Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Inventories / SIlver Correction 69%

Inventories and the Silver correction. (current inventories follow link below)


Here is a look at the chart with the CoMEX inventories they appear to be a very low levels

However JP Morgan Chase has Increased their inventories since May 2011. Much much more in the last few weeks.
JP Morgan Silver

*note during this time a clear smash in the price took place onMay 1st

We are in a very very long correction I am prepared if prices in Silver go to the unexpected $10 an Troy ounce however doe to complacency in the trend I understand the end of this correction is very near.

GNS+ Research

The lows are set about $14.90 - $15.50 so far. thats a 69% correction today from the peak of 49.50 april 2011. A 4 year trend.

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