Monday, October 27, 2014

Game Over Beginning Confirmation (Price Suppression)

Is it a perfect storm or time of dismay

Factors affecting spot price of Precious Metals are coming to the surface - what dose that mean exactly? - what it means is that there is a set consciousness happening within the globe the trend started years ago the effects are unseen - however they are felt - & this feeling has spread throughout the entire world (earth) there is an enlightened-meant yet it hasn't effected everyone - because if it did we would see a major escalation in the Spot Price of all precious metals - now that we have established the globe recognizing the value in such elements yet reports & factors are coming to the surface from the subconscious to consciousness.

This means we only get closer yet I promise in some sort of way suppression of these Markets must end as it is already written all systems go and we wait patiently longer I am fine with that actually.

With reports comes understanding now this is Key for you to understand subconsciously of something leads to action in the conscious realm that means it is read about, Spoken about and acted upon.

This behavior leads to others noticing because it only takes one at first your crazy to believe such nonsense - then over time curiosity happens as your ways never changed then questions are raised  - after that realization takes place yet by this time gains are made then the rest of the market says why don't I do this and everyone  needs to do this takes place - then by this time the top Of the market is created slight gains can now be made yet a lot of the uninformed join in the mania at this time everyone is doing it and now it is way to late -- time to get out of this ride as you jump out of the Market safely multitudes of others once again think your crazy and the cycle continues as in all things in nature cycle so will markets & prices.

GnS + Research

Another challenge to metals market may be coming down the pike by the end of this month. In Switzerland, a referendum [3] is being planned for November 30th, that could bring about the first gold backed currency in decades. Currently, polls show that support for the bill has a very narrow lead, so we’ll see what happens in the next few weeks. If it passes, Switzerland will hold 20 percent of it’s reserves in gold, demand the return of all its gold being held overseas, and will cease selling gold to the rest of the world.
Which brings me to the next major factor that will effect the price of gold. Countries like China [7] and India continue to outmatch the demand of every other country on Earth. Asia is responsible for the majority of the global precious metals market, and that demand isn’t just coming from the government. Private citizens are getting in on that action as well, especially in India [8] where gold has been a traditional store of wealth for centuries.
What you may not have imagined, is how the Ebola virus will push the price of precious metals. I’m not talking about the virus causing an economic collapse or anything like that. I’m talking the numerous gold mines [10] that are situated in West Africa. Ghana alone is the worlds 10th highest gold producing nation. Even if Ebola doesn’t significantly effect the rest of the world, it could easily continue to ravage West Africa, and put a halt to it’s gold mining operations.
It almost seems like the whole world is coming down on gold all at once. Call it Karma. What comes up must come down, and vice versa. Decades of market manipulation and centralized price control have created huge imbalances in the system, and a massive and global backlash is bearing down on the price fixers.
The free market is finally catching up to the schemers, and anyone who is holding paper stocks and fiat currencies is going to lose.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Market Raft

Here is a quick video (link Below) that brings the reasoning for printing currency into perspective if the markets simply crashed tomorrow there would be a lot of death out there in the world and the world as we know it would be gone.

There is a Huge difference between world & earth the earth will still be here however this thing we call our world is our perspective of how we choose to live our life wight the current system in place this system was designed to last only 100 years and is now expired.

The world system as we know it will change because the old system has run it's course and is no longer cease able to advance our race in a positive way 

It must be replaced and it will be replaced soon - just not until everything is in place advancements will be made to prepare (which is a word I say a lot) it s better to be prepared than not it's better to know in advance than to find out last minute it's important to inform others than to selfishly keep information to save your self.

Review this video  which provides a very good reason our Government in the United States must continue the path of never ending currency printing.


Watch dates (Update)

We now have confirmation of the dates prior to Elections on November 4th keep those you love close the transition will manifest it self throughout the years days ahead and time will advance us to a better way of life.

Dr. Jone below


Dr. Jones:

We issued a decree on October 19 as well. Babylon has been given one week to comply. They will not comply, of course, but their deadline is October 26, 2014. After this, we expect to engage in spiritual warfare from October 27 to November 5. - See more at:

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Thoughts on Ferguson, MO - USA

It was said the best way to destroy a country is at it's center .?

