Tuesday, September 30, 2014

World Gold Holdings (Part Three)

BRICS POPULATION: China also claims the largest singular population by country with the most population currently - India is climbing to meet and beat China's population and right now 4 of the 5 BRICS COUNTRIES ARE  in the worlds top 10 most populous countries compared to the United States being 3rd in the world why don't we also include the population from other Asian Nations aswell what that means is China will have relationships with 7 of the top 10 most populous nations in the world Eventually

Yet India is forecasted to surpass China before 2050 I find this fascinating what is also Great about India is they also have great gold reserves and they have a fascination with Sliver they are # for countries stock piling gold yet liver will be what they capitalize on:

10. India
India officially holds 557.7 tonnes of gold, which represents 7.6% of its reserves. In 2009, the nation purchased 200 tonnes of gold from the International Monetary Fund for $6.7 billion. It was the IMF's first such sale in almost a decade. India is the second-largest gold consumer in the world, and also a big believer in silver.
India is home to the tenth-largest economy in the world but consumes more silver than any other country. In 2013, India imported an estimated 5,400 tonnes of silver, according to Endeavour Silver. That is more than double the 1,900 tonnes imported in 2012 and higher than the recent peak of 5,049 tonnes imported in 2008. Of the world's annual silver production, India consumes more than 20%.

As They also have the second largest population in the world my friends Russia China & India alone are a consolidated threat. It simply makes more sense to have more allies with increased sanctions on Russia from the united states its a matter of time where these BRICS nations realize they can stomp the USA yet they are smart as serpents by using the non reactive proactive approach

Lets add an additional 557.7 tones to our total 3935.00 Tones so far equals 4492.7 tones BRICS accumulate more than half of USA OFFICAL GOLD HOLDINGS so far. (2009 NUMBERS)


Monday, September 29, 2014

World Gold Holdings (Part Two)

As we reviewed in Part one of this series we learned that the United states has the largest singular gold reserves of any other country in the world (for right now & which is great if you like being alone) however we see alliances made with our fellows countries of the world agreements have been made between B,R,I,C,S BRASIL RUSSIA INDIA CHINA & SOUTH AFRICA

We calculated china has just under 48% of USA gold holdings (which I would deem as a silent threat the status of US dollar) - while China accumulates gold it also by passes the dollar making agreements for trade in chiness yaun with many more different countries because they have also announced there very own free trade in shanghai on he 17th & 18th of September 2014 they may also now by pass the amount of gold on record that they import as they are not required to do so with free trade - beware they now do not need to report what they import into shanghai  this is now a major factor as it has and will continue to be said "China has decreased their reported gold holdings "- Now lets look at the other Nations in the BRICS

"Russia overtakes China to become world’s No. 6 in gold reserves August 20, 2014 Alexei Lossan, RBTH Over a period of six months, Russia has purchased 54 tons of gold and has now outstripped China in total gold reserves. Analysts see this as a sign the Russian economy is reducing its dependence on the dollar and the euro, which make up the lion's share of the country's gold and forex reserves. Yet gold still accounts for just 10 percent of Russia's reserves.
Source: Russia Beyond the Headlines -

From the report above we must account for these 54 additional Tonnes at the same time aswell we need to look at the fact Russia has decided to sell US  Treasury Bonds.
Russia is also the largest occupied country in the world and has the richest raw resources. China has industry that will be able to utilize these resources for Russia creating an even better relationship. Russia will continue to take heat from the United States with sanctions etc… , while China works in the background behind the Scenes with Russia.
Russia is one of the world's richest countries in raw materials, many of which are significant inputs for an industrial economy. Russia accounts for around 20 percent of the world's production of oil and natural gas and possesses large reserves of both fuels. This abundance has made Russia virtually self-sufficient in energy and a large-scale exporter of fuels. Oil and gas were primary hard-currency earners for the Soviet Union, and they remain so for the Russian Federation. Russia also is self-sufficient in nearly all major industrial raw materials and has at least some reserves of every industrially valuable nonfuel mineral--even after the productive mines of Ukraine, Kazakstan, and Uzbekistan no longer were directly accessible. Tin, tungsten, bauxite, and mercury were among the few natural materials imported in the Soviet period. Russia possesses rich reserves of iron ore, manganese, chromium, nickel, platinum, titanium, copper, tin, lead, tungsten, diamonds, phosphates, and gold, and the forests of Siberia contain an estimated one-fifth of the world's timber, mainly conifers (see fig. 8; Environmental Conditions, ch. 3).http://countrystudies.us/russia/59.htm

These are just 2 of the (current 5 countries) and counting that have great resources lets look at their Population:http://www.internetworldstats.com/stats8.htm Which Brings us to India BRICS

