Sunday, September 28, 2014

World Gold Holdings (Part One)

as of 2009 China's gold holdings Officially announced are 1054 tones (2240 Lbs or 1 kilogram)

As you can see:

They Rank 6th in the world which brings up the next question how much gold has china bought and imported over the last few years as they emerge as a large influence in our world they are also part of the BRICS when we add China Russia and India when we combine these holdings we have 2627.3 ( these are 2009 numbers) and this is just shy of 1/3 of the UNITED STATES official holdings of gold


now when we add just the amount of gold imported to china since 2009 we have and set amount of  2881 + 1054 = 3935 which is just over 48% of the UNITED STATES holdings this does not include any other BRICS NATIONS* Remember these charts do not include the amount of gold mined in china year over year only the amount that is imported.

Lets explore the remaining Nations in the next parts in this series you might be pleasantly surprised :)


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