Wednesday, August 27, 2014


What happens when you combine great pressure, a depressed culture and a depleting supply of physical metal 

That my Friends is what we will have the opportunity to live through

there will be much more chaos then to come together nations will stand and be out spoken as a group not individual nations but as a collective soul

a team a heart.

we will witness the new leaders rising through out the eastern Nations bold and conservitive professional and elegant the anchors in the storm. we are coming to the end of the 1st year of transition.

comith to the years of 2016 and 2017 we will be through this transition and look to the east for their leadership.

GnS + Research

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Count Down

Is this the one of the leading indicators of a count down for the silver markets including gold

Shanghai Silver Stocks JUL-AUG 2014 NEW

 Last month I posted about the report of these stock piles evaporating out of the Shanghai Warehouses

From SRSroccoReport Twitter Button
Also, we can see that since the beginning of July, 131 metric tons, or 56% of total silver stocks were removed from the Shanghai Futures Exchange.  At this trend, it would only take a few more months to totally wipe out the remaining inventory.
I’ve received emails from some of my readers asking me “What does the continued draw-down of silver at the Shanghai Futures Exchange mean?”  Unfortunately, I don’t trade silver in the futures markets, so I don’t really understand the dynamics behind the Asian markets.
So, I recently contacted Turd at TFmetalsReport to see if he might forward my inquiry to London precious metal trader, Andrew Maquire.  As many of you all know, Andrew was one of the key players who assisted two JP Morgan whistle blowers to contact Bart Chilton at the CFTC about silver manipulation.
Nothing really came of the silver investigation, but that is no surprise.  Regardless, it would be interesting to see what he has to say about the continued removal of physical silver from the Shanghai Futures Exchange.  If, I receive a reply, I will publish it in an update.

We shall wait for the continued updates but I am curious as to what happens when this slides close to then at Zero aren't you?


Thursday, August 21, 2014

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Default in Argentina

An Interesting Article 

Did the United States Of America deny Argentina it's right to pay is debt creating a default

After reading  ( the below ) It has been drawn in my mind as a fact

others will say the lawyers, but don't the work with the legal system which is actually the government it self?

President Cristina Fernandez said late Tuesday she will send a bill to Congress that would allow the South American country to pay creditors in Argentina through a local bank, removing the Bank of New York as its trustee.
The proposal is intended as a way around a U.S. court order that blocked Argentina from making $539 million in interest payments on July 30, triggering the country's second default in 13 years. It would apply to bondholders who accepted lower-value bonds following the country's 2001 default and could further complicate the battle with holdout creditors.