Expected Pop.
United States
TOP TEN Countries
Rest of the World
TOTAL World Population
NOTES: (1) The Top 10 Most Populated Countries of the World Table was updated for August 12, 2014. (2) Detailed data for individual countries may be found clicking on each country name. (3) Demographic (population) estimates for years 2000, 2010, 2014 and 2050 are based mainly on mid-year data from the US Census Bureauwebsite, and verified with local census agencies, when available. (4) The China population data is for the mainland only. (5) Data from the Internet World Stats website may be cited, giving the due credit and establishing an active link back to Internet World Stats. (6) For definitions, navigation help and methodology, see the Site Surfing Guide. Copyright © 2001 - 2014, Miniwatts Marketing Group. All rights reserved worldwide.



Sunday, September 28, 2014

World Gold Holdings (Part One)

as of 2009 China's gold holdings Officially announced are 1054 tones (2240 Lbs or 1 kilogram)

As you can see:


They Rank 6th in the world which brings up the next question how much gold has china bought and imported over the last few years as they emerge as a large influence in our world they are also part of the BRICS when we add China Russia and India when we combine these holdings we have 2627.3 ( these are 2009 numbers) and this is just shy of 1/3 of the UNITED STATES official holdings of gold



now when we add just the amount of gold imported to china since 2009 we have and set amount of  2881 + 1054 = 3935 which is just over 48% of the UNITED STATES holdings this does not include any other BRICS NATIONS* Remember these charts do not include the amount of gold mined in china year over year only the amount that is imported.

Lets explore the remaining Nations in the next parts in this series you might be pleasantly surprised :)


FOOD Preservation

Here is an interesting video of a method to preserve fresh food for an extended period of time without refrigeration
Coming from a baking science background my most important question to get answered
is you would not need to worry about botulism.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

Billionaire Funnel


With Million Aires and Billion Aires increasing It has me wondering were the rest of the money is consolidated from more than likely the Middle class and poor.

And I wonder that this will change to the east in countries like China in the not to distant future.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Time & Scarcity

As the Gold and Silver Price continue the correction and decline yet in a sustainable price fluctuation.

It appears to be another great buying opportunity refers to as stacking (continued investment of the same asset class)

It has been forecasted $50 silver this year it more than likely will not happen this year and we may need to look at the big picture out and into 2016 as we are at the end of the bell curve.

We're in a more over sold status in both gold and silver.

The longer this goes on the more evaporation we see in these markets of the real element we are still waiting on additional mine closures and emptying of the gold and silver stock piles and warehouses

the questions are becoming prevalent, how long can the stock market keep going up? The delay is 6 months to one year each year is a more interesting year I do think worst case scenario yet the slow burn continues and we slid our way to a more historic turning point of events world wide the new system is in place with BRICS Nations and others will soon follow once the bugs are worked out

we now patiently wait and continue to prepare rotate your stock of food water keep things fresh prices have gone up yet the products are the same thing just the measuring device the US dollar has decreased in purchasing power we did print 1 trillion new dollars over the last 12 months a decrease of 2% each month equals 24% each year equals 96% over 4 years meaning everything must go up in price by these amounts or cheap substitutions will taker their place which then means the quality of goods may decrease and or the price may increase due to inflation and finally they may tighten the lending of credit which is deflationary

we quickly heading the direction of having less money to spend, the cost is more to get what we normally use and the quality of goods is at jeopardy. A good hedge may be Precious Metals.


Thursday, September 18, 2014

Shanghai Confirmation

They announce a surprise Launch of the Metals exchange for today 9/18/2014 GnS

Tuesday the Chinese government backed Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) brought forward the launch date of its internationalgold trading platform which is hosted in the city’s free trade zone (FTZ). The gold trading platform will be known as the ‘international board.’

In a surprise announcement, the SGE said today that the international board will go-live this Thursday September 18, eleven days ahead of its original launch date of Monday Sept. 29.http://www.resourceinvestor.com/2014/09/16/shanghai-gold-trading-platform-given-surprise-laun

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Birds Eye View

Where are we and/or where could we be going
Patience is a virtue Although forecasts may never be accurate, we can only provided guidelines, because there simply are no guarrentees however we do see the  effects and trends into real assetts such as Real-estate art gardening food commodities and precious  Metals.

Yet if you think "hey I going to park or invest into this asset expecting it to protect save and make money in a short period of time" you may be in a unsatisfactory painful situation
yet If you can afford to and most importantly patience for what you invest in the in and throughout time you will grow peace of mind which is wisest & most valuable
here is a picture of where we could currently be yet take note take off is stretched into 2016 from where we are today  (compared charts below from the 1970's and today) Do you see the pattern? The $ amount has change but not the pattern ;)

The longer and deeper the down trend - the opposite is also true.