My thoughts exactly the easiest way to reach every single individual at the shortest distance is at the center of any country - the state of Missouri is the closest react to effect every single person of the united states in the same manner - the manner of distance feeling and reaction to the story equally

meaning if you want to effect California Washington state Florida & Maine equally create chaos in the center of the country the affects are felt the same as it is from Minnesota to Texas.

Events that happen on opposite sides of the country have less affect on the general population of people in the country.

This is a good distraction & shock test for the country to see what happens when armored vehicles are us for crowd control situations while getting the governments consent to use such devises for small matters as a way to leveraged abuse of power & authority with your permission.

in essence combined with Fear reaction and controlled disillusionment to guide crowds to a stimulated way of thinking hence a government created problem  + cause = government created solution  from publics consent.]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]]


Saturday, October 18, 2014

Chinese New year is February 19th 2015 (watch Dates)

With the Transfer of authority becoming complete on October 16 2014-

It is said a Global Currency Reset  will take place prior to the Chinese New Year 2015 That's on 2/19/2015 now that a recent shift has been taken place with the IMF & world Court -

The shift is the influence in the world - Then new influence is China - and the BRICS Nations (kings of the East instead of destroying the financial system it will simply be reset-

What dose this mean- this means that countries throughout the world have agreed that it is time to have their currencies based off of assets of real value this ail also mean what a country has and what a country produces...

More watch dates are -

October 19th 20th events

October 31 & November 1st 2014

  Early November 11/4/2014 Additional dates to watch near the U.S. Elections,_2014

November 7th through 15th- 2014

November 30th 2014 & December 1st 2014 {vote (yes)} on gold backed currency by Switzerland moving (the start of the world) back to sound money.

December 12th 2014 Anniversary to school shooting

January 1st (New Laws in effect USA)  7th/8TH THROUGH 15th 29th & 30 2015

February 1st  7th THROUGH 14th &15th 19th & 28th 2015

October 16th 2014 Confirmation

There is confirmation of  a new - banking system please remember as a business you go live first and then you make an official announcement  to the world through marketing and by announcing such exists to the public - sometimes live tests should be done to handle incoming volumes ;)

GnS +Research
 see below:

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Confirmation of authority transfer

Oct 17, 2014

We are still working on sizing the pictures from yesterday’s decree. I hope to post this weblog yet this evening.
Meanwhile, here is an interesting report that appears to confirm the big decisions that have transferred power from Babylon to the Kings of the East on October 16, 2014.
A new Historical Bond Tax Treaty went into effect at 12:01 AM EST Friday in the USA. This was the last piece of the international law and compliance puzzle because it restored the dignity of the Chinese people, as well as settled their past due international gold commitments.
- The treaty was altered to include Euros and Pound Sterlings along with the new USA TRN/ USN.
- See more at:

Radio Program:

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Average Wealth Top 8

Here is a list of the average wealth by county (below these are the Top 8)

Where do you stand? 

This is beginning confirmation for the vote on November 30th 2014 in Switzerland where I believe they will VOTE YES  to a gold backed currency and how you may be able to position your self on the right side of the Market Switzerland is number one and there is a very good reason. Gns+R


• Switzerland is the only country where average wealth is higher than $500,000.

• By 2019, global wealth is expected to be 40pc higher, reaching $369 trillion. Emerging markets, which contributed 11.4pc of total wealth from 2000 to 2014, will account for 26pc of that growth.
• In five years, the number of millionaires will have increased by half, from 35m to 53m.

Dow Closes Below 16,400

This is the start of a downward trend. It will try to make up for a deep sell off yet as we approach the 16th of October and there after the 19th of October, we are expecting an event very soon, however the Dow may spring board up for a bit - 
This event will cascade from one country to the other eventually effecting us on a personal level yet for each advancement there is a pain of growth in the right direction.

Please do not panic my friends observe and learn that markets cannot continue to always go up!

