Is it a perfect storm or time of dismay
Factors affecting spot price of Precious Metals are coming to the surface - what dose that mean exactly? - what it means is that there is a set consciousness happening within the globe the trend started years ago the effects are unseen - however they are felt - & this feeling has spread throughout the entire world (earth) there is an enlightened-meant yet it hasn't effected everyone - because if it did we would see a major escalation in the Spot Price of all precious metals - now that we have established the globe recognizing the value in such elements yet reports & factors are coming to the surface from the subconscious to consciousness.
This means we only get closer yet I promise in some sort of way suppression of these Markets must end as it is already written all systems go and we wait patiently longer I am fine with that actually.
With reports comes understanding now this is Key for you to understand subconsciously of something leads to action in the conscious realm that means it is read about, Spoken about and acted upon.
This behavior leads to others noticing because it only takes one at first your crazy to believe such nonsense - then over time curiosity happens as your ways never changed then questions are raised - after that realization takes place yet by this time gains are made then the rest of the market says why don't I do this and everyone needs to do this takes place - then by this time the top Of the market is created slight gains can now be made yet a lot of the uninformed join in the mania at this time everyone is doing it and now it is way to late -- time to get out of this ride as you jump out of the Market safely multitudes of others once again think your crazy and the cycle continues as in all things in nature cycle so will markets & prices.
GnS + Research
Another challenge to metals market may be coming down the pike by the end of this month. In Switzerland, a referendum [3] is being planned for November 30th, that could bring about the first gold backed currency in decades. Currently, polls show that support for the bill has a very narrow lead, so we’ll see what happens in the next few weeks. If it passes, Switzerland will hold 20 percent of it’s reserves in gold, demand the return of all its gold being held overseas, and will cease selling gold to the rest of the world.
Which brings me to the next major factor that will effect the price of gold. Countries like China [7] and India continue to outmatch the demand of every other country on Earth. Asia is responsible for the majority of the global precious metals market, and that demand isn’t just coming from the government. Private citizens are getting in on that action as well, especially in India [8] where gold has been a traditional store of wealth for centuries.
What you may not have imagined, is how the Ebola virus will push the price of precious metals. I’m not talking about the virus causing an economic collapse or anything like that. I’m talking the numerous gold mines [10] that are situated in West Africa. Ghana alone is the worlds 10th highest gold producing nation. Even if Ebola doesn’t significantly effect the rest of the world, it could easily continue to ravage West Africa, and put a halt to it’s gold mining operations.
It almost seems like the whole world is coming down on gold all at once. Call it Karma. What comes up must come down, and vice versa. Decades of market manipulation and centralized price control have created huge imbalances in the system, and a massive and global backlash is bearing down on the price fixers.
The free market is finally catching up to the schemers, and anyone who is holding paper stocks and fiat currencies is going to lose.