Silver Sentiment 2
Silver Prices: 2008 – 2014
•Silver moved upward from about $8.53 in October 2008, rallied to over $48 in April 2011, and fell slightly below $19 in September 2014.
•The April 2011 peak took about 2.5 years and ended at about 5.7 times its starting point.
•The correction into the September 2014 low has taken about 3.4 years and declined about 61% from its peak.
Do you see the similarities? I have placed sentiment labels on both graphs.
Sentiment table 1
Silver Sentiment 1
Silver Prices: 1972 – 1979

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Shanghai (Begining confirmation)

It was written about a particular count down regarding the Silver stock supply in Shanghai 

from a prophetic point of view we are getting evidence of some significant changes taking place about this area or country

As Dr Jones writes about how events that take place in July on certain dates also relate to the same dates and or places in the world as well.

The best option is to observe take note and take heed n the warning 

As we are never guaranteed a tomorrow we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel

Weather one day soon we wake up to find there has been a de throning of the petri dollar I do not believe it will happen tomorrow although it is 13 years after the 2001 twin tower collapse demolition in New York

We must find a optimistic outcome to our follies as a collective group and race we will become a more unified and individual seeing in each others eyes ourselves in different ways coming to peace about our differences.

I have found markets are not about finances they are about energy. I do not take credit for other peoples work I can only formulate what is reported, analyze it in the best manor and provide a grounded point of view from an every day ordinary guy to everyday ordinary people.


Dr. Jones:http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.net/daily-weblogs/2014/09-2014/watch-september-15/
In addition to our current prayer campaign dates (September 4-11), the next watch date is September 15.
Recall that last July 15 was the date that the new BRICS Development Bank was established in Shanghai, China. This bank is an alternative to the International Monetary Fund, created largely because of international dissatisfaction with the USA's refusal to give up any voting rights, even though every other nation has signed on to the Reforms set forth in 2010.
Many years ago a revelation was given: "July is like September." We have noticed every year that some event in July marked an important corresponding date in September.
It appears that July 15 may be the date that is most important in 2014, and that we should therefore watch September 15 as well.
We also note that July 15 was the date that China began its military exercises designed to combat "internal threats." One Chinese analyst believes this was actually a pre-emptive strike against people in Shanghai planning a coup of some sort. The plotters, he believes, were those of the old school Communist politics who were resisting the recent changes toward market-based economics.
What is, perhaps, of interest is that the plotters appear to be centered in Shanghai, the same place (and time) that the BRICS Development Bank was established.
An unusual and massive military exercise has been going on in China, and it seems to have had purposes that are more political than military.
“Firepower-2014″ kicked off on July 15, and 10 consecutive live ammunition drills across military regions were launched by the Chinese People’ Liberation Army. In the meantime, the Navy and the Air Force also mobilized to participate in the exercises in the Beibu Gulf, Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, and East China Sea.
With the participation of the three armed forces and the troops from the six military regions, the exercise was dubbed as an unprecedented “Massive Military Exercise of the Three Armed Forces in Four Seas.”...
On July 29, during the large-scale military exercises, the Xi Jinping regime unexpectedly made public the long-pending case against Zhou Yongkang, the former domestic security czar and diehard loyalist to former CCP head Jiang Zemin. After obtaining relatively safe reactions from society, the well-wrought, ruthless exposure and denunciation of Zhou Yongkang were then published on Chinese mass media one after another.
On July 30, the day after the Zhou Yongkang case was announced, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection sent a high-profile inspection team to station in Shanghai until the end of September.
On Aug. 11, the chairman of the Shanghai Bright Food Group, Wang Zongnan, was arrested. The Group’s predecessor was the Shanghai Yimin Food Factory, and Jiang Zemin was the first deputy director of the factory....
This series of events suggests China may have experienced some form of coup involving Beijing and Shanghai. It could have been a failed attempt to overthrow Xi that has been put down or a move from Xi’s camp to get rid of Jiang’s political force.
Now watch for other major changes in China. Keep in mind that Communism was always first and foremost an economic policy. When China discarded Communist economics, they gutted the main idea of Communism itself. Political change always follows economic change. Economic freedom will inevitably spawn political freedom, even if it is done in increments, as was the economic freedom.
This in turn will lead to religious freedom and freedom of philosophy, ideas, etc., as long as these do not directly threaten the state.
Somehow, these changes will be implemented at the time of the Global Currency Reset and the other big changes as the economic center of gravity moves East. Since July 15 could well be an important date in two ways--both pointing to Shangai--I think we ought to watch September 15 as well.
- See more at: http://www.gods-kingdom-ministries.net/daily-weblogs/2014/09-2014/watch-september-15/#sthash.kAF72Ts8.dpuf