Monday, July 28, 2014

Non Smokers VS Smokers (Health Wellness)

It appears those that take preventative pride in their health and well being will be more lucrative employees as a city in the united states has made it clear that partaking in Tobacco products are or will make you unemployable,

At least by the city of : TOLEDO -- The City of Toledo, Ohio is implementing a hiring process that would make tobacco users ineligible for employment by the city.
Toledo Mayor Michael Collins says the implementation of this policy will help lower the city's health care costs. The policy will not affect current city employees who are tobacco users. The policy could be in place by the end of July 2014.

This was an unannounced forecast that has now brought relevance to our way of life, at GnS Research

I see this spreading into our own lives by employers adopting and implementing lower cost health care benefits for a healthier squad with less risk (it feels better anyway and we would be spending that money saved on healthier food and exercise) the cost would be the same just a matter when or where and aha your spending the money on Because we are going to spend it anyway

Just look at what is seen on Mc Donalds drive through windows in California

Those who use or continue tobacco products today and in the future will be the ones looked at as in poverty and poor (by personal judgement and default of one subconscious thinking) as we are more open to the effects of the chemicals used in these products this report of to smoke or not to smoke puts the battle and winning favor to the non smokers (finally all those who have been dismissed by way of breaks for not smoking finally will soon get their break/ I remember wiring at a place were you got extra breaks because you smoked I felt it strange for the ones who did not smoke did not get the additional break.) what is fair? You decide.


Wednesday, July 9, 2014


Complacency theres an expectation in the air that all stock Markets always go up /

There is the opposite expectation in the air right now in the metals Markets they will continue going down

This cooperation in these Markets could turn out to be a nightmare as more talk arrises about a short squeeze from the paper contracts to the physical Metal more people think they have more time to position them selves correctly which maybe true but those days are numbered.

There is way more satisfaction being in the correct position well before the the market turns after the Market has turned,

However it takes a greater patience and confidence to invest longer term.

Stock piles are dwindling yet the miners are still operating below the cost of production.

It appears as we wait the warehouses will be drained and the miners will either go into massive debt or be shut down yet because this price is low and the metal is still readily available we have not seen a drastic emergency (yet)

It may come down to waking up one morning and suddenly we will be asking ourselves 1. how did this happen, 2. is this really happening and 3. why didn't anyone warn me.

I hope I am not one of these 3.

GnS + Research

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Stock Pile Evaporation

There is more beginning confirmation of what the call a squeeze in the markets meaning the price of said metal and actually supply of said metal.

In others words due to electronic contracts  such as silver and gold  ETF'S  (Electronic Trade Funds) which is a claim on a piece of metal completely out number the actual amount of metal within the custodians warehouse reserve meaning there are more people who think they own the metal than the real metal that truly exists or that is stored in the warehouse. this counteracts the laws of nature.

What dose this really mean it tells me that the physiological switch is being made from electronic claims of said metal to the actual metal itself - people want the real metal and will drain the complete warehouse supply dry at the same time miners are portaging mines and selling below the cost of production, (loosing money)
this cannot and will not go on forever without the slue increasing.

Gns + Research

Shanghai Silver Stocks 2013
In just seven months, total silver inventories declined from a peak of 1,143 metric tons to 391 (mt) metric tons in November that year.  Even though silver stocks continued to decline in 2014… withdrawals were small.

Shanghai Silver Stocks June-July 2014 NEW
So, in just 15 months, the silver warehouse stocks at the Shanghai Futures Exchange declined 82% from 1,143 mt to the present 200 mt.  With all the Chinese metal rehypothecation problems currently taking place, it will be interesting to see how this unfolds throughout the summer.
Hope everyone has a Happy Fourth of July Holiday.  We must enjoy our holidays when we can get them.  Who knows how financial and economic events will impact our lives in the future.