Saturday, October 18, 2014

October 16th 2014 Confirmation

There is confirmation of  a new - banking system please remember as a business you go live first and then you make an official announcement  to the world through marketing and by announcing such exists to the public - sometimes live tests should be done to handle incoming volumes ;)

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Confirmation of authority transfer

Oct 17, 2014

We are still working on sizing the pictures from yesterday’s decree. I hope to post this weblog yet this evening.
Meanwhile, here is an interesting report that appears to confirm the big decisions that have transferred power from Babylon to the Kings of the East on October 16, 2014.
A new Historical Bond Tax Treaty went into effect at 12:01 AM EST Friday in the USA. This was the last piece of the international law and compliance puzzle because it restored the dignity of the Chinese people, as well as settled their past due international gold commitments.
- The treaty was altered to include Euros and Pound Sterlings along with the new USA TRN/ USN.
- See more at:

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