence realize, but the trend pattern extends far back in history. The Satanists have been among us, plying their murderous trade, for centuries. Refer to the April assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865, handiwork from the London bankers who boasted of their deed in the major newspapers of London at the time. Refer to the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, with a clever hidden ploy by John Pierpoint Morgan to remove three important business rivals from the New York City scene, effectively kept out of the news. Refer to the assassination of Martin Luther King in 1968

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Cross-Border Inter-Bank Payments System (CIPS)

The new payment system CIPS that is about to replace the dollar standar system. 

The Cross-Border Inter-Bank Payment System (CIPS) is a payment system which, offers clearing and settlement services for its participants’ in cross-border RMB payments and trade. It is a significant financial market infrastructure in China. As planned, CIPS will be developed in two phases. On 8th October 2015, CIPS (Phase I) went live. The first batch of direct participants includes 19 Chinese and foreign banks which were set up in mainland China and 176 indirect participants which cover 6 continents and 47 countries and regions. On 25th March 2016, CIPS signed an MoU with SWIFT with mutual understanding of deploying SWIFT as a secure, efficient and reliable communication channel for CIPS’s connection with SWIFT’s members, which would provide a network that enables financial institutions worldwide to send and receive information about financial transactions in a secure, standardised and reliable environment. CIPS is sometimes referred to as the China Interbank Payment System.
CIPS would not facilitate funds transfer; rather, it sends payment orders, which must be settled by correspondent accounts that the institutions have with each other. Each financial institution, to exchange banking transactions, must have a banking relationship by either being a bank or affiliating itself with one (or more) so as to enjoy those particular business features.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Capital Formation

    Capital formation refers to net additions of capital stock such as equipment, buildings and other intermediate goods. A nation uses capital stock in combination with labour to provide services and produce goods; an increase in this capital stock is known as capital formation.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

2017 Friday, January 20 - US Presidential Inauguration

Will the United states maintain its unity until this day with our newly elected President or will Martial law be declared with the current leadership scared for their lives?

Because of the up heal that will eventually arise from within the 48 continental states peacefully and the establishment swallow their pride and dignity and step down?

I think the whole world will need the support of love peace and discipline while the establishment is simply ignored and driven out of existence, while they continue to manipulate the crowds of the uninformed while playing on the fears of the public through the strategy of divide  and conquer. The people will continue to be challenged don't let your guard down.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Life in Markets

You can watch things happen.

You can make things happen.


You can wonder what the F**k happened

I definetly don't want number 3


Market Physcology Confirmed

People Judge only what they See.

A stock market correction in market physcology is already in place as the below charts cofirm a downward trend now it's a matter of time weather the common folk believe it in reality.

People Judge what they See...

Because what they see they think is real but they forget to look at the details befor reality shows up. The average typically forget or neglect the future reality, not sure if the decision they make today is the correct one.

But If they don't beleive what they see or take correct action on their future they may need to educate themselves more untill ready to make the right decision they can live and die with.

It doesn't mean the market will fall out tomorrow but in time a new all time low in stocks not seem in many years will eventually happen and complete.

GnS Research

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