They must correct themselves from bad toxic money like the body does when ill it is heathy and those who position them selves correctly will feel less pain if not pleasure

According to the 10 year treasury
 note we are @ 2.18 this may also correct soon to the upside

Next the Dollar index:

looking @ Copper is building pressure which may cause this to go either direction this is however trending down with a downward move in Copper this effects can/will be more impactful (think back to 2008)

The factors are rising Interest rates and decreased value with (dropping copper prices impact the low oil prices impact tracking industry - also expect this to rise after november 2014) stock market in a negative way the opposite is also true yet suppression of gold and silver prices is good for the dollar - not for long


Monday, October 13, 2014

November 30th 2014

There will be a vote taking place on November 30 2014 in Switzerland to have swiss franks back by gold -- due to horrendous depreciation since the 1970's -  I would mark this day as the day sound money  is voted to be the wise thing to do as a prophetic day and please reach the link below to read the full story GNS+R

So on November 30, 2014 the Swiss People have the opportunity to determine not just the fate of their own financial system but also to be the catalyst for the return to sound money in the Western World.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Prepare Our Selves

We must prepare ourselves for the road ahead I cannot describe everything we encounter and I will not know every answer, 

Yet what I do know is we will need each other ever more than we have ever thought we would ever need one another

there is a battle waging inside every single one of us whether we would like to admit it or not

and this battle is the most important battle we face each and every single day this battle is about our behavior and how we respect know and understand our selves and each other as adults 

seeking our ultimate maturity and wisdom.

no matter what the wheat must grow with the weeds they  must grow together, we would not pull the weeds as they would tare the roots from the wheat it self,  yet it is at harvest time when the wheat will be separated from the weeds. this is the very wise thing to do 

My Friends it has been brought to my attention regarding an approaching date this date is on or after October 19th 2014 as we have building evidence from Dr. Jones

something is taking place very soon,

and we will over come this not alone but together.


Dr. Jones Below:

First, however, we must focus on the conference itself this week. We can only prepare ourselves until we have received the full authority to complete the work of bringing the world into subjection to Christ. Each time we have received a new level of authority, it has been for the purpose of taking further ground. October 16 is the third (and final, I believe) transfer of authority needed to complete this work.
We will probably discuss this among ourselves at our next local meeting on the 19th. We could be engaged in warfare immediately or shortly after that date. I will keep you informed as I learn more.
- See more at:

Saturday, October 4, 2014

World Gold Holdings (Part Four)

Brazil is home to a large population yet what they do is provide a gateway into the South American Hemisphere a gate way for other countries to climb a bard and united against a common threat. As the United States became united for a common good so will these other nations unite to protect themselves from the taxes exploitors and sanctions of the US Government. This is very smart and the end result is to dissolve the system we have come to know and trust yet not everyone is ready and those who choose to be ready will hear the warning sirens going off uncontrollably right now.

With Brazil on the South American Continent as well as access to Latin America. South Africa is on the African Continent, Russia next to Europe - India near the middle east and  China near all other Asian Nations reaching to Australia  its Almost like individual Army Bases throughout the world for all others Except the United States to take place in Canada maybe an exception.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Moving Past the Dollar & DEPRESSED SILVER Price

According to Alan Greenspan (Below) who was the US Treasury Secretary for many years

"If China were to convert a relatively modest part of its $4 trillion foreign exchange reserves into gold, the country's currency could take on unexpected strength in today's international financial system. It would be a gamble, of course, for China to use part of its reserves to buy enough gold bullion to displace the United States from its position as the world's largest holder of monetary gold. (As of spring 2014, U.S. holdings amounted to $328 billion.) But the penalty for being wrong, in terms of lost interest and the cost of storage, would be modest. For the rest of the world, gold prices would certainly rise, but only during the period of accumulation. They would likely fall back once China reached its goal."

"If the dollar or any other fiat currency were universally acceptable at all times, central banks would see no need to hold any gold. The fact that they do indicates that such currencies are not a universal substitute. Of the 30 advanced countries that report to the International Monetary Fund, only four hold no gold as part of their reserve balances. Indeed, at market prices, the gold held by the central banks of developed economies was worth $762 billion as of December 31, 2013, comprising 10.3 percent of their overall reserve balances. (The IMF held an additional $117 billion.) If, in the words of the British economist John Maynard Keynes, gold were a “barbarous relic,” central banks around the world would not have so much of an asset whose rate of return, including storage costs, is negative."

The Other confirming active factors are the work arounds not using Dollars for trade:
"China has long had direct currency trade with the United States, and in recent years has added Japan's yen, the Australian dollar, the New Zealand dollar and Malaysian ringgit."

Lets Look at the recently depressed silver price @ around $17.00 with David Morgan: