Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Greece Payment time lapse till September 2015 / Default

Today / Yesterday:
End of June: IMF repayment, 1.5 billion euros  arrears
July 10: Greek Treasury T-bill redemption, 2 billion euros 
July 13: IMF repayment, 450 million euros 
July 17: Greek T-bill redemption, 1 billion euros 
July 20: ECB and national central banks repayments, 3.5 billion euros 
August 1: IMF coupon payment, 175 million euros 
August 7: Greek T-bill redemption, 1 billion euros 
August 20: ECB and national central banks repayments, 3.2 billion euros 
September 4: IMF repayment, 300 million euros September 4: Greek T-bill redemption, 1.4 billion euros - See more at:

AND nuclear accord with Iran delayed extended until July 7th 2015
" the two sides meet the July 7 deadline, it would mean Congress only gets 30 days to review an agreement. However, if no deal is reached before July 9, the U.S. legislature would have an additional 30 days to look over the accord. That would give skeptics more time to rally opposition."

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