Sunday, July 19, 2015

$10.00 Silver a Dream or Nightmare?

I was skeptical if the market price of Silver will drop to 15.00 we would start a supply chain evaporation process.

It appears this may meet a 10.00 option which means if this happens you will not be able to purchase this meta for that price you will be aing a premium on it $5 - $10
and this will confirm the divergent in the paper price and real physical market. at this point the retail price of Silver according to ebay and other online auctions is $24.00 - $35.00 well above the 

Market  prices

this bounce int he market is not natural and demand for physical Metal is going to spread supply shortages world wide through the global markets and supply chains if you happen to thin different you may be in for a pleasant frightful surprise however if you think alike you may realize this very well could be your last opportunity to hedge yourself against printed monetary instruments.
GnS Research

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Cup & Handle Update 14.07

Here an update showing the recent corection in the Silver Market as reported previously on the blog in 2014
GnS ressearch


The cup an handle

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

The trickle leads to a mad Rush into Metals

gold & silver sold outhave you positioned yourself in the market yet???

I don't know about you but I have positioned myself in the market where I want to be and now it's time for an eruption about to take place very soon

The US Mint has just notified Authorized Dealers that it is ENTIRELY SOLD OUT of Silver Eagles, and WILL NOT TAKE FURTHER ORDERS UNTIL AUGUST 2015!
This morning we warned that a massive jump in silver premiums was imminent as premiums on 90% silver had tripled in the past 48 hours.
Less than 3 hours later, that has been confirmed as the US Mint has just SOLD OUT ENTIRELY of all Silver Eagles and suspended sales for at least 3 weeks.  
The Mint also advised when sales resume Silver Eagles will once again be on allocation. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Greece Payment time lapse till September 2015 / Default

Today / Yesterday:
End of June: IMF repayment, 1.5 billion euros  arrears
July 10: Greek Treasury T-bill redemption, 2 billion euros 
July 13: IMF repayment, 450 million euros 
July 17: Greek T-bill redemption, 1 billion euros 
July 20: ECB and national central banks repayments, 3.5 billion euros 
August 1: IMF coupon payment, 175 million euros 
August 7: Greek T-bill redemption, 1 billion euros 
August 20: ECB and national central banks repayments, 3.2 billion euros 
September 4: IMF repayment, 300 million euros September 4: Greek T-bill redemption, 1.4 billion euros - See more at:

AND nuclear accord with Iran delayed extended until July 7th 2015
" the two sides meet the July 7 deadline, it would mean Congress only gets 30 days to review an agreement. However, if no deal is reached before July 9, the U.S. legislature would have an additional 30 days to look over the accord. That would give skeptics more time to rally opposition."