Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Major Attack (ECLIPSE)

APRIL 26TH 2014 The United States has attacked the integrity and character of the Russian Government 

By THE S&P down grading there debt to just above junk at BBB-

My friends this is a desperate attempt to justify actions and stake a false claim against a country the US Government no business being in (Ukraine)

http://www.iflscience.com/space/ring-fire-solar-eclipse-live-webcastIn other News we just had a Ring of fire eclipse APRIL 29TH 2014 (If you live in Anartica you would have been able to see this :)


MORE ON RUSSIA:http://www.forbes.com/sites/markadomanis/2014/04/25/with-downgraded-debt-a-plunging-currency-and-a-weak-stock-market-russia-is-in-real-trouble/
(APRIL 26TH 2014) Earlier today Standard and Poor’s cut Russia’s sovereign debt rating one step to BBB-, the lowest investment grade and one level above “junk” status. While the Russians have predictably bemoaned the “political” nature of S&P’s move, the reality is that this is the country’s first debt downgrade since December 2008 when the global financial crisis was in full swing Russia was on the verge of a really nasty economic downturn. S&P based its decision on slowing economic growth, geopolitical tensions, and capital flight that reached $70 billion(!) in just the first quarter. It’s impossible to know exactly what will come of S&P’s downgrade (the ratings agencies themselves don’t have any real power or authority) but it reflects a rapid souring of the mood in Russia and an overall worsening of economic conditions.

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